Who and where are the real Jews?

Sun 30 Jul, 2006 08:31 am
NWIslander wrote:
Moishe, I guess that I, along with the 80-90% you mention, am one of those "kinda sorta" Jews. I am Jewish by birth, cultural group, family, feelings about Israel, and food preferences, yet I am an agnostic. Religiously, I am closer to Unitarian than anything else. But I still consider myself Jewish.

This is because being Jewish is a religious designation, but it is not only that, and not even necessarily that. Even back in the shtetl days, those little villages like Tevya's had their atheists. It's complicated, and defies definition.

I would call most of the Jews for Jesus crowd "false Jews." They are not Jewish by any definition that I can think of, they're just using the name.

Yeah, I know. That's why I said "sorta, kinda..." because calling Jews who are Jewish by birth, false Jews, sorta kinda ticks them off.
And, I acknowledge that they (you) are not false Jews.
On the other hand, even so, I fully believe that Torah observant (Orthodox) Jews are "real" Jews as opposed to those who are Jewish by birth but reject Judaism.
Is a condundrum wrapped in a puzzlement.
So, what else is new? Nu?
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Sun 30 Jul, 2006 11:17 am
Ah yes, the answer to "What is a Jew?" is indeed a conundrum wrapped in a puzzlement, even more than Russia!

I don't think the Orthodox are any more "real Jews" than any other kind of Jew. All those millions of Jews who are active members of Conservative or Reform temples would be surprised to learn that they are not real. Not to mention all the rest of us who consider ourselves Jewish but have no congregational affiliation.

I prefer the old definition, which says that if someone calls you a Jew and you don't deny it, then you are a Jew.
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Sun 30 Jul, 2006 12:55 pm
NWIslander wrote:
Ah yes, the answer to "What is a Jew?" is indeed a conundrum wrapped in a puzzlement, even more than Russia!

I don't think the Orthodox are any more "real Jews" than any other kind of Jew. All those millions of Jews who are active members of Conservative or Reform temples would be surprised to learn that they are not real. Not to mention all the rest of us who consider ourselves Jewish but have no congregational affiliation.

I prefer the old definition, which says that if someone calls you a Jew and you don't deny it, then you are a Jew.

Laughing Smile
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Sun 16 Dec, 2007 12:55 am
who arethe real jews?
The bible and world history not only prove that the Israelites are a black people, but a black people cursed by God. (Many will automatically claim that this is not important and has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus and salvation. Well, the bible begs to differ. The Lord has set everything, including salvation, around his chosen people, Israel. This is why the bible speaks of Israel from Genesis to Revelation and though God is angry with them he still has not cast them away. Paul made this clear in Romans 11: 1,2 "...Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew..." So, Israel still plays an important part in God's will. This is why Jesus said, "...Salvation is of the Jews." "John 4:22".) God prophesied, that Israel would be cursed and forced to live in the worst of conditions because of their sins against him. These conditions include terrible slavery, lost of identity and constant oppression. There's only one group of people, a black people, that fit these conditions
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Sun 16 Dec, 2007 09:34 am
Naah. Slavery was pretty common in the ancient world. The Romans, for example, enslaved the Greeks. Loss of identity and constant oppression are more malleable terms and could even arguably refer to someone being forced to speak a different language or call themselves by different names because of being brought to a different country.

More than one group fits these criteria. And, by the way, using the New Testament to describe people who don't even believe in it is, well, silly is the nicest word I can come up with.
Sun 16 Dec, 2007 09:59 am
I'll bet that puppy ain't no real Jew . . . fess up, Jespah, you've afflicted that doggy with loss of identity and constant oppression, ain't ya?
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Bi-Polar Bear
Sun 16 Dec, 2007 10:17 am
I have to worry about terrorists, jihadists, global warming, bush/cheney, thinning hair, an economic downturn, Korean missiles........ now I have to worry about fake Jews?

It's all too much...
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Sun 16 Dec, 2007 10:43 am
Hey, the puppy's black. That's gotta count for something.
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Slappy Doo Hoo
Sun 16 Dec, 2007 10:48 am
You have to watch out for the Jew claws. And horns.
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Sun 16 Dec, 2007 10:51 am
I heard they ain't really got horns, it's just that they're horny allatime . . .
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Slappy Doo Hoo
Sun 16 Dec, 2007 10:53 am
The one I dated was a tiger.

Then she dumped my ass.
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Sun 15 Jun, 2008 02:48 pm
The Real Jews are not currently in the promise land. The people that you currently see in the land now are Europeans and are most likely from Shem. The Real Jews are black, but we have been deceived by the world and blindfolded and do not know the truth. God stated that he would scatter his people (Jews/ Israelites) to the four corners of the world, which he did. We are currently modern days slaves waiting on the coming of Christ to return us to the Promised Land, where we will rule in peace forever.
Wed 18 Jun, 2008 08:24 pm
Who are the real Jews
The real Jews are a Black people cursed and scattered through out the world by God, because they failed to obey his commandments.

"But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statues which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee (Deuteronomy 28:15).
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anton bonnier
Thu 19 Jun, 2008 12:05 am
What would you poor sods do, without your Alice In Wonderland Bibble.
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Fri 20 Jun, 2008 10:32 pm
Remember that hand sign that was used in Star Trek by the Vulcan guy (Spock)with pointy ears? He made a "V" with his fingers, where two fingers were one side of the "V" and the other two fingers were the other side of the "V"?

