cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 4 May, 2007 01:23 pm
Yeah, I echo what Cyclo said, "lame." Keep on truck'n georgeob, you're the only one talking sense with support for your position. No matter how many facts are presented by you, it seems useless to people with blinders.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 May, 2007 02:01 pm
Advocate wrote:
George, you are entitled to your own opinions. But you are not entitled to your own facts.

It is hardly worth debating you inasmuch you make up your own facts by the minute. Moreover, your hatred of Israel is palpable, making me wonder whether you are an Islamist.

I could continue to point out your many lies and errors, but what purpose would this serve?

"Continue to point out ..." Really? In fact you have never done so. Please cite a fact I have created or a lie or error I have offered, You have yet to do so. Instead you resort only to vague and non specific generalities such as this.

You have no basis whatever to conclude or suggest here that I am an Islamist. Indeed the facts available to you on this thread and others in which we have participated strongly suggest the contrary. This is an entirely unjustified evasion on your part that strongly suggests you have no arguments with which to dispute the fundamental issues I have put forward here.

Other than to suggest the inconsistency of your expressed views on our policy in Iraq and our support for Israel, and the evident historical ironies of Israel's present situation, I have made no subjective judgements about you or your expressed views. For your part, you have accused me of inventing facts, offering lies, and harboring an irrational hatred for Israel.

That's quite a difference.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 May, 2007 03:03 pm
Why should I bother? You will just lie about the matter.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 May, 2007 04:11 pm
You demean yourself with that calumny, not me.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 May, 2007 05:04 pm
georgeob1 wrote:
Neither you nor I can accurately predict the future. Basing a moral choice today on such a prediction is at best a rationalization. ...

I agree that neither you or I can accurately predict the future.

What is the moral choice you are referring to? Whose choice is it?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 4 May, 2007 06:08 pm
Yeah, Advocate just loves to dig his own hole.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 May, 2007 06:32 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

Israel can be truly said to have a tiger by the tail -- and it is a situation of their own making, based on unwise, greedy, and unjust choices it made after the 1967 War.
The United States has no reason to continue risking its vital interests just to preserve the advantage of one party in this dispute, particularly one that has been acting with such injustice towards the people in the territory it has occupied for forty years. ...

georgeob1 wrote:
You have no basis whatever to conclude or suggest here that I am an Islamist. Indeed the facts available to you on this thread and others in which we have participated strongly suggest the contrary.

The palestinian arabs not Israeli arabs have for 59 years followed those of their leaders who have done two things:
1. claimed palestinian jews do not have a right to exist;
2. led attacks on non-murdering palestinian jews.

The palestinian jews have for 59 years followed those of their leaders who have done three things:
1. claimed the palestinian jews do have a right to exist;
2. led the defense of the palestinian jews against those palestinian arabs not Israeli arabs who have attacked or have aided and abetted their attacks on non-murdering palestinian jews;
3. offered some of the land conquered by the palestinian jews in 1967 to the palestinian arabs not Israeli arabs in return for the palestinian arabs not Israeli arabs accepting the right of the palestinian jews to exist.

A fair and balanced analysis of the Palestinian arab and jew conflict would include not only an analysis of the consequences of the behavior of palestinian jews. It would also include an analysis of the consequences of the behavior of palestinian arabs not Israeli arabs.

You George have concentrated on an analysis of the consequences of the behavior of palestinian jews. That implies a bias on your part of some kind.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 4 May, 2007 06:36 pm
Let's get this one straight; if you're an American Jew, you can own land in America and be protected by the government. However, if you are a Russian Jew, you cannot own land and be protected in America. Correct?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 May, 2007 07:29 pm
Do you include among the "Palestinian Jews" to whom you repeatedly refer to the million or so recent emigrees from the former Soviet Empire?

There is a vital distinction between opposition to the existence of an exclusively Jewish state in Palestine and opposition to the existence of the Jewish people themselves. For example those who wish to see a single state solution, one embracing both peoples can be said to oppose the existence of an exclusively Jewish state. That doesn't mean they oppose the exiastence or the political rights of the Jews who live there.

The Palestinians who in 1948 were displaced from their homes and land in what is now Israel are given no right of return or compensation for their losses. Is this justice?

Since 1967 Palestinian property, homes and land in the occupied West Bank have systematically been taken from them to make way for Israeli settlements, often for immigrants from Russia. Palestinian towns and villages that remain are increasingly isolated from one another by Israeli limited access roads connecting their own settlements. Israeli roadblocks and checkpoints capriciously limit the travel and commerce of the people in the West bank. For forty years these peope have been subject to Israeli military rule with no voice whatever in their governance. On top of all this Israel claims virtue for itself for its expressed willingness to "give back" even a small fraction of what it seized by force. In fact what it is doing is ethnic cleansing of selected territories it intends to keep, but without any regard for the people who have lived there for centuries. This is no different from what Serbia attempted in Bosnia, and it is generally regarded as a crime against humanity.

