ican711nm wrote:
George, you allege: "we have nothing whatever to gain in the outcome."
I think that depends on the nature of the outcome.
Peace and civility in Israel could lead to peace and civility in the Middle East. If so, we could gain our own peace and civility from that.
Of course we could pretend to already have our own peace and civility if we would only pretend what happens in the rest of the world will not affect our peace and civility.
Interesting point. However we have a confrontation with a backward and maladjusted (to the modern world) Moslem world, with or without Israel. It is a result of a combination of internal backwardness (no Enlightenment); external exploitation (British & French colonialism); and betrayals by the West (The overthrow of the Ottoman Empire, conflicting promises to Zionists and Arabs, and the betrayals of both at Versailles).
The dispute with Israel only makes our problem with Islam worse and more intractable. Our unconditional support for Israel has removed any incentive for them to find a mutually acceptable accomodation - or even the evolution toards one - with their Moslem neighbors and the unfortunate people they have displaced.
Israel demands that her Islamic neighbors, and the population they have displaced, first accept unconditionally the existence of an exclusively Jewish state - one that gives only second class status to any Arabs who might live there - on land that as once theirs, all as a precondition to any movement towards accomodation. In effect they ask for an Arab surrender before the discussion begins. The Arabs are far from exhaustion - indeed they calculate that time is on their side. Thus the struggle continues, and with no end in sight. There is nothing underay that might eventually bring the peace and civility you cite. Indeed the opposite is occurring.
What is worse, for us the stakes, intensity and immediacy of the overall western confrontation with Islam grow considerably.
Thus Israel is less the vehicle through which the Western and Islamic worlds might find accomodation and far more the fuse that may well detonate the whole thing.