Reply Sun 24 Apr, 2011 04:28 pm
Israel did, as you say - seize the West bank for alleged security reasons, and then went on to deprive the people who lived there of basic human rights and the property they had owned for centuries. That is why Israel is a pariah state in the eyes of most people in the world.

Gee, Israel has just got to get the US propaganda system operating for it. That's exactly what the US did. In addition, the US has repeatedly invaded poor nations, installed dictators, stolen the wealth from those countries and, AND,
"deprive[d] the people who lived there of basic human rights and the property they had owned for centuries".

And yet, there are many in the world who still believe all those old canards about the US being the savior of the oppressed.

It's getting harder for the US to play this game; the Vietnamese, at great cost to them, sent you assholes packing with your tails between your legs. The Nicaraguans also sent the asshole terrorists you trained to rape, torture and murder innocents packing.

And like good citizens of the world they took you to court where the US was shown for what it really is, a nation of terrorists, a nation of war criminals, a nation of savage marauders. The verdict, 94 countries to 3 telling the US to stop their criminal behavior and pay reparations. And like the criminals that you are, you refused to pay.

Reply Mon 25 Apr, 2011 01:30 pm
JTT knows that my statements are true. He is just being disingenuous.
Reply Mon 25 Apr, 2011 03:19 pm
I'm no fan of JTT, but how the hell do you "know" what he knows or doesn't know to be true? Do you read minds?

Alternatively you could just be blowing some more of the usual smoke to hide the emptiness of your assertions.
Reply Mon 25 Apr, 2011 03:41 pm
I'm no fan of JTT, but how the hell do you "know" what he knows or doesn't know to be true? Do you read minds?

It doesn't take a mind reader to understand the facts, Gob. And of course, you're not a fan because I tell it to you straight that you are a hypocrite and a liar, of gigantic proportion, no less.

You're no fan because that would require you to address, even in your own little bubble, the many issues that are raised in my posts that knock all your silly notions on the US right out of the ballpark.

Alternatively you could just be blowing some more of the usual smoke to hide the emptiness of your assertions.

There's that hypocrisy popping up again. Pretty much every one of your posts is smoke. You've been caught you out sooo many damn times.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2011 08:42 am
Obama doesn't want to veto a UN proposal to unilaterally recognize a Palestine state. Therefore, he continues to press Israel hard to reach an accord with the Pals on this issue. But this is unrealistic, to say the least.

Israeli-Palestinian Peace Settlement; Why the Big Deal?
Lawrence W. White, MD, Pundit Press, April 1, 2011

Let us stipulate two facts;

There is but a single nation that is a democracy in the Middle East; that nation is Israel

There is but a single nation that can be relied on to be consistently pro-Western in the Middle East; that nation is Israel

So why the need for President Obama to put pressure on Israel to freeze the building of new homes?, And why the need for our President to force Israel to make "peace" with the Palestinians, a peace that will only be a way-station on the road to another terrorist state in that part of the world, a peace that the Palestinians don't want, a peace that will be anything but peaceful?

The Israelis are correctly resisting the suicidal implications behind any imposed arrangement. But why is the impulse to achieve a settlement that will in fact settle nothing, there in the first place?

Lee Smith has an interesting article in Tablet in which he correctly points out that the urgency surrounding the Palestinian issue has little to do with reality. The various Muslim states, including Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, and Iran, need to find a way to accomplish two things: Divert attention from their own autocratic behavior, and win over the West to support their non-democratic governments. They do this essentially by changing the subject.

The problem, in their formulation, is not their own internal dysfunction, but rather it is the "Zionist entity." And persons like James Baker in the senior Bush administration, persons like Samantha Powers in the current Obama administration, Europeans like Tony Blair, nod their heads with sage understanding, convinced in their hearts that the problem is Israel and the "Zionist lobby."

