Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 06:38 am
Hi ican711nm.
Thank you for your made man reply 'Jew' Oh it is you that started the insults
Mr Yid.
Now honestly I am only interested in truth not mad man rubbish, written by self interested Jews.
In case you think I am anti-Semitic, I would like you to know that Dardardit, doesn't have any more like or dislike of Jew's than I do for Arabs,
or Christians,
I like people for what they say and do and the way they behave and live with other people.
I have had Jewish, friends, and girl friends, just as I have had German, Friends and girl friends
I like Jews, Yes you have good funny people. Yes you people are a gas, and I am not trying to fire you up.
So why you are getting so nasty I am not sure I can only think that someone must of up set you. It must of been something very bad like. I don't know did a Palestinian, sleep with your wife? If so then I quite understand you getting angry.
Surely you know that as it wasn't me that slept with you or your wife. You shouldn't blame me.
OK, now that we are friends again I have some questions for you. As you think you know a lot about your history tell me where did the Jews, get the idea of building a wall around the Palestinians, did you get that idea from The Nazi's, in Poland ? If so you may know that it cant work. And I hear that you Israelis are using Palestinians, for medical parts parts ? where did the Jews get that idea ?
Jews think they can just do what ever they want and anyone that complains is of cause anti- Semitic.
Grow up!
Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 08:53 am

Jews think they can just do what ever they want and anyone that complains is of course anti- Semitic.

Hard to disagree with that. We see an awful lot of that.

Might be better to say "Some Jews, and the State of Israel, think they can do just whatever they want....".
Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 09:33 am
Netanyahu made a generous offer to restart the peace talks. The Pals, who are really holding out for the absolute defeat and distruction of Israel, rejected his offer out of hand.

Israel's Settlement Freeze: Prime Minister Netanyahu has broken with his party to restart the peace process.
By Michael Oren, The Wall Street Journal, December 7, 2009

Distracted by the crucial debate over Afghanistan, many Americans may have missed a pivotal event in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. On Nov. 25, Israel's government announced a 10-month construction freeze in Judea and Samaria"the areas generally known as the West Bank. Though some projects already begun will be completed and essential public buildings like medical clinics and schools will be approved, no new housing permits will be issued.

"We hope that this decision will help launch meaningful peace negotiations," declared Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "and finally end the conflict between the Palestinians and Israel." The Obama administration praised the decision and recognized its significance. Special Envoy George Mitchell hailed the decision as "substantial," and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called it "unprecedented."

By contrast, Palestinian leaders rejected Israel's gesture as grossly inefficient. Without an indefinite cessation of all Jewish building in the West Bank and Jerusalem, they say, peace talks cannot resume.

What Mr. Mitchell and Mrs. Clinton understand, but what the Palestinians miss, is that Mr. Netanyahu has shown more flexibility on this issue than any previous head of his Likud Party, which is staunchly pro-settlement. Indeed, he has gone further than any prime minister in limiting a right that many Israelis consider incontestable and a vital component of their national security.

Twice"in 1948 and 1967"the West Bank served as the staging ground for large-scale attacks against Israel. While defending itself, Israel captured the territory and reunited with its ancestral homeland: Haifa is not in the Bible, but Bethlehem, Hebron, and Jericho decidedly are. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis rushed to resettle their tribal land.

These communities widened Israel's borders, which at points are a mere eight miles wide. American policy makers recognized Israel's need for defensible borders and, in November 1967, they supported U.N. Resolution 242, which called for withdrawals from "territories" captured in the war, but not from "all the territories" or even "the territories."

All successive Israeli governments supported the settlements. Only with the signing of the 1993 Oslo Accords did then-Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin agree to restrain construction in outlying communities that he considered unnecessary for Israel's defense. But the settlements continued to expand. Meanwhile the peace process progressed. The Palestinians never made a construction freeze in Jerusalem and the settlements a precondition for talks"until earlier this year.

Mr. Netanyahu initially responded that Jews, like all people, can build legally in Jerusalem, and that it's unreasonable to disallow settlers from building even an extra room for a newborn. Still, he promised not to establish new settlements, not to appropriate additional land for existing ones, nor even to induce Israelis to move to them. Yet the Palestinians balked. The peace process was moribund, awaiting an intrepid stroke.

