cicerone imposter wrote:Let's get this one straight; if you're an American Jew, you can own land in America and be protected by the government. However, if you are a Russian Jew, you cannot own land and be protected in America. Correct?
In fact, if:
you are a citizen, legal immigrant, Russian
whomever you can own land and be protected by the government in America.
or a,
non-citizen, legal immigrant, Russian
whomever you can own land and be protected by the government in America;
or a,
non-citizen, legal immigrant,
wherever-whomever you can own land and be protected by the government in America;
or a,
non-citizen, non-legal immigrant,
wherever-whomever you can own land and be protected by the government in America.
or a,
non-citizen, non-resident
wherever-whomever you can own land and be protected by the government in America.
Example additional
wherever-whomevers besides Russians: Chinese, Japanese, English, French, Germans, Saudi Arabians, Egyptians, Jordanians, Syrians, Lebanese, Iranians, Iraqis, Afghanistanis, Israelis, Europians, Asians, Africans, Australians, South Americans, North Americans, and Anarcticans.