Many American foreign policy gurus and most European diplomats, who should know better, swallow the nonsense that if we can only solve the Israeli-Palestinian problem, all the other problems in the Middle East will magically disappear. When the attacks of Sept 11, 2001, against New York and Washington occurred, Al Qaeda talking little about Israel. Once they realized what a public relations bonanza that could be, the attacks took on an anti-Israel tint.

Now we have a unique phenomenon. The Arab masses are rising up against their autocratic leaders. And not one word about Israel. No one is claiming they are revolting over the "plight of the Palestinians"

It is hard to understand how the takeover of Lebanon by Syria, the killing of the Lebanese prime minister by Bashar Assad, the murder of 25,000 Syrians by Hafez Assad, the Iraq-Iran war, the genocide in the Sudan, or any of the dozens of other problems of the area, have anything to do with Israel . And so the lie has been exposed. Here is a reasonable question: will the Arabists of the State Department, or those like Samantha Powers who surround Barack Obama, change their tune? Not likely. Once stuck with an "explanation", even the smartest people will tend to focus on those "facts" that support their theses, and ignore those realties that clash with their vision, so-called confirmation bias.

Smith points out that "The fact that a wave of revolutions has shaken the foundations of Arab politics without the slightest apparent connection to popular outrage against Israel's treatment of the Palestinians should be surprising to most experts and politicians in the West. For over four decades, the driving idea behind the West's approach to the Middle East has been the supposed centrality of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process to Arab popular anger at the West and its key to ensuring the stability of the West's favored regimes."

Why is President Obama still pushing for a peace based on old ideas, still pushing for a settlement "freeze"? America should know better. Our government keeps going back to the Middle East with the same proposals, ideas that have never worked. Why are these ideas stillborn? Because the Palestinians have rejected any recognition of a Jewish state, or any solution that does not contain within it the seeds for the destruction of Israel, and Israel has rejected suicide. The result over the decades has been thousands of Israeli casualties resulting from terrorist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas, who are doing the dirty work of Syria, Iran and others, and thousands of Arabs killed when Israel responded.

Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2011 07:26 am
Infra, you must be slipping these days -- you are resorting to spamming.

Nah, merely, I inadvertently posted a less edited version of my response the first time around.

You have made it clear on several occasions that you would love to see the demise of Israel. Certainly, that colors all your foolish statements.

Israel should be dismantled in favor of a more egalitarian and pluralistic state. As it exists it must necessarily discriminate against and oppress the Palestinian peoples. These are not foolish statements. These are facts.


In regard to your hack,Lawrence W. White:

Let us stipulate two facts

Or rather, White is stipulating two facile, poorly defined "facts."

There is but a single nation that is a democracy in the Middle East; that nation is Israel

Well, to be more precise, Israel is a self-avowed ethnocentric regime that is
"democratic" for the people it favors. It systematically discriminates against and oppresses the people in Israel and the territories it occupies who aren't in its favor.

There is but a single nation that can be relied on to be consistently pro-Western in the Middle East; that nation is Israel

The only reason Israel is pro-Western is because Western nations are the power brokers in the region, and most of the Western nations support its existence and its discrimination against and oppression of the Palestinian peoples for various reasons. The Europeans hold the same basic ethnicity based nationalistic ideologies that the Zionists do. That is one reason for the tension and strife in regard to their immigrant and minority populations. For its part, the United States has a very influential Zionist lobby, and a very large Christianist contingent that mixes its own religionist agenda into their support of the state of Israel. If China were in such an influential position, one can rest assured that Israel would be pro-China.

So why the need for President Obama to put pressure on Israel to freeze the building of new homes?, And why the need for our President to force Israel to make "peace" with the Palestinians, a peace that will only be a way-station on the road to another terrorist state in that part of the world, a peace that the Palestinians don’t want, a peace that will be anything but peaceful?

