Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 04:38 pm
Here's something you two nazi boys might want to take a look at:


Looks like Israel made up a sort of a video just for guys like you.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 04:42 pm
freedom4free wrote:

(5) And get back to being treated like sub-human nazi's.

"When you read the history of Israel from objective sources, you discover that it is an outlaw state, created by the powers that be by stealing the land from its original inhabitants, and systematically exterminating them ever since." John Kaminski

HHaQ has been and is behaving like "subhuman nazis." That is:
Hezbollah (H) has been and is behaving like "subhuman nazis;"
Hamas (H) has been and is behaving like "subhuman nazis;"
Al-Qaeda (aQ) has been and is behaving like "subhuman nazis."

What I proposed was a way for them to stop behaving like "subhuman nazis" and join with the rest of humanity seeking a happier life rather than seeking revenge from others for that which they have largely done to themselves.

Until the HHaQ stop behaving like "subhuman nazis," they will continue to be treated like "subhuman nazis."

I read the history of Palestine. That history includes the history of both the arabs and jews in Palestine. The arabs conquered their way into Palestine in the seventh century and were in turn conquered by others in the eleventh century. The jews, both before and after the arabs conquered their way into Palestine, have multiple times conquered their way into Palestine and were themselves repeatedly conquered in return.

That conquering your way stuff doesn't work for long for either arab or jew; that stuff doesn't work permanently for anyone.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 04:57 pm
Lobbying for Armageddon

By Sarah Posner, AlterNet. Posted August 3, 2006.

Some influential evangelical leaders are lobbying for an attack on Iran. But it's not about geopolitics -- it's about bringing about the End Times.
In a perfect world, a reporter at last week's press conference with George Bush and Tony Blair would have asked Bush, in the presence of his principal European ally, if he believes the European Union is the Antichrist.

Although it sounds like the kind of Pat Robertson lunacy that makes even the wingnuts run for the nearest exit, it's a question Bush should be forced to answer. Bush and other leading Republicans have lined up behind a growing movement of Christian Zionists for whom a European Antichrist figures prominently in an end-times scenario. So they should be forced to explain to the rest of us why they're courting the votes of people who believe our allies are evil incarnate. Could it be that the central requirement for their breathlessly anticipated Armageddon -- that the United States confront Iran -- happens to dovetail so nicely with the neoconservative war agenda?

At the center of it all is Pastor John Hagee, a popular televangelist who leads the 18,000-member Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas. While Hagee has long prophesized about the end times, he ratcheted up his rhetoric this year with the publication of his book, "Jerusalem Countdown," in which he argues that a confrontation with Iran is a necessary precondition for Armageddon and the Second Coming of Christ. In the best-selling book, Hagee insists that the United States must join Israel in a preemptive military strike against Iran to fulfill God's plan for both Israel and the West. Shortly after the book's publication, he launched Christians United for Israel (CUFI), which, as the Christian version of the powerful American Israel Public Affairs Committee, he said would cause "a political earthquake."
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 05:50 pm
Sydney Blumenthal's article explains the real reason for Bush's moves against a UN cease fire in Lebanon and Israel.

I wonder how long it will take Poppy Bush to come out publicly against his idiot son's foreign policy instead of having his surrogates do it for him?



The neocons' next war
By Sidney Blumenthal
Aug. 03, 2006

By secretly providing NSA intelligence to Israel and undermining the hapless Condi Rice, hardliners in the Bush administration are trying to widen the Middle East conflict to Iran and Syria, not stop it.

The National Security Agency is providing signal intelligence to Israel to monitor whether Syria and Iran are supplying new armaments to Hezbollah as it fires hundreds of missiles into northern Israel, according to a national security official with direct knowledge of the operation. President Bush has approved the secret program.

