georgeob1 wrote:Advocate wrote:Israel has never targeted civilians. Certainly, there is always collateral death in wars, and there is a relatively small amount in the current fighting.
We can't say this about Hezbollah, with its suicide bombers and rockets that are strictly aimed at civilian death. The same applies to the Palestinians.
Israel left Lebanon and Gaza, and is drawing the line at its own borders. Lebanon shelters and supports the terrorist group Hezbollah, and will pay for the latter's attacks on Israel. Perhaps it will sink in with Lebanon and the Palestine that they will pay a big price when their terrorists attack Israel.
I believe such attempts to draw a moral distinction between the Israeli metods of war and those used by Hezbollah (and others) are meaningless and often absurd. Both sides use the weapons and tactics available to them with equal ferocity. When the Israelis were attempting to create their state they used terrorism quite willingly and effectively. The situation is merely different now, and conventional warfare has become their preferred technique.
This is one of those rare times I seriously disagree with you, George.
Israel was attempting to create their state more than five decades ago and you have a very different group of folks in Israel now than you had then. Israel has adopted a reasonably democratic form of government, granted substantial legal, civil, and human rights to its citizens, and has been a nuisance to its neighbors only when provoked since that time. It would be unthinkable for an Israeli to place a rocket launcher in a schoolyard or synagogue or other place that invites civilians to be targeted.
If we are going to assign blame to any person, group, race, or nation based on past sins, where does that stop? How far back do you go? Or does it make sense to instead assign judgment to today's "sins"? Judge what is now, not what once was.
I dont' think it is at all unresonable to draw a moral distinction between who and what the Israelis are now and what Hezbollah is now. What either of them were 50 years ago is relatively moot. What is important is what is now.
I have no problem at all comparing morality of a country that is defending its citizens in the only way it has and one that targets women and children and puts its own women at children at deliberate risk in the process. I have no problem at all saying that it is less of a crime to accidentally misfire and cause collateral damage than it is to kill people for sport.
There is no comparison whatsoever between Israel and Hezbollah.