I generally consider 'mostly' to mean more than 'less' or 'fewer'. In this case I intended it to mean quite a bit more than less or fewer. How do you define 'mostly'?
foxfyre wrote:
Quote:I was referred to the Toronto Star piece in my morning e-mail.
Thankyou. And from where does this morning email originate?
Quote:As a general rule, I at least scan headlines on both CNN and FNN websites, NY Times, Washington Post, Dallas Morning News, LA Times, run through the listings on Drudge and Real Clear Politics which always give the pros and cons of just about everything, sometimes check to see if there is anything interesting going on with Chris Hitchins and Anderew Sullivan, and otherwise have our local 24-hour new/talk radio station running in the background while I work. I read articles in more depth if I am looking for specific informaton or if they are particularly interesting. I rarely watch television news unless something special is going on like the Shuttle launch and landing. Is that specific enough for you?
Fine. You attend to news more than most folks but we knew that already. For completeness, let's add from earlier information you provided, that your talk radio listening includes Rush.
But the problem sits in relation to this paragraph of yours above and the following paragraph.
Quote:It is my perception that there has been far more criticism of Israel in the MSM than there has been support shown for it. If you care to compile a comprehensive list showing this not to be so, then be my guest. Otherwise bite me.
Odd to have such confidence in your "perception" of what the MSM is doing when you watch television news only "rarely" and when your print sources are so few and, apparently, often merely "scanned". It raises the obvious question...how much of your "perception" of the MSM rests upon your sources talking about the MSM?
Those of us who actually do attend to a lot of media daily, both from inside the US and from elsewhere, know that the claim I'm taking to task here (it's in red again) is just not true. Make inquiries of any one of them. Or, you could watch this segment from last evenings PBS
Newshour Though the subject is broader than US media coverage, that is included. Or test your thesis in a simple manner...take, say, CNN and watch for three hours measuring minutes of footage of destruction in Israel vs minutes of footage of destruction in Lebanon. Or watch O'Reilly or Scarborough and count the number of sympathetic comments re the Lebanese vs same for Israelis.
I'm not optimistic you'll place your idea in jeopardy. Having me do your research or intellectual work for you is a cop-out, and a handy one, as you'd ignore or deny it anyway. Everyone on the site who is well-read and educated and interested in politics and who attends to a wide range of information sources loses patience with you (just go through the names) and that happens for precisely the reason that you will not risk your idea by doing the above.
Quote:I wonder if you ever read anything that even remotely smacks of a view contrary to yours other than to cherry pick quotes you can post and attack? So what's your routine to obtain the news of the day?
It is the same almost every day (by 'almost' I mean five out of seven days it will be pretty much identical) in content and sequence:
NY Times
The Guardian
The Independent
Washington Post
Chicago Tribune
(Boston Globe no longer in this spot since loss of Thomas Oliphant)
Los Angeles Times
Knight Ridder Washington Bureau (now McClatchy)
Media Matters
Columbia Journalism Review
Arts and Letters Daily (from where I link to numerous papers, journals, magazines and essays etc including...
Ha'aretz (about once a week, though more often right now)
USA Today
London Times (was a daily read before, but only rare now)
Eric Alterman's blog
and various according to whim choices from this site, eg Buckley I went to yesterday
plus numerous linked pieces out of all the above.
Re TV news, I watch PBS almost always, then over the following hour I switch back and forth between O'Reilly, Olbermann and John Stewart/Colbert. When PBS features a spot of little interest, I'm over to Hardball. I fit in about one hour a week on other Fox news shows.
Then there are the magazines that come to my door and the books (Suskind presently).
I have the time to do all this, a blessing.