The need isn't for President Obama to put pressure on Israel to freeze the building of new homes. That's merely a ruse to buy meaningless negotiation points for Israel. "See, we paused the expansion of our illegal settlements. Have the Palestinians recognized our existence as a Jewish state?" "We're going to continue expanding our illegal settlements, and arrogate more Palestinian land."

The Palestinians don't want a peace dictated by the terms of the state of Israel whereby the former forsake their rights as dictated by international law to accommodate the latter's ideals of ethnocentric statehood.

The Israelis are correctly resisting the suicidal implications behind any imposed arrangement. But why is the impulse to achieve a settlement that will in fact settle nothing, there in the first place?

"Suicidal implications" here means the dissolution of the necessarily discriminatory and oppressive ethnocentric regime of Israel.

This regime should commit suicide and instead replace itself with a more egalitarian and pluralistic form of government.

The only reason a settlement will settle nothing is because this regime insists on existing as an ethnocentric state at the expense of the Palestinian peoples, and any "settlement" this regime would agree to would be a travesty of justice as regards this regime’s obligations towards the Palestinian peoples.

Lee Smith has an interesting article in Tablet in which he correctly points out that the urgency surrounding the Palestinian issue has little to do with reality. The various Muslim states, including Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, and Iran, need to find a way to accomplish two things; divert attention from their own autocratic behavior, and win over the West to support their non-democratic governments. They do this essentially by changing the subject. The problem, in their formulation, is not their own internal dysfunction, but rather it is the “Zionist entity”.

Lee Smith is accusing these various Muslim states of doing exactly what Smith is doing: changing the subject by talking about anything and everything other than the crux of the issue--Israel's discrimination against and oppression of the Palestinian peoples.

One thing is these various states’ internal dysfunctions. Another thing is Israel’s repression of the Palestinian peoples. The issue at hand when speaking about the Israel/Palestine conflict is the latter.

And persons like James Baker in the senior Bush administration, persons like Samantha Powers in the current Obama administration, Europeans like Tony Blair, nod their heads with sage understanding, convinced in their hearts that the problem is Israel and the “Zionist lobby”.

In regard to the Israel/Palestine conflict, the problem is the Zionist state. It is this entity that in order to "exist" must necessarily discriminate against and oppress the Palestinian peoples.

Many American foreign policy gurus and most European diplomats, who should know better, swallow the nonsense that if we can only solve the Israeli-Palestinian problem, all the other problems in the Middle East will magically disappear.

The only persons saying this are White and the Zionists as a straw man red herring in an attempt to divert any discussions about the key issue. No one is saying that the resolution of the Israel/Palestine conflict will resolve the internal issues of the other Middle Eastern states. The resolution of the Israel/Palestine conflict will resolve the Israel/Palestine conflict. Period. It cannot get any simpler than that. See my response above about White's hypocritical accusations of "subject changing."

When the attacks of Sept 11, 2001, against New York and Washington occurred, Al Qaeda talking little about Israel. Once they realized what a public relations bonanza that could be, the attacks took on an anti-Israel tint.

White needs to revisit the facts involved in those attacks instead of making ignorant statements. One of the three motives for the attacks explicitly stated by Al-Qaeda was the support of Israel by the U.S. These motives were stated years before the attacks took place, in Osama bin Laden's 1996 "Declaration of War against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places."

Now we have a unique phenomenon. The Arab masses are rising up against their autocratic leaders.

It's good that the Arab masses are rising up against their autocratic leaders. They, like the Palestinians, are fighting their repression.

And not one word about Israel.No one is claiming they are revolting over the “plight of the Palestinians”

No one is claiming that they are revolting over the US' budget problems and high gasoline prices, and a host of other issues either.

White's statements are non-sequiturs.

It is hard to understand how the takeover of Lebanon by Syria, the killing of the Lebanese prime minister by Bashar Assad, the murder of 25,000 Syrians by Hafez Assad, the Iraq-Iran war, the genocide in the Sudan, or any of the dozens of other problems of the area, have anything to do with Israel .

