It's not very credible to say "No War, No War",
unless we have a detailed and active Peace Plan to offer as an alternative.
In the same way, it's not very credible to say "No more oil, No more oil",
unless we can come up with workable solutions that are better than oil.
A "No" to anything is useless without a better alternative.
So, to drastically reduce the oil industry what would have to happen?
Hydrogen fuel cells are only fancy batteries, for transporting energy, not creating it. So:
1) How much solar, wind, and geothermal hardware would it take
to power all automobiles and electric grid requirements
(assuming fuel cells are already 100% in place)?
2) How much new knowledge and technology needs to be developed first?

Anyone have an idea what the cost and timeframe would be for those two steps?
Are we talking $20B? $200B? $2,000B? 40 years out? 80?
THAT'S what it would take to get GW's Oil Inc. off the streets and out of our lives,
regardless of the political situation.
Or is some other Ultimate Solution possible? Let's focus on the solution...