Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 02:44 pm
georgeob1 wrote:
Perhaps the self-appointed virtuous states that so loudly insist that the shooting should stop would be willing to put their armed forces on the border to enforce the peace.

Not very likely.

Why? There are already quite a few who said so. (Six or seven until this morning.)
(Even in Germany a discussion is going on since more then ten days - but that wouldn't be a good thing, in my opinion.)
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Steve 41oo
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 02:50 pm
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has ordered government and cultural bodies to use modified Persian words to replace foreign words that have crept into the language, such as "pizzas" which will now be known as "elastic loaves," state media reported Saturday.
this is a most sinsiter development. Could "elastic loaves" = "tube alloys" = "manhattan project" = "Iranian plot to rule the world"?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 02:53 pm
Actions speak more loudly than words. I will be very surprised if any of the states of continental Europe (from which the parents of these aggressive Israelis fled) bring themselves to lift a finger to help resolve the situation. Rhetoric and financial payoffs are their usual methods and criticizing from a safe position on the sidelines their preferred strategy/
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 02:54 pm
The only way the UN could prove they aren't biased against Israel is to put blue hats where their mouths are.

If they truly believe Israel is causing the whole thing, they should be glad to oblige. Surely, they'd have nothing to fear from the peace loving Hezbollah.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 02:55 pm
This one (Qana) is not hard to figure out and people other than me seem to have figured it out easily enough, e.g.



But on further examination, the carnage reveals a cold, calculating and ruthless strategy on behalf of Hezbollah. There was not a single male of fighting age among the victims. Where were all the males?

And, suppose that Israel had not dropped warning leaflets all over Qana. Let's just suppose that nobody evacuated the city.

What are the odds in such a situation that EIGHTY PERCENT of the casualties would be children? Or that the remaining twenty percent would be exclusively women and old men?

Adding things up, does anybody else get the same sum that I do? I almost hope I am wrong, but it doesn't seem likely.

What seems likely is that the women and children were herded into those shelters in an effort to sway public opinion over to their side.

In other words, they were deliberately put into harm's way. The horrifying casualties were part of a deliberate Hezbollah plan.

It is hard to imagine Hezbollah fighters putting their parents and children in Israel's gunsights in order to gain a propaganda victory, which is one reason why it is working out so well for them.

Israel has video of the very buildings in Qana struck by the missiles. It plainly shows rockets being launched from those buildings.

Hezbollah has launched thousands of rockets into Israel. It knows from experience that Israel is capable of detecting every launch, and it also knows that every launch predicates an Israeli counterstrike.

Hezbollah knew that launching those rockets from Qana would result in Israeli destruction of the buildings from which they were launched.

How could they not? I am six thousand miles away, and I knew it. Didn't you? Every single rocket launch so far has resulted in an Israeli counterstrike. There is no reason why Qana should be any different. And that is without even considering the Israeli warning leaflets that were dropped prior to the attack warning civilians to flee.

But instead, the Qana casualties were all in the basement of the very building Hezbollah used as a launch point.

It is the only explanation that makes any logical sense. They put their own children there in the express hope that Israel would then kill them. In Allah's name.

We ARE dealing with pure evil here, but the pure evil is not to be found in the IDF, which is simply trying to do its job of protecting Israeli citizens from unprovoked rocket attacks. These people (hezbullies) basically frogmarched a bunch of women and kids and old people into this stupid building and then started a fourth of july fireworks show from the building .

Make no mistake, the hezbullies and the people they report to are not going to be satisfied with Lebanon and Israel. They want the deed and title to the entire planet and they believe they are entitled to it and, when they finally get around to gooing after England and the US, there will be no more places on this planet to try to emmigrate to.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 02:55 pm
Israel has never targeted civilians. Certainly, there is always collateral death in wars, and there is a relatively small amount in the current fighting.

We can't say this about Hezbollah, with its suicide bombers and rockets that are strictly aimed at civilian death. The same applies to the Palestinians.

Israel left Lebanon and Gaza, and is drawing the line at its own borders. Lebanon shelters and supports the terrorist group Hezbollah, and will pay for the latter's attacks on Israel. Perhaps it will sink in with Lebanon and the Palestine that they will pay a big price when their terrorists attack Israel.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 02:56 pm
Lash wrote:
Surely, they'd have nothing to fear from the peace loving Hezbollah.