White is the only one drawing some sort of correlation between these things as a red herring in an attempt to divert the discussion away from the crux of the matter at hand: Israel's discrimination against and oppression of the Palestinian peoples.

And so the lie has been exposed.

What has been exposed is White's predisposition to avoid the heart of the matter of the subject he professes to write about, and instead change the subject.

Here is a reasonable question: will the Arabists of the State Department, or those like Samantha Powers who surround Barack Obama, change their tune? Not likely. Once stuck with an “explanation”, even the smartest people will tend to focus on those “facts” that support their theses, and ignore those realties that clash with their vision, so-called confirmation bias.

Why should these people "change their tune"? Obama resolved to tackle the Israel/Palestine Conflict years before the uprisings that are now taking place in the Middle East. If anything Obama and the people who surround him should grow spines and force Israel's hand in the matter instead of insisting on irrelevant steps like the pausing of the arrogation of occupied lands and other pusillanimous stalling tactics.

Smith points out that “The fact that a wave of revolutions has shaken the foundations of Arab politics without the slightest apparent connection to popular outrage against Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians should be surprising to most experts and politicians in the West. For over four decades, the driving idea behind the West’s approach to the Middle East has been the supposed centrality of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process to Arab popular anger at the West and its key to ensuring the stability of the West’s favored regimes.”

The Israel/Palestine Conflict is the longest standing and most pressing one in the Middle East. It is the result of European intervention in the area following the end of the first world war. Many of the issues that are involved in some of the other conflicts in the area stem from this intervention as well.

The resolution of the Israel/Palestine Conflict would have served to eliminate its use by the despotic regimes in the Middle East as a pretext and diversion of their repression of their own people.

Ironically, "the stability of the West's favored regimes" has worked towards the maintenance of the status quo of Israel's continued repression of the Palestinian peoples.

The downfall of these favored regimes portends the dissolution of the maintenance of that status quo, and an increase of pressure on Israel to own its obligations to the Palestinian peoples.

Given the truth of the matter, I'm sure Israel is sorry see the exit of these "favored regimes" of the West.

Why is President Obama still pushing for a peace based on old ideas, still pushing for a settlement “freeze”? America should know better. Our government keeps going back to the Middle East with the same proposals, ideas that have never worked.

The reason is that President Obama can only insist on worthless old ideas like settlement freezing, instead of tackling the very key of the issue--Israel's repression of the Palestinian peoples--because of the overwhelming support that Israel enjoys in the US.

Why are these ideas stillborn? Because the Palestinians have rejected any recognition of a Jewish state, or any solution that does not contain within it the seeds for the destruction of Israel, and Israel has rejected suicide.

It is precisely because Israel insists on being "a Jewish state" at the expense, and on the backs, of the Palestinian peoples that there will never be a peace settlement between the two sides.

The result over the decades has been thousands of Israeli casualties resulting from terrorist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas, who are doing the dirty work of Syria, Iran and others, and thousands of Arabs killed when Israel responded.

Instead of the peaceful suicide of this necessarily repressive state, a devastatingly violent destruction portends its fate.

As Lee points out, “ this is no “meaningless” cycle of violence; rather, it is the product of a deliberate diplomatic process overseen by the world’s oldest democracy. It was the United States that kept going back to the well over and over”

What does this mean, exactly? Is Lee White blaming the US for this cycle of violence? The US is to blame for propping this favored regime. The very existence of this repressive regime, however, is to blame for this cycle of violence.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 May, 2011 10:47 am
The Palestinians are going to the UN to seek recognition as a state. Meanwhile, the two rival factions, Fatah and Hamas are reconciling their differences to create a unified government for the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Palestinians ready for statehood now, says Fayyad

Hamas, Fatah Reach Reconciliation Deal

In regard to the first developement, statehood recognition by the UN won't mean anything without US consent, and it's expected to vote against the measure.

