georgeob1 wrote:
Advocate wrote:
Your quote brings out the dark hearts of Arab Israelis, not the heart of Zionism. Unquestionably, the Arab-Israeli community is the fifth column existing in Israel.
Sounds remarkably similar to Nazi propaganda concerning the Jews of Germany in the 1930s.
Narrow-minded tribal intolerance is more or less the same no matter who practices it.
So, if you see a correlation with the Nazi thinking, the question might be will Jews attempt a Final Solution (aka, Zyklon-B)? I believe the answer is no, since we see that the Palestineans are still alive after 60 years of Israel existing. And, how many years, from the inception of the Third Reich did it take to invoke the Final Solution? Your analogy can be offensive to some.
My point is this analogy to Nazi thinking is specious, in my opinion, since all countries have dehumanized an enemy with propaganda reflecting much more than "narrow-minded tribal intolerance." Can we remember the term, Hun from WWI, Kraut from WWII, Jap from WWII, Gook from Vietnam?
And, why were the Japanese-Americans interred during WWII? And, were there not background checks of some German-Americans? I also read that Hoover, after WWII, was hiring into the FBI many Irish-Americans because there was a concern over a resurgence of Naziism, and there were more than a few Irish-Americans in the American Bund Party. In effect, we have a few instances of considering certain groups possibly containing a few fifth columnists.
In fact this is a topic I have heard discussed between some people - which groups are "more American" than other groups. It had something to do with which groups spilled more blood during past wars. Sort of like making a lemonade out of a lemon, in my opinion.