Right, you can asked those four UN observers from Austria, Canada, China, and Finland ...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 02:58 pm
The IDF Response:



Following the incident that occurred this morning, Sunday 30/07/06, in Qana, the IDF reminds in response that the attack was conducted as a result of the continuation of rocket launchings against Israeli communities from the area attacked. All the villages in the area, including Qana, were warned in advance against staying in areas from which rockets are fired.

The IDF regrets injury caused to uninvolved citizens, although it is a direct result of Hezbollah's exploitation of the citizens of Lebanon as human shields.


It must be remembered that 18 Israeli citizens have been killed so far as a result of rocket attacks, and hundreds have been injured. The responsibility for every injury caused to Lebanese citizens in these areas rests on the shoulders of the Hezbollah organization, which utilizes citizens as human shields, and on the shoulders of the government of Lebanon which fails to prevent this.

video linked.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 02:59 pm
For now just stop the killing of the Lebanese and worry about the border later for goodness sake. All that talk of "lasting peace" is just another word for more time to kill now.

The Qana Massacre, Part II

Israeli war planes scored a direct hit on a building in the Shiite village of Qana where destitute farming folk, including old people, women and children, had taken refuge in the basement from Israeli bombing raids. At least 60 are dead, as bodies are pulled from the rubble. 19 children are confirmed dead and another 11 are thought still to be in the basement. The Israelis say they had pamphleted the region demanding that all civilians leave, and high Israeli officials have openly said that anyone who remains is fair game (low civilianity index, and maybe low humanianity index, too). The Israelis don't say, however, how desperately poor hardscrabble farmers including the aged and infirm and children are supposed to travel to Beirut over the roads and bridges that the Israelis have bombed out, and on what they are supposed to live when they get there.

The Israelis had launched 80 air raids on the village of Qana overnight, with large numbers of buildings flattened, according to CNN.

The Israelis appear to be engaged in a concerted campaign of ethnic cleansing in the Shiite towns and villages of southern Lebanon, and are indiscriminately bombing all buildings in the area south of the Litani River. They have chased hundreds of thousands of residents out, and are destroying the property they left behind in a systematic way, rather as they destroy the houses belonging to the family members related to suicide bombers. In other words, the Israelis are engaged in collective punishment on a vast scale. They maintain that rocket launching sites are embedded in these villages. But since Hizbullah keeps firing large numbers of rockets, it does not actually appear to be the case that the Israelis are hitting the rocket launchers. They are demonstrably hitting civilian houses and apartment buildings in a methodical way. There is no independent evidence that this civilian building in Qana was used for any military purpose. Prime Minister Fouad Siniora has called for an international investigation and an immediate ceasefire, and he summarily sent Condi Rice away until she brings such a proposal.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 03:02 pm
Advocate wrote:
Israel has never targeted civilians. Certainly, there is always collateral death in wars, and there is a relatively small amount in the current fighting.

We can't say this about Hezbollah, with its suicide bombers and rockets that are strictly aimed at civilian death. The same applies to the Palestinians.

Israel left Lebanon and Gaza, and is drawing the line at its own borders. Lebanon shelters and supports the terrorist group Hezbollah, and will pay for the latter's attacks on Israel. Perhaps it will sink in with Lebanon and the Palestine that they will pay a big price when their terrorists attack Israel.

I believe such attempts to draw a moral distinction between the Israeli metods of war and those used by Hezbollah (and others) are meaningless and often absurd. Both sides use the weapons and tactics available to them with equal ferocity. When the Israelis were attempting to create their state they used terrorism quite willingly and effectively. The situation is merely different now, and conventional warfare has become their preferred technique.
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 03:04 pm
But on further examination, the carnage reveals a cold, calculating and ruthless strategy on behalf of Hezbollah. There was not a single male of fighting age among the victims. Where were all the males?
Out trying to defend their women and children against the murderous Israelis.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 03:05 pm
Do you have support for the inference that the Israelis intentionally used women and children for cover? If they did, I'd like to know.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 03:08 pm
gungasnake wrote:
into this stupid building
Laughing or rather I would laugh had your post not been so pathetic
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 03:10 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

I believe such attempts to draw a moral distinction between the Israeli metods of war and those used by Hezbollah (and others) are meaningless and often absurd. Both sides use the weapons and tactics available to them with equal ferocity.....