Inside the administration, neoconservatives on Vice President Dick Cheney's national security staff and Elliott Abrams, the neoconservative senior director for the Near East on the National Security Council, are prime movers behind sharing NSA intelligence with Israel, and they have discussed Syrian and Iranian supply activities as a potential pretext for Israeli bombing of both countries, the source privy to conversations about the program says. (Intelligence, including that gathered by the NSA, has been provided to Israel in the past for various purposes.) The neoconservatives are described as enthusiastic about the possibility of using NSA intelligence as a lever to widen the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah and Israel and Hamas into a four-front war.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is said to have been "briefed" and to be "on board," but she is not a central actor in pushing the covert neoconservative scenario. Her "briefing" appears to be an aspect of an internal struggle to intimidate and marginalize her. Recently she has come under fire from prominent neoconservatives who oppose her support for diplomatic negotiations with Iran to prevent its development of nuclear weaponry.

Rice's diplomacy in the Middle East has erratically veered from initially calling on Israel for "restraint," to categorically opposing a cease-fire, to proposing terms for a cease-fire guaranteed to conflict with the European proposal, and thus to thwarting diplomacy, prolonging the time available for the Israeli offensive to achieve its stated aim of driving Hezbollah out of southern Lebanon. But the neocon scenario extends far beyond that objective to pushing Israel into a "cleansing war" with Syria and Iran, says the national security official, which somehow will redeem Bush's beleaguered policy in the entire region.

In order to try to understand the neoconservative road map, senior national security professionals have begun circulating among themselves a 1996 neocon manifesto against the Middle East peace process. Titled "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm," its half-dozen authors included neoconservatives highly influential with the Bush administration -- Richard Perle, first-term chairman of the Defense Policy Board; Douglas Feith, former undersecretary of defense; and David Wurmser, Cheney's chief Middle East aide.

"A Clean Break" was written at the request of incoming Likud Party Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and intended to provide "a new set of ideas" for jettisoning the policies of assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Instead of trading "land for peace," the neocons advocated tossing aside the Oslo agreements that established negotiations and demanding unconditional Palestinian acceptance of Likud's terms, "peace for peace." Rather than negotiations with Syria, they proposed "weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria." They also advanced a wild scenario to "redefine Iraq." Then King Hussein of Jordan would somehow become its ruler; and somehow this Sunni monarch would gain "control" of the Iraqi Shiites, and through them "wean the south Lebanese Shia away from Hezbollah, Iran, and Syria."

Netanyahu, at first, attempted to follow the "clean break" strategy, but under persistent pressure from the Clinton administration he felt compelled to enter into U.S.-led negotiations with the Palestinians. In the 1998 Wye River accords, concluded through the personal involvement of President Clinton and a dying King Hussein, the Palestinians agreed to acknowledge the legitimacy of Israel and Netanyahu agreed to withdraw from a portion of the occupied West Bank. Further negotiations, conducted by his successor Ehud Barak, that nearly settled the conflict ended in dramatic failure, but potentially set the stage for new ones.

At his first National Security Council meeting, President George W. Bush stunned his first secretary of state, Colin Powell, by rejecting any effort to revive the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. When Powell warned that "the consequences of that could be dire, especially for the Palestinians," Bush snapped, "Sometimes a show for force by one side can really clarify things." He was making a "clean break" not only with his immediate predecessor but also with the policies of his father.

In the current Middle East crisis, once again, the elder Bush's wise men have stepped forward to offer unsolicited and unheeded advice. (In private they are scathing.) Edward Djerejian, a former ambassador to Israel and Syria and now the director of the James Baker Institute at Rice University, urged on July 23, on CNN, negotiations with Syria and Iran. "I come from the school of diplomacy that you negotiate conflict resolution and peace with your enemies and adversaries, not with your friends," he said. "We've done it in the past, we can do it again."

Charles Freeman, the elder Bush's ambassador to Saudi Arabia, remarked, "The irony now is that the most likely candidate to back Hezbollah in the long term is no longer Iran but the Arab Shiite tyranny of the majority we have installed in Baghdad." Indeed, when Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki came to Washington in the last week of July he preceded his visit with harsh statements against Israel. And in a closed meeting with U.S. senators, when asked to offer criticism of Hezbollah, he steadfastly refused.