In regard to the second, the inclusion of Hamas into the PA will merely give the Israelis the pretext to nix the mere prospects of negotiations--in light of the fact that there aren't any current negotiations to begin with--with the Palestinians.
Reply Wed 4 May, 2011 03:51 pm
It is just what the world needs: another terrorist nation.

Hamas has adopted sharia law for Gaza so that it can better suppress women and minorities, and work for the destruction of Israel. But to Infra, this is no reason to reject nationhood for the WB/Gaza.
Reply Wed 4 May, 2011 04:54 pm
Do you not find it odd that the greatest terrorist nation on the planet should have a say in whether they get nationhood or not, Advocate?
Reply Thu 12 May, 2011 07:52 pm
Are you referring to the USA?
Reply Thu 12 May, 2011 08:00 pm
What do you think, Advocate? Who do you think is numero uno?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 06:56 pm
The joining together of Fatah and Hamas ends all hope.

The Damaging Deal Between Hamas and Fatah
by Elliott Abrams, The Weekly Standard, April 29, 2011

The agreement between Fatah and Hamas may not last very long. The last agreement, in 2007, failed and led to increased violence between the two groups—and finally to Hamas's coup in Gaza. Hamas and Fatah militants have been killing each other for decades and reconciliation seems more a ploy for public consumption than a serious goal.

But the deal will have extremely harmful effects that deserve attention. To understand them one must remember the tripartite division of roles in Palestinian politics. Fatah is a political party and movement, whose chairman is Mahmoud Abbas. The Palestinian government is the Palestinian Authority or PA, headed by President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. The PLO is the organization that negotiates with Israel as the "sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people," so recognized by the United Nations. The PLO is headed by … Mahmoud Abbas.

The agreement that has been announced is solely between Fatah and Hamas, and President Abbas has lately been saying that it will have no impact on the government run by the PA or the negotiations handled by the PLO. This cannot be right, and herein lie several great problems.

For one thing, this party-to-party agreement has already caused the end of the current PA government, and seems to require the departure of Prime Minister Fayyad. Fatah officials hate Fayyad because he has been the guarantor of fiscal probity. Few donors will trust Fatah to avoid old habits and escape corruption if Fayyad is gone. Hamas officials hate Fayyad because he is the real leader of the PA security forces, which have been trained by the United States in recent years. Those forces have established a working relationship with Israel's own, and together they have fought to stop terrorism in the West Bank. With Fayyad gone, PA financial agencies and PA security forces lose the man who has insisted on principled and effective work.

How is it possible that, in the context of this new agreement, President Abbas and the new prime minister will order PA security forces to continue to attack Hamas terrorists? How likely is it that cooperation with Israeli counterterrorist efforts will be maintained at the same level? It seems inevitable that the PA forces will step back, as their political masters order them to avoid creating confrontations. As the American effort to train PA forces is based on the assumption that they will fight terrorist groups like Hamas, our training program may come to an end. And far more important, of course, terrorist groups may reclaim lost ground in the West Bank.

The other change worth noting is that Hamas has never been part of the PLO, but has always seen conquering it as part of the long-term Hamas plan to take over. The new agreement appears to call for reconfiguring the PLO over the next year, permitting Hamas to enter the PLO and run in PLO elections. This is a grave development. How can negotiations be conducted between Israel and a PLO that contains a viciously anti-Semitic terrorist group dedicated to its destruction?

It is in this context that Israeli complaints that Abbas has chosen peace with Hamas over peace with Israel must be understood. Some argue that these are steps toward the ultimate moderation of Hamas, and its substitution of politics for terror. There is no evidence for this view. The argument that the IRA did the same thing is wrong in so many ways: to take only two, the IRA was not religiously motivated as Hamas is, and in any event gave up terror only when it had been conclusively defeated by the British Army.

This agreement between Hamas and Fatah may break down in months. Nevertheless it does great damage to any hope for Israeli-Palestinian peace, for now and in future years.