Difference is, the hezbullies started this **** for no rational reason.

Why are Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia not having any such problems dealing with Israel?
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 03:12 pm
Lash wrote:
Do you have support for the inference that the Israelis intentionally used women and children for cover? If they did, I'd like to know.
For cover? I do not understand that. How can an attacking airforce use civilians on the ground for cover?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 03:13 pm
Lash wrote:
Do you have support for the inference that the Israelis intentionally used women and children for cover? If they did, I'd like to know.

When your bombing everything in sight, your intentions really don't amount to a hill of beans to all the dead. What do they expect when they bomb a house full of civilians, women and children, the bombs would know they were innocent and would turn around?

But I know Israel/US can do no wrong. Of course this is not their fault and is the fault of Lebanese for not getting out of the way fast enough.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 03:13 pm
georgeob1 wrote:
Advocate wrote:
Israel has never targeted civilians. Certainly, there is always collateral death in wars, and there is a relatively small amount in the current fighting.

We can't say this about Hezbollah, with its suicide bombers and rockets that are strictly aimed at civilian death. The same applies to the Palestinians.

Israel left Lebanon and Gaza, and is drawing the line at its own borders. Lebanon shelters and supports the terrorist group Hezbollah, and will pay for the latter's attacks on Israel. Perhaps it will sink in with Lebanon and the Palestine that they will pay a big price when their terrorists attack Israel.

I believe such attempts to draw a moral distinction between the Israeli metods of war and those used by Hezbollah (and others) are meaningless and often absurd. Both sides use the weapons and tactics available to them with equal ferocity. When the Israelis were attempting to create their state they used terrorism quite willingly and effectively. The situation is merely different now, and conventional warfare has become their preferred technique.

This is one of those rare times I seriously disagree with you, George.

Israel was attempting to create their state more than five decades ago and you have a very different group of folks in Israel now than you had then. Israel has adopted a reasonably democratic form of government, granted substantial legal, civil, and human rights to its citizens, and has been a nuisance to its neighbors only when provoked since that time. It would be unthinkable for an Israeli to place a rocket launcher in a schoolyard or synagogue or other place that invites civilians to be targeted.

If we are going to assign blame to any person, group, race, or nation based on past sins, where does that stop? How far back do you go? Or does it make sense to instead assign judgment to today's "sins"? Judge what is now, not what once was.

I dont' think it is at all unresonable to draw a moral distinction between who and what the Israelis are now and what Hezbollah is now. What either of them were 50 years ago is relatively moot. What is important is what is now.

I have no problem at all comparing morality of a country that is defending its citizens in the only way it has and one that targets women and children and puts its own women at children at deliberate risk in the process. I have no problem at all saying that it is less of a crime to accidentally misfire and cause collateral damage than it is to kill people for sport.

There is no comparison whatsoever between Israel and Hezbollah.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 03:18 pm
I have no problem at all comparing morality of a country that is defending its citizens in the only way it has and one that targets women and children and puts its own women at children at deliberate risk in the process. I have no problem at all saying that it is less of a crime to accidentally misfire and cause collateral damage than it is to kill people for sport.

That lie has been told so much now you are only preaching to the choir, foxfyre.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 03:21 pm
revel wrote:
I have no problem at all comparing morality of a country that is defending its citizens in the only way it has and one that targets women and children and puts its own women at children at deliberate risk in the process. I have no problem at all saying that it is less of a crime to accidentally misfire and cause collateral damage than it is to kill people for sport.

That lie has been told so much now you are only preaching to the choir, foxfyre.

Some of the choir isn't listening apparently.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 03:22 pm
The 'Human Shield' LIE Exposed
The 'Human Shield' LIE Exposed

Hezbollah would never use civilians as human shields because they know Israel doesn't hesitate to kill civilians.
0 Replies

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