History amply demonstrates that this kind of discrimination and injustice is more than enough to create a revolution and lasting hatreds. The assertion that, after of all of this, the Arab Palestinians are necessarily in the grip of a pre-existing, irrational hatred of Jews is an insult to the common sense of the listener. This assertion may well be true in the case of sdome Palestinians, but its repetition suggests they have no other basis for their opposition - this is a gross falsehood.

The combined land of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza (i.e. Palestine) has a population that is about 51% Jewish and about 49% all others. This (unlike the proposed two state solutions) could indeed be the basis for a modern state with coherent economic life and control of airspace and water/mineral rights. However for such a state to exist there must be equal recognition of the rights and aspirations of all its people - not just a favored group. I can see no other possibility for peace and justice in the region. Indeed the track they are on now is getting worse - there is nothing but continued struggle in their collective future and contnued international isolation for Israel. Worse for them, the political foundation for their permanent trump card - the unquestioning support of the United States - is eroding very quickly.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 May, 2007 07:41 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
Let's get this one straight; if you're an American Jew, you can own land in America and be protected by the government. However, if you are a Russian Jew, you cannot own land and be protected in America. Correct?


In fact, if:

you are a citizen, legal immigrant, Russian whomever you can own land and be protected by the government in America.

or a,

non-citizen, legal immigrant, Russian whomever you can own land and be protected by the government in America;

or a,

non-citizen, legal immigrant, wherever-whomever you can own land and be protected by the government in America;

or a,

non-citizen, non-legal immigrant, wherever-whomever you can own land and be protected by the government in America.

or a,

non-citizen, non-resident wherever-whomever you can own land and be protected by the government in America.

Example additional wherever-whomevers besides Russians: Chinese, Japanese, English, French, Germans, Saudi Arabians, Egyptians, Jordanians, Syrians, Lebanese, Iranians, Iraqis, Afghanistanis, Israelis, Europians, Asians, Africans, Australians, South Americans, North Americans, and Anarcticans.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 May, 2007 08:03 pm
georgeob1 wrote:
Do you include among the "Palestinian Jews" to whom you repeatedly refer to the million or so recent emigrees from the former Soviet Empire?


There is a vital distinction between opposition to the existence of an exclusively Jewish state in Palestine and opposition to the existence of the Jewish people themselves. For example those who wish to see a single state solution, one embracing both peoples can be said to oppose the existence of an exclusively Jewish state. That doesn't mean they oppose the exiastence or the political rights of the Jews who live there.


The Palestinians who in 1948 were displaced from their homes and land in what is now Israel are given no right of return or compensation for their losses. Is this justice?

OF COURSE NOT! However most of those palestinian arabs who left Israel in 1967 did so at the urging of those they mistakenly trusted and are enemies of Israel.

Since 1967 Palestinian property, homes and land in the occupied West Bank have systematically been taken from them to make way for Israeli settlements, often for immigrants from Russia. Palestinian towns and villages that remain are increasingly isolated from one another by Israeli limited access roads connecting their own settlements. Israeli roadblocks and checkpoints capriciously limit the travel and commerce of the people in the West bank. For forty years these peope have been subject to Israeli military rule with no voice whatever in their governance. On top of all this Israel claims virtue for itself for its expressed willingness to "give back" even a small fraction of what it seized by force. In fact what it is doing is ethnic cleansing of selected territories it intends to keep, but without any regard for the people who have lived there for centuries. This is no different from what Serbia attempted in Bosnia, and it is generally regarded as a crime against humanity.

What Israel is doing is taking such measures as it thinks will enable them to survive those arabs that Israel thinks rightly or wrongly want them to cease existing!

History amply demonstrates that this kind of discrimination and injustice is more than enough to create a revolution and lasting hatreds. The assertion that, after of all of this, the Arab Palestinians are necessarily in the grip of a pre-existing, irrational hatred of Jews is an insult to the common sense of the listener. This assertion may well be true in the case of sdome Palestinians, but its repetition suggests they have no other basis for their opposition - this is a gross falsehood.

Neither you or I can know for sure the real reason why the Palestinian arabs not Israeli arabs want Israel to cease existing! All we can know is that the Israeli arabs do not want Israel to cease existing.

The combined land of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza (i.e. Palestine) has a population that is about 51% Jewish and about 49% all others. This (unlike the proposed two state solutions) could indeed be the basis for a modern state with coherent economic life and control of airspace and water/mineral rights. However for such a state to exist there must be equal recognition of the rights and aspirations of all its people - not just a favored group. I can see no other possibility for peace and justice in the region. Indeed the track they are on now is getting worse - there is nothing but continued struggle in their collective future and contnued international isolation for Israel. Worse for them, the political foundation for their permanent trump card - the unquestioning support of the United States - is eroding very quickly.

I AGREE! However, I do not know how to relieve the Israelis of their fear, justified or not, that the palestinian arabs not the Israeli arabs want them to cease existing. Perhaps there is a little something the palestinian arabs not the Israeli arabs can do to relieve the Israelis of their fears. Do you have any ideas on that subject? If you do, please share them with us.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 May, 2007 11:13 am
Like you George, I'm highly critical of the way the Paelstinian problem is being addressed by all the parties to it. However, it appears to me that unlike you, when I see a problem I care about, I feel morally obligated to not only criticize those causing the problem, but to also make it my job to come up with a proposed solution for solving that problem.