Mr. Netanyahu has now taken that initiative. By suspending new Israeli construction in all of the West Bank, the prime minister has done what none of his predecessors, including Rabin, ever suggested.

At home, Mr. Netanyahu's decision has been fiercely criticized, even by some members of his own party. The Knesset has considered a vote of no-confidence in his leadership. And the most recent poll shows that more Israelis oppose the freeze than support it.

The prime minister has nevertheless persisted"his coalition is among the strongest and most representative in Israel's history"but the opportunity generated by his action will not endure indefinitely. Together with the Obama administration, which has repeatedly asserted its commitment to restarting talks without preconditions and to achieving a permanent two-state solution, Israelis hope that Palestinians will once again join them in talks.

By taking risks and accomplishing the unprecedented, Mr. Netanyahu has demonstrated his commitment to peace. Now the Palestinians must match that dedication and seize this propitious moment.
Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 01:25 pm
Haifa is not in the Bible, but Bethlehem, Hebron, and Jericho decidedly are. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis rushed to resettle their tribal land.

This land is mine, the bible tells me so. The father, son and holy ghost wouldn't hold out such a stupid argument.
Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 02:37 pm
Since it belonged to no one, Israelis had a right to settle it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 07:43 pm
McTag wrote:

Jews think they can just do what ever they want and anyone that complains is of course anti- Semitic.

Hard to disagree with that. We see an awful lot of that.

Might be better to say "Some Jews, and the State of Israel, think they can do just whatever they want....".

It is nice of you to add the word, "Some..." The word Gentile can also be substituted for "Jew" and the thought could still be considered valid by "some."
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 07:46 pm
dardardit wrote:

Hi Foofie,
Sorry I didn't get back to you with half wit pro Israel, comments. The fact is the US, is the only country that has used the bomb, OK, I think at the time their wasn't a lot of choice. The west is the danger. I do not feel safe with Israelis, having the bomb. Its just one law for us and an other law for them.
All that Balls about Iranians, not being the same people they were in the past. Before they became Muslim. So we shouldn't trust them, is that what you are saying.
If Iranians, want to stand tall and be taken more seriously. With all that oil, and their position plus them having the bomb. ''Good with all that power. Hay how needs Israel? lets just make good friends with them, and drop Israel, at least let them look after them self's.

Not being a citizen of the U.S., I will not attempt to argue with you on this subject. I assume you do not subscribe to the belief in American Exceptionalism. Well, enjoy your set of beliefs. Survival of the fittest nation, a la Darwin.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 07:47 pm
IF the Palestinian Arabs continue trying to conquer and occupy Israel, they will have no one other than themselves to blame for Israel conquering and occupying all of that part of Palestine originally recommended to the Arabs by the 1947 UN resolution.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 07:50 pm
The best strategy for the Palestinian Arabs is to denounce all efforts of people among them to conquer Israel. Instead they should remove, imprison, or kill all those among them trying to conquer Israel. Then they should begin to negotiate with Israel to regain that part of Palestine the UN originally recommended be given to the Palestinian Arabs.
Reply Wed 23 Dec, 2009 07:45 am
Hi ican7711nm,
I am pleased to see we are still talking. I thought you may be sulking. You do seem to have mellowed a bit. So I can only think all this talk is doing you some good. Today it does look like you don't wont to just kill every one. You now just expect them to kill them selves. That is a big change for you. I think soon you may be able to go in to public for short visits, at first, and for now it would be best if you stay restrained.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Dec, 2009 08:10 am
Hi McTag,
Yes thank you for that. You are right, but my reason for being so rude to Mister Made man Nine Millimeter, kill every one. Was because he was so violently rude to me. You are right not all Jews, are evil. And it is hard to say anything against Israel, without someone saying look hes a Nazi, he's Anti-Semitic. Please except my apology for that nasty message. I don't think ican711nm reads all reply's any way so no harm done. Now please tell me what is a ''Schlemiel''? it sound like a female camel.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Dec, 2009 10:21 am

A schlemiel is a kind of putz or schmuck, I think.