Richard Haass, the Middle East advisor on the elder Bush's National Security Council and President Bush's first-term State Department policy planning director, and now president of the Council on Foreign Relations, openly scoffed at Bush's Middle East policy in an interview on July 30 in the Washington Post: "The arrows are all pointing in the wrong direction. The biggest danger in the short run is it just increases frustration and alienation from the United States in the Arab world. Not just the Arab world, but in Europe and around the world. People will get a daily drumbeat of suffering in Lebanon and this will just drive up anti-Americanism to new heights." When asked about the president's optimism, he replied, "An opportunity? Lord, spare me. I don't laugh a lot. That's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. If this is an opportunity, what's Iraq? A once-in-a-lifetime chance?"

The same day that Haass' comments appeared Brent Scowcroft, the elder Bush's national security advisor and still his close friend, published an Op-Ed in the Washington Post written more or less as an open letter to his erstwhile and errant protégé Condoleezza Rice. Undoubtedly, Scowcroft reflects the views of the former President Bush. Adopting the tone of an instructor to a stubborn pupil, Scowcroft detailed a plan for an immediate end to the Israel-Hezbollah conflict and for restarting the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, "the source of the problem." His program is a last attempt to turn the president back to the ways of his father. If the elder Bush and his team were in power and following the Scowcroft plan, a cease-fire would have been declared. But Scowcroft's plan resembles that of the Europeans, already rejected by the Bush administration, and Rice is the one offering a counterproposal that has put diplomacy into a stall.

Despite Rice's shunning of the advice of the Bush I sages, the neoconservatives have made her a convenient target in their effort to undermine all diplomatic initiatives. "Dump Condi," read the headline in the right-wing Insight Magazine on July 25. "Conservative national security allies of President Bush are in revolt against Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, saying that she is incompetent and has reversed the administration's national security and foreign policy agenda," the article reported. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a member of the Defense Policy Board, was quoted: "We are sending signals today that no matter how much you provoke us, no matter how viciously you describe things in public, no matter how many things you're doing with missiles and nuclear weapons, the most you'll get out of us is talk."

A month earlier, Perle, in a June 25 Op-Ed in the Washington Post, revived an old trope from the height of the Cold War, accusing those who propose diplomacy of being like Neville Chamberlain, the British prime minister who tried to appease Hitler. "Condoleezza Rice," wrote Perle, "has moved from the White House to Foggy Bottom, a mere mile or so away. What matters is not that she is further removed from the Oval Office; Rice's influence on the president is undiminished. It is, rather, that she is now in the midst of and increasingly represents a diplomatic establishment that is driven to accommodate its allies even when (or, it seems, especially when) such allies counsel the appeasement of our adversaries."

Rice, agent of the nefarious State Department, is supposedly the enemy within. "We are in the early stages of World War III," Gingrich told Insight. "Our bureaucracies are not responding fast enough. We don't have the right attitude."

Confused, ineffectual and incapable of filling her office with power, Rice has become the voodoo doll that Powell was in the first term. Even her feeble and counterproductive gestures toward diplomacy leave her open to the harshest attacks from neoconservatives. Scowcroft and the Bush I team are simply ignored. The sustained assault on Rice is a means to an end -- restoring the ascendancy of neoconservatism.

Bush's rejection of and reluctance to embrace the peace process concluded with the victory of Hamas in the Palestinian elections. This failure was followed by a refusal to engage Hamas, potentially splitting its new governmental ministers from its more radical leadership in Damascus. Predictably, the most radical elements of Hamas found a way to lash out. And Hezbollah seized the moment by staging its own provocation.

Having failed in the Middle East, the administration is attempting to salvage its credibility by equating Israel's predicament with the U.S. quagmire in Iraq. Neoconservatives, for their part, see the latest risk to Israel's national security as a chance to scuttle U.S. negotiations with Iran, perhaps the last opportunity to realize the fantasies of "A Clean Break."