Elliott Abrams, senior fellow for Middle Eastern studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, was a deputy national security adviser in the George W. Bush administration.

Reply Wed 18 May, 2011 08:09 am
Elliott Abrams is a felon and a war criminal. Why do y'all keep recycling your war criminals/felons?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 May, 2011 12:20 am
InfraBlue wrote:
It's not that President Obama ignores the facts of the matter. It's that he doesn't know whether he's coming or going, and he's allowed a subject nation that enjoys heavy domestic support to dictate the terms of negotiations.

Israel is an ally, not a subject nation.

And Obama tried spewing anti-Semitism at Israel, and that resulted in Israel no longer taking him seriously.

Result: Try peace talks next generation. They're done for this generation.

InfraBlue wrote:
Advocate wrote:
We may debate the amount of land beyond the 1949 armistice lines that Resolution 242 entitles us to retain, but the discussion is over minor percentages. Besides, two prime ministers offered the Palestinians over 90 percent of these territories – and were rebuffed.

These Israeli Prime Ministers were rebuffed primarily because they refused to own Israel's obligation to the Palestinians in recognizing their Right of Return.

Nope. They were rebuffed because Palestinians like murdering children, and refuse to make peace.

There is no "Right of Return".

InfraBlue wrote:
Netanyahu's idea of a two-state solution is for the Palestinians to have some sort of ghetto utterly at the mercy of and under the Zionist boot.

Israel's Labor Party would negotiate a peaceful return to 1967 borders, if the Palestinians were capable of acting peacefully.

The Kadima Party would impose borders where Israel kept all of Jerusalem, but would allow the Pals a viable state besides that.

If the Palestinians were at all capable of peace, they wouldn't be facing Netanyahu right now.

InfraBlue wrote:
Advocate wrote:
In contrast, beyond making duplicitous statements – concealed from their constituents – endorsing peace, the Palestinian leaders remained utterly intransigent, unwilling to compromise on a single issue, even refusing to negotiate.

The Palestinian leaders agreed to meet with the Israelis all the while Israel continued to expand its settlements in Palestinian territory.

Nope. The Palestinians have been refusing to show up at the negotiations unless Israel first agreed to an unreasonable demand to halt settlement construction.

InfraBlue wrote:
Advocate wrote:
In fact, following Al Jazeera disclosures of compromises allegedly reached during negotiations with prime minister Ehud Olmert, the PA leaders blatantly denied having offered any concessions.

Surely this suggests that when negotiating with Olmert, Abbas was either duplicitous or conscious that brainwashing his constituents to hate us had been so effective that any genuine Palestinian accommodation was inconceivable.

Actually, what these disclosures reveal is the lengths that the Palestinians were willing to go through to accommodate the Israelis, and yet the Israelis reneged on any kind of agreement.

All the PA officials were doing was trying to save face by denying the fact that they were willing to sell out their own peoples' principles.

There was no agreement, therefore Israel did not renege on an agreement.

The only "Palestinian principle" is their desire to murder civilians. But if PA officials considered selling out that "principle" I can see why they'd want to keep it quiet.

InfraBlue wrote:
Advocate wrote:
The incitement emanating from every level of Palestinian society continues unabated, with Abbas brazenly sanctifying terrorists and providing pensions for the families of those who murder Israeli civilians.

This isn't different from Israel's commemoration of its own terrorists.

No such thing. All the terrorists are Palestinians.

InfraBlue wrote:
Advocate wrote:
Many of us believe that the principal objective of Abbas, like his Hamas kinsmen, is still the dissolution of Jewish sovereignty; that he is merely employing Yasser Arafat’s tactics of extracting unilateral concessions and attempting to dismantle us in stages.

The principal objective of Abbas, and most of the Palestinian peoples for that matter, is that Israel comply with its legal obligations as determined by the UN, the very organization that Israel points to when it claims legitimacy as a nation, through the various resolutions that body has passed with respect to the Palestinian peoples.

