Many in the Muslim community here in the States who I would think we would need in fighting this murderous ideology would disagree with you vehemently. But you obviously agree with the Bush crime family in using this worthless term to stoke the religious wackjobs who have taken over the Republican party. And your cut-and-paste screed plays right into their apolocyptic mindset. Why else is Bush conferring with some of these doomsday nutjobs? Our own American president, who once uttered "I hear the voices," apparently is hearing the voices of religious zealotry and end-of-days bullshit.
Bush sucks to a wide cross section of the America, as his exploitation of terror and America's fears is becoming more inneffective. But he needs to create these divisions between his Christian nutjobs who are advising him on apocolytpic visions and the Muslim community he truly wishes to pit against us. He needs this perpetual war in order to embolden his neoChristian base, and try and keep religious Republicans from staying at home and not voting for the good 'ol GOP; the party of fear.
I won't even comment on the ridiculous screed regarding Iran, because it is framed within my aforementioned statements. The idiot who wrote that never touches on the youth of Iran, and the fact that they do not see the world as their government does. They are the hope of that country in truly instigating change and reform. Besides, Pakistan already has nukes, and they are the one harboring bin Ladne somehwere near the border. So, that argument is worthless, and is merely designed to create this division between religious ideologies so that we can have a common enemy in which to identify with. This is what keeps the military industrial complex alive and making their billions. Bush once talked about respecting the Muslim community and not demonizing them as he did immediately after 9/11. Now he himself has used the term "islamo fascist." This is the clear sign of desparation regarding the Republican party, and they will stop at no lengths now to create divisions and create an atmosphere of fear by witholding funding for technological surveillance, allowing our porous borders to remain exactly that, and to make sure that most of our ports remain poorly protected.
Bush WANTS another attack on Americans. It's the only way for him to keep us cowering in fear while pretending that he is protecting us. This has been his singular policy and agenday, because he has absolutely NO vision for anything else when dealing with America's domestic woes.
As neocons continuously forget, I shall endlessly remind them that 9/11 happened under HIS watch. London happened under HIS watch (and Blair's). Spain happened while he was president, and so did Aman. And the countless terrorist attacks in Iraq are a clear indication that our men and women in uniform were used as "bait" in which to attract these murderous hooligans by painting targets on their backs. It was Bush's tired old argument that we're fighting them there (in Iraq) so tbhat we wouldn't have to fight them here that has now become completely moot, as well as his attempts to generalize terrorism in political terms rather than effective terms that equate to results and positive change. Those who were busted in the U.K. recently were ALL from the U.K. (born and raised) and several of them only RECENTLY converted to Islam. So now are we to assume that every single Muslim in the world is now a potential terrorist? If we are to do just that (which Bush and his cronies are now midely suggesting through the propogandist rhetoric), then we might as well fire up the internment camps and start putting them away. Michelle Malkin would be thrilled if we did that.
In the end, this is all Republican desperation. Expect it to get worse as the November elections get closer. This administration is by far the worst, most corrupt and criminal bunch of bastards I've ever seen. They have no shame, and they will exploit the deaths of those who died on 9/11, as well as our men and women in uniform, to further their own, fascist agenda.