By using NSA intelligence to set an invisible tripwire, the Bush administration is laying the condition for regional conflagration with untold consequences -- from Pakistan to Afghanistan, from Iraq to Israel. Secretly devising a scheme that might thrust Israel into a ring of fire cannot be construed as a blunder. It is a deliberate, calculated and methodical plot.

-- By Sidney Blumenthal
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 05:53 pm
The anti-christs are persons who believe they are endowed by their god(s) with the unalienable right to murder whomever they want without resistance.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 05:54 pm
I saw something like that on abc nightline last night. I sincerely hope that the Bush administration is not really trying to bring about the supposed second coming, even I doubt they are that crazy.

However, there are a lot of Evangelicals who think we are in the end of times and Israel has be protected at all cost for the coming kingdom. Anytime you hear words like, "enemies of Israel" you can kinda take it to the bank that it is more than likely an Evangelical.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 06:10 pm
Is the USA truly helping Israel defend itself? Shocked
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 06:18 pm
Perfect description of Bushie, "The anti-christs are persons who believe they are endowed by their god(s) with the unalienable right to murder whomever they want without resistance." God himself told Bushie to attack Iraq.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 07:03 pm
blueflame1 wrote:
Perfect description of Bushie, "The anti-christs are persons who believe they are endowed by their god(s) with the unalienable right to murder whomever they want without resistance." God himself told Bushie to attack Iraq.

I didn't know that. Shocked

Did your god(s), blueflame1, tell you that? Confused

I thought Congress told Bush to attack Iraq and rid it of anti-christs, if he and the UN couldn't convince Saddam to rid Iraq of anti-christs. Embarrassed
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 07:41 pm
Well we had almost al hundred pages of refreshingly almost non-partisan discussion on the topic. I guess it was to be expected that the Bush bashers couldn't resist moving their Bush bashing screeds here forever considering that they have mere dozens of other active threads devoted to that.

But if we can get back on topic, the following summarizes what several of us have been reporting from our own observation and other sources re the propaganda psychology employed by Hezbollah:

Hezbollah's Psych-Ops
They know the minds of their enemies
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 08:03 pm
ican711nm wrote:
Is the USA truly helping Israel defend itself? Shocked

Defend itself, is that what it's doing?

F16s come from.....?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 09:30 pm
revel wrote:
I saw something like that on abc nightline last night. I sincerely hope that the Bush administration is not really trying to bring about the supposed second coming, even I doubt they are that crazy.

Having the US government back under adult supervision really hurts you loserrs, doesn't it?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 09:48 pm
gungasnake wrote:
revel wrote:
I saw something like that on abc nightline last night. I sincerely hope that the Bush administration is not really trying to bring about the supposed second coming, even I doubt they are that crazy.

Having the US government back under adult supervision really hurts you loserrs, doesn't it?

I have to admit that I would rather worry about dirty blue dresses than see children get blown to bits and then call it "birth pangs."

However, in this one instance, I was giving the Bush administration more credit than to believe that they are really on some kind of self fulfilling prophesying mission. Sometimes it might seem that way, but I don't really believe it.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 09:58 pm
Birth of the New Middle East?


Tanya Nasr writing from Beirut, Live from Lebanon, 4 August 2006

At 7:00 am this morning the enemy's air strike got us out of our beds, devastated. The Israeli air force hit the Maameltein bridge which is around 500 meters away from my house. The ceiling felt like it was going to collapse over our heads! Less than 30 minutes later, and while I was standing on my balcony still overwhelmed by the first bombardment, another strike hit the Casino Du Liban bridge right before my eyes. And in the hour that followed, they hit the bridges in this chronology, Maameltein bridge, casino bridge, Halat bridge (complete destruction), and Madfoun bridge (not to mention the rest of the bridges that connect Mount Lebanon, Beirut to the south and the Bekaa).