O.K., the actor was Jewish, and he really was using a supposed inherited trait that was used by the Kohans, the high priest tribe in ancient Israel. The fingers couldn't be separated, without the other hand helping, by anyone not a Kohan. Sort of a physical shibboleth. Well, over the years I've asked people, Jewish and non-Jewish to try to separate their fingers that way without using the help of the other hand. Some people can do it, some cannot.

If there is any truth to that being an inherited ability, there might be more people with a Jewish ancestor somewhere back in their far past than might be expected?

Personally, my way of seeing if someone is Jewish or not is to ask them if they can say Channukah with the gutteral "Ch," rather than the "H" sound as in Hannukah (the newer way of spelling and pronouncing, now that it seems to be in the lexicon of Gentiles - good for interfaith relations I guess). Perhaps, Arabs can pronounce the "Ch" sound correctly, since Hebrew is similar in sounding, I believe, to Arabic. Perhaps, Germans too, since German has gutteral sounds? (I wonder who was in Germany when the language was being developed.)
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Sat 23 May, 2009 03:16 am
islam is NOT ...

... islamis religion states that the muslims know Jesus is a prophet of God, and therefore the words He spake, were the words of God...

So why can't ANY understand that when Jesus Christ said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, NO-ONE comes to the Father except through Me", that these words were of GOD...???

I'm not saying this to create arguments, I can't believe that this SIMPLE FACT is overlooked by SO SO MANY....
Alot of muslims & Christians can't see that there is NO 'real' hatred between them, like the media states- - which is owned by.... well, you get the picture....

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Sun 9 Aug, 2009 05:47 pm
The real Jews are the black people of The United States, they are part of the 12 tribes of Israel. Research Deut 28: 15 through 68 and see the curse Yah which is G_D pronounced on his people. And reference Daniel 9: 7-12 to find out what curse Yah is talking about. Also Luke 19: 41-44, Psalm 83: 1-6 the real Jews won't know there true ancestry and would be scattered to the four corners of the world. And also put in captivity, so callled black people are the only ones that fit that description. Shalom
Sun 9 Aug, 2009 06:19 pm
Peterkinfootball wrote:

The real Jews are the black people of The United States, they are part of the 12 tribes of Israel. Research Deut 28: 15 through 68 and see the curse Yah which is G_D pronounced on his people. And reference Daniel 9: 7-12 to find out what curse Yah is talking about. Also Luke 19: 41-44, Psalm 83: 1-6 the real Jews won't know there true ancestry and would be scattered to the four corners of the world. And also put in captivity, so callled black people are the only ones that fit that description. Shalom

The problem with that claim is that the majority of American Blacks came from specific non-Jewish African tribes that were involved in the slave trade by Europeans. The only "authentic" Black Jews are the Ethiopean Jews now resettled in Israel. If there are Blacks that converted to Judaism, that is nice; however, their respective history does not go back to Moses very likely, in my opinion.

Also, of the 12 tribes, 10 were sold into slavery, leaving the High Priest (Kohan) and Levites as the only remaining tribes. Blacks were not part of those ten lost tribes (actually sold into slavery to Babylonia). Also, by quoting chapter and verse in the New Testament, one is outside the realm of Judaism.
Thu 6 May, 2010 08:41 pm
@real life,
well ... the fake jews are caucasian the ones that wear black, as for the real jews they are black onto the ground,if you need more information about this or proof of it i can be reached at [email protected] or just hit my inbox
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Sun 23 Jan, 2011 06:26 pm
The answer here is three fold. First, what the nature of Judaism objectively is, if such an objective independent definition can even exist. Second, what the nature of Judaism is according to a particular voice of Jesus as accepted by the Christian Church and their interpretation of what he thought of the Jews, real or fake. If he was a real human, he would likely have somewhat of a conflict in him on the issue, being a Jew himself.
If he were a god and son of a god, then his true opinions would likely be open enough, forgiving and possibly radically different from those who try to interpret him, including those who proclaim himself his most devout followers.
Thirdly, there is the voice of Jesus that I can actually relate to. The voice found in the gnostic gospel of Thomas that makes sense to me more than all the standard interpretation of him that prefer to throw all logic to the wind, justifying it by the notion of faith, and faith in particular things only.
That voice of the gnostic Jesus clearly talks about a group of people who misunderstand their own teachings. They happen to be Jewish at the time, but that is not the point.
The point is that they rely on their blood instead of relying on their understanding of his teaching, and that is what he appears to blame them for in the gospel of Thomas, which would according to my understanding repeat the same thing in the verse quoted. Of course, he understands by the concept "Jews" something different from what both modern Jews and modern Christians understand by it.
Further, at the time the statement was uttered, it was relevant to the Teacher's dissatisfaction with the real Jews. Right now, an equally disappointing statement can be made about the modern Christians who chose to deviate from his original gnostic teachings and are not allowed to understand them because they are supposed to accept some strange ideas on faith alone, without ever questioning them. How convenient. Yeah, let us not think, let us believe we are following the original teaching, and believe that everybody else who is telling us differently is going to Hell.
So the same question could apply to "where the real Christians are" with an accompanying answer that so many here and elsewhere would not like to hear.
But finally to the answer itself: the Jewish, historical Jews are still there and are real, obviously, through the virtue of their existence. The kind that the gnostic scriptures use as a a technical concept in a gnostic philosophy designating those who have the proper understanding. In that technical sense, they are the real Jews, but they are not "real Christians" either. Instead they are the forerunners, the gnostics that not only believed in but also verified their beliefs through personal experience the truth of their beliefs. Not because a book told them so. Not because a pastor told them so. Not because if they dare to disbelieve they would be punished by Hell. But because they are understand, know and see exactly the things they believe in.
That is my long winded answer, whatever its worth to you is:)
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