(btw I have heard that, just as the eskimos have umpteen words for snow, the Yiddish language has more ways than any other language of calling someone a fool. Ican is most of these.)
Reply Wed 23 Dec, 2009 11:55 am
(btw I have heard that, just as the eskimos have umpteen words for snow,

Only a hundred, McTag. Wink

The Eskimos' Hundred Words for Snow

by Phil James

tlapa powder snow
tlacringit snow that is crusted on the surface
kayi drifting snow
tlapat still snow
klin remembered snow
naklin forgotten snow
tlamo snow that falls in large wet flakes
tlatim snow that falls in small flakes
tlaslo snow that falls slowly
tlapinti snow that falls quickly
kripya snow that has melted and refrozen
tliyel snow that has been marked by wolves
tliyelin snow that has been marked by Eskimos
blotla blowing snow
pactla snow that has been packed down
hiryla snow in beards
wa-ter melted snow
tlayinq snow mixed with mud
quinaya snow mixed with Husky ****
quinyaya snow mixed with the **** of a lead dog
slimtla snow that is crusted on top but soft underneath
kriplyana snow that looks blue in the early morning
puntla a mouthful of snow because you fibbed
allatla baked snow
fritla fried snow
gristla deep fried snow
MacTla snow burgers
jatla snow between your fingers or toes, or in groin-folds
dinliltla little balls of snow that cling to Husky fur
sulitlana green snow
mentlana pink snow
tidtla snow used for cleaning
ertla snow used by Eskimo teenagers for exquisite erotic rituals
kriyantli snow bricks
hahatla small packages of snow given as gag gifts
semtla partially melted snow
ontla snow on objects
intla snow that has drifted indoors
shlim slush
warintla snow used to make Eskimo daiquiris
mextla snow used to make Eskimo Margaritas
penstla the idea of snow
mortla snow mounded on dead bodies
ylaipi tomorrow's snow
nylaipin the snows of yesteryear ("neiges d'antan")
pritla our children's snow
nootlin snow that doesn't stick
rotlana quickly accumulating snow
skriniya snow that never reaches the ground
bluwid snow that's shaken down from objects in the wind
tlanid snow that's shaken down and then mixes with sky-falling snow
ever-tla a spirit made from mashed fermented snow,
popular among Eskimo men
talini snow angels
priyakli snow that looks like it's falling upward
chiup snow that makes halos
blontla snow that's shaken off in the mudroom
tlalman snow sold to German tourists
tlalam snow sold to American tourists
tlanip snow sold to Japanese tourists
protla snow packed around caribou meat
attla snow that as it falls seems to create nice pictures
in the air
sotla snow sparkling with sunlight
tlun snow sparkling with moonlight
astrila snow sparkling with starlight
clim snow sparkling with flashlight or headlight
tlapi summer snow
krikaya snow mixed with breath
ashtla expected snow that's wagered on (depth, size of flakes)
huantla special snow rolled into "snow reefers" and smoked
by wild Eskimo youth
tla-na-na snow mixed with the sound of old rock and roll
from a portable radio
depptla a small snowball, preserved in Lucite, that had been handled
by Johnny Depp
trinkyi first snow of the year
tronkyin last snow of the year
shiya snow at dawn
katiyana night snow
tlinro snow vapor
nyik snow with flakes of widely varying size
ragnitla two snowfalls at once, creating moire patterns
akitla snow falling on water
privtla snow melting in the spring rain
chahatlin snow that makes a sizzling sound as it falls on water
hootlin snow that makes a hissing sound as the
individual flakes brush
geltla snow dollars
briktla good building snow
striktla snow that's no good for building
erolinyat snow drifts containing the imprint of crazy lovers
chachat swirling snow that drives you nuts
krotla snow that blinds you
tlarin snow that can be sculpted into the delicate corsages
Eskimo girls pin to their whale parkas at prom time
motla snow in the mouth
sotla snow in the south
maxtla snow that hides the whole village
tlayopi snow drifts you fall into and die
truyi avalanche of snow
tlapripta snow that burns your scalp and eyelids
carpitla snow glazed with ice
tla ordinary snow
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Dec, 2009 12:37 pm
McTag wrote:

A schlemiel is a kind of putz or schmuck, I think.