To those who don't know Lebanon and who haven't been to Lebanon, I would like to tell you that Lebanon today has woken up to the devastating fact that it has become a detached puzzle, literally. To those who think that Israel is aiming at Hizbullah or terrorists, let me correct you -- every single bridge from the south of Lebanon to the north has been hit and destroyed partially or completely! To give you a clearer picture, my house falls between the bridge that leads to northern Lebanon and the other that leads to the capital Beirut. In other words, I am in a spot that is absolutely detached and as of this moment we are isolated and this is the case all around Lebanon. This, besides all the casualties that have fallen as a result of this monstrous attack! If they say they are making the earth a better place by killing terrorists, please, it's about time they stop underestimating people's intelligence! Ripping a whole country apart into pieces as if it were some kind of video game is not fighting terrorism! I don't understand -- where the hell is the inernational community? People are being massacred and a whole country ripped apart and the world is not moving and they act as if they are doing a favor to humanity and getting rid of the bad guys!! Isn't the UN ashamed? Why should we take part of the UN if this UN has absolutely no power and with the US' stupid VETO, they control the whole game! I really am out of words ... no matter what we say, you should be here to see for yourself the intensity of what I am trying to explain. The acts are clear and they should stop underestimating the international community's intelligence:

What logic says that it's a fair war when there are hundreds, more than 3,000 wounded and more than 800,000 refugees! While Israel has 65 casualties!

What logic gives Israel the right to own nuclear weapons and receive airplanes of "clever-stupid" bombs, very casually before the eyes of all the international community -- which stop by to have a coffee and fill up fuel in London -- and use chemicals in the bombs that are universally prohibited, and kill hundreds of children with them?

What logic gives the right to the hypocrite, low-life Condoleezza the right to decide on a new Middle East and bring us democracy! Democracy! Is this democracy, Condi?

Finally, I would like to ask you not get taken by what they say. Research and find out what is really happening because you are being exposed to the ultimate cases of hypocrisy and lying. We could only pray and light a candle for this war or whatever it could be called to end.

Of course this is
"the Hezbollah view"
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 10:05 pm
Is Israel any safer now?

In the narrative which has transpired following the escalation of events the past three weeks, Israel has continued to make the claim to its domestic audience that they would be safer as a result of the IDF military response. In a country which has mandatory military service, its citizens have largely supported the war effort. Except for a few demonstrations in Haifa, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, the broader public largely endorsed the actions of the Israeli government.

To say that Condoleeza Rice's visits to the region were embarrassing for the United States would be a profound understatement. Not even the Israeli public took her presence here or her apparent calls for a ceasefire seriously.

Many in Israel were saying things like, "Hezbollah started this, now we will finish it. We have lived like this for too long." The Israelis, in this narrative, are portrayed as the victims without looking at the occupation as one of the root causes of the conflict or one of the primary sources of tension. Even if ending the occupation will not stop Israel's most vehement critics, it would at least assuage those who are moderate critics which would be willing to support a fair, negotiated, two-state solution.

Though Hezbollah has been slowly using up its supply of Katyusha rockets, it is still an organization which will endure far in to the future even if it takes major blows in the coming weeks. It is not a movement which requires Hassan Nasrallah as a leader.

As Israeli television showed edited musical montage moments of the war with sensational background music for effects, some Arabic channels ran propaganda videos for Hezbollah. This disconnected dual narrative, distorted by the war and designed for mass consumption, shows the depth of the disdain for each nation's aspirations and its complete disregard for the innocent civilians that stand in the way of its ideology.

Hezbollah says, "End the occupation or the rockets will keep flying."

Israel responds, "Until the rockets stop flying, we won't stop the offensive.'

Discussions on prisoner exchanges have neared completion several times only to be undone by more violence.

This region is headed to a 100 year war which began with the Second Intifada and the events of September 11th. There is little evidence to suggest that there is the restraint or leadership capacity amongst those who have interests in the region to avert this course of action. Additionally, the continual series of traumas inflicted upon the region will have devastating long term implications that will be a barrier to peace. If anything, there will be increased intransigence in the coming years and hawkishness from Israel even if it is not the wisest course of action.

