blatham wrote:foxfyre wrote
Quote:I have not suggested the UN obsservers were underachieving. I asked what their mission was.
Please. Let us procede with as much honesty as we can muster, acknowledging that we'll both have some blind spots or prejudices coming out of our differing ideas.
All of this conversation sits within a larger disagreement regarding the value of the UN. We are both well aware of the position held generally by the 'modern american right' (and acutely by this administration) and the history of this position going back through Shafley and earlier. We are both well aware that you share this notion, at least in the main. Also, that I don't share it. What non-Americans do share it? In as little as two or three decades, China may very well be both wealthier and more militarily powerful than the US. The present administration's policies bent on disempowering the UN and other internationalist bodies will appear deeply imprudent when the US is surpassed - an inevitability.
That you even posed the questions re that UN force in Lebanon stems less from a concern about tax dollars than from your notions about the value of the UN in the world. That is so, yes? Even if the UN was funded by everyone other than American citizens your concerns here would be much the same, true?
To say that I'm PARTICULARLY concerned about U.S. tax dollars going to UN projects any more than I am concerned about any other U.S. tax dollars going to inefficient, ineffective programs/organizations/projects etc. would not be accurate.
That the U.S. is supposed to take the UN and its resolutions and suggested mandates seriously when the UN seems to think just saying the words is somehow useful and no enforcement is possible or desirable is a really big issue with me. I put function before form in just about all circumstances.
What triggered this whole line of thought was the idea that the UN has any authority to tell Israel what it must do in the matter of Hezbollah/Lebanon when the UN has done nothing, at least that is apparent, to enforce or uphold its own resolution. It would appear that Israel has done its part to effect peace under the UN resolution(s) regarding 'land for peace' and other initiatives. And Hezbollah has not done its part which was to disarm and stop terrorist attacks on Israel.
So again, I think the question is quite valid. If the UN cannot enforce its own resolutions, then what good are they? If UN peace keepers are not authorized or equipped to keep the peace, then can we say they are peace keepers? If they are to observe and report and fail to do so, then what good are they?
And it is specially pertinent in the issue of whether Israel can reasonably and ethically take whatever measures it needs to take to protect and defend itself if it cannot depend on the larger community to have concern for the defense and protection of Israel. And this fits into the extended issue of whether Israel is in fact behaving disproportionately to defend and protect itself.
All these I think are reasonable questions that reasonable people can expect to discuss, consider, and to be answered. And I don't think it is helpful or useful to excoriate those asking the questions. Especially when it's me.