(btw I have heard that, just as the eskimos have umpteen words for snow, the Yiddish language has more ways than any other language of calling someone a fool. Ican is most of these.)

There is a nuanced definition above. Putz and schmuck literally refer to the male organ, I believe. It is not a compliment, since it implies that that person has acted less than intelligently, in some manner, about something specific. A schlemiel is more like a persona of a person that connotes that that person will more than likely bungle his way through life in many venues. The waiter character in Fawlty Towers was a schlemiel, but not a putz or schmuck in the strict sense, in my opinion.

I cannot remember any of these terms referring to a female. Women might be immune to such pejoratives in the original Yiddish culture. Women though could be a yenta (a gossip).

And to all a good night!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Dec, 2009 01:30 pm
IF the Palestinian Arabs continue trying to conquer and occupy Israel, they will have no one other than themselves to blame for Israel conquering and occupying all of that part of Palestine originally recommended to the Arabs by the 1947 UN resolution.

The best strategy for the Palestinian Arabs is to denounce all efforts of people among them to conquer Israel. Instead they should remove, imprison, or kill all those among them trying to conquer Israel. Then they should begin to negotiate with Israel to regain that part of Palestine the UN originally recommended be given to the Palestinian Arabs.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Dec, 2009 04:55 pm


Merry Christmas
Reply Wed 23 Dec, 2009 05:40 pm

Merry Christmas to you and yours.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Dec, 2009 06:00 am
Hi McTag,
Thank you for telling me what a Schlemiel, is. Regarding the Eskimo, having Hundred words for snow. Yes I guess they would see a lot of it and stuck in an Igloo for nine months a year what ells would you talk about. They could play Eye spy with my little eye something beginning with the letter 'S'
So if Yiddish, has as many word for fools Then there must be many Jewish, Fools. But While we are playing this word game the late Frank Zapper, was Jewish, and he sang about Eskimos, and snow. 'Husky wee wee' Don't eat the yellow snow'.
OK, I'm not a Christian, or Jewish, and Christmas, makes me puke. I just hide until it is all over. Having said that what ever you are doing have a good one.
Reply Thu 24 Dec, 2009 01:03 pm


Chapter 2: The Cow : 2.190: And fight in the way of Allah with those who fight with you , and do not exceed the limits, surely Allah does not love those who exceed the limits.

Chapter 2: The Cow : 2.191: And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.

Chapter 2: The Cow : 2.217: They ask you concerning the sacred month about fighting in it. Say: Fighting in it is a grave matter, and hindering (men) from Allah's way and denying Him, and (hindering men from) the Sacred Mosque and turning its people out of it, are still graver with Allah, and persecution is graver than slaughter; and they will not cease fighting with you until they turn you back from your religion, if they can; and whoever of you turns back from his religion, then he dies while an unbeliever -- these it is whose works shall go for nothing in this world and the hereafter, and they are the inmates of the fire; therein they shall abide.

Chapter 4: The Women : 4.89: They desire that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike; therefore take not from among them friends until they fly (their homes) in Allah's way; but if they turn back, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and take not from among them a friend or a helper.

Chapter 4: The Women : 4.91: You will find others who desire that they should be safe from you and secure from their own people; as often as they are sent back to the mischief they get thrown into it headlong; therefore if they do not withdraw from you, and (do not) offer you peace and restrain their hands, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them; and against these We have given you a clear authority.

Chapter 9: The Immunity : 9.5: So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

Chapter 9: The Immunity : 9.123: O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness; and know that Allah is with those who guard (against evil)

Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2009 05:27 am

And so what about

"Onward Christian Soldiers, marching as to war
...From victory to victory his armies he shall lead
till every foe is vanquished, and Christ is lord indeed."

"Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
....He hath loosed the fatal lightning of his terrible swift sword
His soul is marching on."

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