The Israeli military has made the calculation that largely pre-emptive wars carried out in a mass way are the most effective strategy to maintain Israeli hegemony in the region. By acting pre-emptively, they maintain their relative military strength to continue its policies domestically and within the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The European Union and the United States actively endorse Israeli strategy with a few exceptions.

Israel, as long it maintains the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, will have little moral authority in international affairs. Without a moral position, Israel will be hard pressed to maintain the present course of its policy in the mid and long-term or maintain the support of the Western powers for long-term strategic reasons.

As television images showing the human cost of this unnecessary war begin to resonate around the world, Israel or Hezbollah will not have a moral position to justify the effects of their war on innocent civilians. No amount of 'public relations' or 'political messaging' will gloss over the very real effects of this war.

This completely unnecessary escalation will lead to more pressure on both Israel and Hezbollah to alter their policies. Neither party to this dispute has the right to continue in this direction without international opprobrium levelled at them, nor do they have the right to live in a bubble. Israel has no moral right to call itself a victim, nor does Hezbollah have the moral right to call themselves freedom fighters.

Both parties to this dispute are engaging in fundamental lies which are killing innocent civilians every day. As well, it must be understood that Israel's military strength backed up by the United States, is causing a disproportionate number of deaths in Lebanon, the West Bank and Gaza. The US must bear some responsibility for the exercise of its foreign policy in the region.

There are wiser courses of action which Israel and the US could follow which would not lead to the same outcomes which occur with such frequency. Breaking this vicious circle means not responding in such an overwhelmingly aggressive manner as in Iraq and Lebanon. Militia movements and rogue states constantly try to draw military responses from their opposition. It is one of their most effective tactics. To be drawn in to such campaigns, is to not understand the law of diminishing returns and the relative inefficiency of such actions towards meeting strategic ends.

Am Johal is a freelance writer from Vancouver, Canada who worked during 2004 in international advocacy with the Mossawa Center, the Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens of Israel.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 10:17 pm
revel wrote:
gungasnake wrote:
revel wrote:
I saw something like that on abc nightline last night. I sincerely hope that the Bush administration is not really trying to bring about the supposed second coming, even I doubt they are that crazy.

Having the US government back under adult supervision really hurts you loserrs, doesn't it?

I have to admit that I would rather worry about dirty blue dresses than see children get blown to bits and then call it "birth pangs."

Bullshit. You de-mokkker-rats are every bit as bloodthirsty and savage as anybody else, the only thing which is really different is your taste in victims, i.e. innocent Christians.

Take your psycho hero Slick KKKlintler for instance. There was positively nothing resembling ethnic cleansing or "genocide" going on in or around Kosovo in 1998 - 1999, and there were about a baker's half dozen realpolitik reasons for the Soros/KKKlintler crowd to want to do Kosovo, all of which together did not add up to a case and the pentagon advised Slick not to do it.

Nonetheless the overriding concern was getting chinagate and that Juanita Broaddrick rape allegation off the front pages and Slick went ahead and bombed a totally innocent Christian nation into the stone age for eighty days and nights including Easter Sunday, and this was a slavic orthodox nation just like Russia, so that there was a risk of a nuclear war involved.

Unlike Iraq in which American soldiers have been willing to go into harm's way because they believe the cause to be just, NATO bosses knew from day one that Kosovo was nothing more than another case of dog-wagging for which they could not possibly ask servicemen or pilots to risk injury or death.

And so they tried bombing military targets for about three or four weeks from 25000 - 30000 feet and, when they realized they could not harm the Serb military from earth orbit, they embarked upon a wholesale campaign of war crimes, bombing out the entire civilian infrastructure of Serbia and civilian targets hundreds of kilometers from anything remotely resembling a legitimate military target, even had there been such a thing in that conflict which there was not.

Several thousand little slavic orthodox children were injured and killed in that abomination.


This little girl's name was Milica Rakic. At three years of age when she was killed by a KKKlintlerista bomb, Milica likely has the dubious distinction of being Slick KKKlintler's youngest female victim.