Nope. The principle objective of the Palestinians is to murder as many civilians as they can.

InfraBlue wrote:
Advocate wrote:
However, even if we accept your premise that Abbas is genuinely willing to make peace, can you, seriously visualize him having the power to deliver? Besides, you are aware that Hamas is a genocidal organization, committed to killing all Jews. Yet the man you insist is a moderate peace partner unequivocally repeats his desire to merge his PA with these Islamic psychopaths.

Where in the world does Leibler get the idea that Hamas is committed to killing all Jews?

Because they're Palestinians. All Palestinians ever do is murder people.

InfraBlue wrote:
Advocate wrote:
AND FINALLY, Mr. President, a word about our right to defend ourselves.

A necessarily discriminatory and oppressive ethnocentric state does not have the right to defend itself.

Nope. Israel has the right to nuke Islam out of existence if that is the best way to protect Israel.

The US as well has the right to nuke Islam out of existence if that is the best way to protect Israel.

And both nations would be happy to do it.

InfraBlue wrote:
Advocate wrote:
If authorities in Cuba or Mexico authorized missile launches targeting American citizens, would you call for restraint? Would you respond by merely bombing empty buildings? Would you apologize if innocent civilians employed as human shields became casualties in the course of efforts to forestall attacks on American citizens?

If America were to be a necessarily discriminatory and oppressive state then America would deserve to be attacked from everywhere and everyone and dismantled and replaced with a democratic state.

You're starting to sound like a Palestinian yourself with your calls to attack innocent people.
Reply Sat 21 May, 2011 12:23 am
georgeob1 wrote:
Advocate wrote:
.....The culmination of all this was the massive attack by the Arab countries and the Pals on Israel in the '67 War. This justified Israel's seizure of the WB and Gaza as a prize of war and for security reasons. This should make you understand why Israel has to be very careful in its negotiations with the Pals over a separate state for the Pals.

A slip of fact there. The "massive attack" in 1967 was launched - without warning or declaration of war - by Israel on Egypt, Jordan, and Syria - and not the other way around as you deceitfully claim.

No, Advocate is right. Israel launched a preemptive strike against an imminent attack.

That preemptive strike does not change the fact that the Arabs were about to launch a massive attack on Israel, and did so.

georgeob1 wrote:
Israel did, as you say - seize the West bank for alleged security reasons, and then went on to deprive the people who lived there of basic human rights and the property they had owned for centuries.

All Israel is doing to the Palestinians is preventing them from murder innocent people.

The Palestinians certainly feel like they have a "right" to murder innocent people. But they don't.

georgeob1 wrote:
That is why Israel is a pariah state in the eyes of most people in the world.

Israel is a "pariah" only in the eyes of anti-Semites. I hope you aren't one of them.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 May, 2011 12:24 am
georgeob1 wrote:
Advocate wrote:

. The culmination of all this was the massive attack by the Arab countries and the Pals on Israel in the '67 War.

Do you mean to revise this lie ????

The fact is this deceitful propaganda doesn't work very well anymore. The blinders are off and most people see Israel for what it really is.

That the Arabs planned and launched a massive attack on Israel in 1967 is a basic historical fact.

The fact that Israel responded to the imminent attack by making a preemptive strike does not change the reality that the Arabs planned and launched a massive attack on Israel in 1967.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 May, 2011 12:25 am
JTT wrote:
It's getting harder for the US to play this game; the Vietnamese, at great cost to them, sent you assholes packing with your tails between your legs. The Nicaraguans also sent the asshole terrorists you trained to rape, torture and murder innocents packing.

Wrong on both counts.

In Vietnam our counterinsurgency strategy was slowly winning against the Commies, and they tried gambling on the Tet Offensive because they had no other options left.