Edith Efron's article about Slick's psychiatric issues was published in 94 and demokkkrats had to have mostly known that Slick had major kinds of psychiatric issues no later than the summer of 93. They were absolutely duty-bound and obligated to pack Slick KKKlintler's sorry ass off to St. Elizabeth's hospital for the criminally insane and hand the country over to Al Gore.


By refusing to do that and going to the wall to keel Slick in office for eight years, demokkkrats were all complicit in the death of Milica Rakic and all the others things.

Like I say, the government is now back under adult supervision, and I for one perfer it that way. I judge George W. Bush in large part by the kinds of things I HAVEN'T been reading about lately, like bombing Christian nations to take rape allegations off our newspapers, or selling H-bomb secrets to the stinking chicoms for DNC cash.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 10:26 pm

Here's another picture of Milica Rakic which has appeared recently, she seems to have been made into an icon of the orthodox church.

That's really something for the Soros/KKKlinton crowd and de-moker-rats everywhere to be proud of, i.e. kind of like being Pontius Pilate in one of Michelangelo's scenes depicting Christ or one of the archers in a picture of St. Sebastian.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 10:59 pm
One of the neat things about the internet age is that bullshit which nobody ever used to get handles on now gets dissected and blown apart in the blogosphere and places like FreeRepublic in a matter of days, if not hours. Things like the "Qana massacre" can no longer be foisted on a gullible public other than for those who absolutely insist on a right to be deluded. Ten years ago, that was not the case. Ten years ago, Dan Rather would simply have skated with his "fake but accurate" bullshit charge against George W. Bush, and John, the ****ing gigolo Kerry would have been president of the United States.

The following is one of the most astonishing stories I know of concerning the age just prior to the present, when bullshit ruled supreme and unchallenged:

0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 11:03 pm
Here's a story about another of Slick KKKlintler's female victims:

The killing of a math prodigy
by Nada Dragic (7-10-00)
Translated by Gordana Simovic
Edited by Jared Israel

www.tenc.net [emperors-clothes]

* col·lat·er·al
col·lat·er·al (ke-làt¹er-el) adjective
Abbr. collat., coll.
1. Situated or running side by side; parallel.
2. Of a secondary nature; subordinate: collateral target damage from a bombing run.
* A question from emperors-clothes: If Sanja Markovic's death was secondary, what was the primary target?


"Don't be crazy, mum. Who's going to drop bombs on a small town?"

These were the last words Sanja Milenkovic spoke before she left for a walk Sunday, May 30, 1999. No ordinary day. Day 68 of the NATO attack on Yugoslavia.

It was a sunny, busy shopping day, Pentecost. Young people strolled on the streets, some went onto the local bridge they liked so much because it offered a magnificent view of the Morava river and surroundings. The roar of warplanes cut short the life of the bridge and of those residents including Sanja Milenkovic.

Sanja and her family, whom she loved most in the world besides math, led a quiet life. As a gifted child, who had been given many awards, she came from her native village of Donji Katun near Varvarin, to the capital, Belgrade, to enroll, without an entrance exam, in the Mathematics High School. There were, as publicized in numerous interviews, no insolvable math problems for her. She had won many Yugoslav and international prizes, and she was preparing for the Mathematics Olympiad and surely for another of her trophies of world importance. She could explain everything logically or in terms of mathematics. The New York Times and the Washington Post wrote about our Sanja, a Serb girl from Varvarin, describing her as the greatest math talent of today, killed by NATO bombs.

Sanja was very close to her mother Vesna. Vesna was 21 when she gave birth to her first child. At fifteen, Sanja was a pretty and bright girl. "Sanja was like younger sister to me; she was also my best friend," says Vesna.

When the NATO aggression against our country started, Sanja traveled back to Varvarin to be with her parents. Vesna and Sanja's dad, Zoran, believed Sanja would be much safer in a small place in the country where there were no military installations. But NATO targetsincluded hospitals, schools, kindergarten, roads and bridges. Cynical news of "collateral damage" came out of NATO headquarters every day. So Sanja was one of several thousand ordinary Serbian people who died of missiles targeting even insignificant bridges in small towns throughout Yugoslavia.

One of them was the bridge in Varvarin. It led to the local Christian Orthodox church and therefore innocent civilians, who happened to be on it that sunny May day, on the Christian holiday of Pentecost, were killed. Sanja and two of her friends were among the victims.

It was a little past noon. The shopping day attracted more crowds than usual. The memorial liturgy was in progress at the Church of the Holy Mother at that moment. No one knew that up in the skies there were warplanes that already had the bridge in their sights and were ready to rain down death. In the 68 days of the aggression, people were used to being bombed by night. So, very few believed that the 52-year old bridge that was the town's lifeline and that did not straddle any of the major transport routes, would be picked. It is a three-hour drive to Kosovo and Metohija from there. It was exactly five minutes past one p.m. Vesna and Zoran were fixing lunch for their daughter when they heard a strong blast nearby. Vesna's mum immediately picked up the phone to check if it was still working. The telephone lines ran across the bridge. The phone was dead. She dashed into the car and headed for the bridge. She looked through the window searching for the loved face.

The river bank was deserted. The crowd had rn away fearing another strike. Vesna stood alone on the bank, calling out her daughter's name. And then she saw Sanja. She lay on a broken slab of the bridge, motionless. It was much later that she was told what had happened and how Sanja died. As the first missile hit the bridge, its footpath collapsed into the river. Sanja and her friends fell into the water, as well. Sanja was unharmed, while one of her friends had her arm broken and the other a leg. Like the rest of the pedestrians, Sanja could have reached the bank, but she chose to help her friends. Ten minutes after the initial attack, the NATO pilot came back to finish his job. The explosion had cut the bridge in half. The religious service in the church stopped and everyone rushed to help the wounded. The explosion stopped them in the process. Another seven people were killed. Sanja was struck in the back by a shrapnel. They put her into an ambulance. Her eyes were open for a few more minutes. Her father encouraged her to fight for her breath. A couple of minutes later Sanja's eyes closed. "I knew it was for ever," said her dad Zoran, "I was hopeful, nevertheless." The fight for Sanja's life went on in hospital, where she was injected with adrenaline shots. But death got the upper hand. Sanja lay motionless in the pink T-shirt that she had put on that morning. She was 15 and a half. The following day Jamie Shea held his regular press conference in faraway Brussels, as he did every day .

Sanja Milenkovic will not dream out her dreams. However strongly she felt about numerals and the logic of life, there can be no explanation for her premature death. Sanja's teachers and peers believe that, if it had been according to the laws of mathematics, Sanja's name would have been predestined to become famous and be inscribed in international yearbooks of the greatest mathematicians.

Those who died early and whom we were indebted to during their lifetime oblige us to remember them always. The name of Sanja Milenkovic will always be in the minds of those talented like herself. That was the reason why a Fund, named after her, was set up. The Fund serves to award scholarships/fellowships to young gifted secondary school students and university undergraduates in the field of math and technical sciences. The Fund was established at the initiative of Mr. Zivadin Jovanovic, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of the FR of Yugoslavia, and Mr. Milutin Mrkonjic, Director-General of the Country Reconstruction Directorate.

Sanja's granddad, Ljubomir Milenkovic, was appointed an honorary member of the Fund.

Twenty young people were awarded scholarships from the Fund on November 5, 1999. In addressing them, Minister Jovanovic said that this Fund was set up to keep the memory of Sanja alive and by keeping it alive to demonstrate our attitude towards the highest achievements and greatest successes in learning and studies. The talents now financed and yet to be financed by the "Sanja Milenkovic" Fund will keep alive the memory of a youth cut short prematurely and of wishes and dreams left unfulfilled.

They will also keep alive the name of Sanja Milenkovic.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 11:07 pm
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