The Tet Offensive resulted in the annihilation of the Viet Cong. At that point, democracy in South Vietnam was free and clear to survive had we only kept giving them aid.

But then the Democratic Party decided they wanted the Commies to win, and they cut off aid to South Vietnam.

Ford was too weak to oppose them, as this was just after the Democrats' lynching of Nixon, and democracy in South Vietnam was left to die.

With Nicaragua, the Democrats tried the same thing -- trying to cut off the freedom fighters so the Communists would get a foothold in Central America.

But Reagan was strong, and he kept aid flowing to the Contras despite the Democrats. The result: Central America stayed free.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 May, 2011 12:27 am
Advocate wrote:
Obama doesn't want to veto a UN proposal to unilaterally recognize a Palestine state. Therefore, he continues to press Israel hard to reach an accord with the Pals on this issue. But this is unrealistic, to say the least.

Obama is delusional. He knows very well that his anti-Semitism has ended any chance of successful negotiations.

But the Pals are going to the General Assembly, not the Security Council.

That means two things. First, it means that the resolution will have no legal force and Israel is free to ignore it. And second, it means there is no possibility of a veto.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 May, 2011 01:22 am
InfraBlue wrote:
In regard to the first developement, statehood recognition by the UN won't mean anything without US consent, and it's expected to vote against the measure.

It won't mean anything period. The General Assembly has no power.
Reply Sun 22 May, 2011 01:34 pm
Israel is an ally, not a subject nation.

That Israel is an ally does not negate the fact that Israel is a subject nation.
Israel is a subject state because without the extensive welfare and political support that it enjoys from the US Israel would be an utterly failed state. Israel as the Zionist state would not exist without the propping of the US.

And Obama tried spewing anti-Semitism at Israel, and that resulted in Israel no longer taking him seriously.

What with your predilection to overuse the term "anti-Semitism" to include anything from the Nazi genocide of Jews to the criticism of Israeli policy towards the Palestinians in an attempt to obfuscate the issues and mute the opposition, one can't take you seriously.

Nope. They were rebuffed because Palestinians like murdering children, and refuse to make peace.

There is no "Right of Return".

Yep, the crux of the issue in regard to those two Israeli PM's was the Right of Return, your obfuscatory efforts notwithstanding.

That Israel refuses to own the Palestinian's Right of Return does not negate the fact that the Palestinians have the Right of Return. It's pretty simple.

If the Palestinians were at all capable of peace, they wouldn't be facing Netanyahu right now.

It's not that the Palestinians weren't capable of peace, it's that the Zionists insist on having their cake and eating it too. As long as the Zionists continue to repress the Palestinians and deny them their rights in pursuit of their ethnocentric state, there will never be peace in Israel/Palestine.

Nope. The Palestinians have been refusing to show up at the negotiations unless Israel first agreed to an unreasonable demand to halt settlement construction.

Yep, Abbas met with Netanyahu on September 2, 2010 while Israel merely took a break from their settlement constructions.

There was no agreement, therefore Israel did not renege on an agreement.

To be clear, Israel reneged (i.e. renounced, rejected) an agreement, therefore there was no agreement.

The only "Palestinian principle" is their desire to murder civilians. But if PA officials considered selling out that "principle" I can see why they'd want to keep it quiet.

More obfuscatory nonsense.

The main principle of the Palestinian peoples is the Right of Return, your gibberish notwithstanding.

No such thing. All the terrorists are Palestinians.

The Zionist terrorists Mieczyslaw Biegun and Icchak Jeziernicky weren't Palestinians. They were Europeans.

Nope. The principle objective of the Palestinians is to murder as many civilians as they can.

More obfuscatory gibberish.

Because they're Palestinians. All Palestinians ever do is murder people.


. . . nuke Islam out of existence. . .

Whatever that means.

You're starting to sound like a Palestinian yourself with your calls to attack innocent people.

Necessarily discriminatory and oppressive states are not innocent people.

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