The Israelis claim they will be open to negotiating with the palestinian arabs not Israeli arabs, when these arabs declare that Israel has a right to exist.

Ok, these arabs should say they will agree to Israel's right to exist when Israel declares itself willing to agree that Israel shall become part of a new state of Palestine open to the equal participation of all Palestinian residents, arabs and jews alike.

If the Israelis agree to negotiate the nature of the new state on that basis, then peace is attainable. However, if the Israelis refuse to negotiate on that basis, then Israel will clearly become solely responsible for the continuation of the deadly status quo in Palestine.

On the other hand, if the palestinian arabs not Israeli arabs refuse to make such an offer, then they will clearly become solely responsible for the continuation of the deadly status quo in Palestine.

What do you think?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 May, 2007 11:38 am
I think that the political forces operating in Israel are just as diverse and contradictory as those in any democracy.

Unfortunately for them (and us) the Likud party took control several decades ago, and its policy has been a rather cynical one of posturing as the victim of supposed Palestinian opposition to their "existence" (the word used with deliberate and self-serving ambiguity) while steadily working to expand their territory by driving the Palestinian population out of as much of the West Bank as they could. Armed with the Security guarantee of the United States, they have bullied their neighbors and the world into grudgingly accepting their unilateral expansionist policy, and have done so without regard for the long-term bad consequences.

Unfortunately for us, the long-term consequences will be faced by the United States -- as long as we continue to offer a blank check to the most unreasonable and expansionist elements in the Israeli political spectrum. That appears to be changing now as, increasingly, Americans are becoming disenchanted with the illusory notion that Israel is some kind of beneficial microcosim of this country somehow able to enrich and develop a backward part of the world.

I think the track we are on now will benefit no one - not us, not Israel, and certainly not the Palestinian victims of Israeli oppression and their own foolishness.

The United States cannot solve this problem. Only the Israelis and the Palestinians can do that. Unfortunately we have removed any incentive for the Israeli people to recognize and act on their real long-term interests. Partly as a result, they have adopted a consistently aggressive and expansionist policy, which I fear has sown the seeds for perpetual conflict. The best we can do is to recognize that both peoples have an equal right to existence and freedom; that our unilateral guarantees to one side have benefitted no one and will inevitably be removed; and hope that the parties themselves will find a way to live together.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 5 May, 2007 12:02 pm
georgeob, I can only echo your sentiments about where we are today in Israel. All we have acocmplished is create a higher mountain to climb to find solutions at a time when everybody has dug in their heels.

Everybody involved has lost much - including America's standing in the Middle East.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 May, 2007 02:19 pm
It is notable that Arab Israelis can live in peace, own land, etc., in Israel. But the Pal Arabs outside of Israel will not allow Jews to live in peace, own land, etc., in their areas. This applies to all Jews, even those who live on previously untitled land.

This, of course, is why those latter-mentioned Jews must be protected with roadblocks, fences, etc.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 May, 2007 02:24 pm
Do you suppose the fact that they are armed settlements, provocatively placed on illegally seized land, protected by the IDF, and inevitably connected to a pattern of restricted (to them) access roads that further limit Palestinian daily life and commerce, just might have something to do with it?

You resort to so many half truths and so much sophistry that I am truly amnazed that you can refer to others as liars.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 May, 2007 02:24 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

[Israeli] posturing as the victim of supposed Palestinian opposition to their "existence"

You have said the equivalent of this many times. That does not make it true that the Israelis are "posturing" as you claimed. I proposed a way that the non-Israeli palestinian arabs could determine for themselves whether it was true or not. You apparently do not want to discuss that way. Why not?

... [The Israelis] have bullied their neighbors and the world into grudgingly accepting their unilateral expansionist policy, and have done so without regard for the long-term bad consequences.

The Israelis conquered the West Bank in 1967 in what they believed was their own self-defence. Since then they have given some of it back. Your accusation repeated so often without supporting evidence sounds more like a quote of lying propaganda than it is any validatable set of facts.

I think the track we are on now will benefit no one - not us, not Israel, and certainly not the Palestinian victims of Israeli oppression and their own foolishness.

We agree! I have previously asserted the same thing many times. So have you.

... Unfortunately we have removed any incentive for the Israeli people to recognize and act on their real long-term interests.

Do you think we have removed the incentive for the Israeli people to try to survive? I know some of them. They are desperate to find a way they can end this conflict without sacrificing their own survival. While they may be wrong about the magnitude of the actual threat to their survival, they need some evidence to change their minds. So why not encourage the non-Israeli palestinian arabs to try the method I proposed previously. There's nothing for these arabs to lose and much to gain if they do try that method?

... The best we can do is to recognize that both peoples have an equal right to existence and freedom; that our unilateral guarantees to one side have benefitted no one and will inevitably be removed; and hope that the parties themselves will find a way to live together.

What specifically are the unilateral guarantees to one side that you allege must be removed?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 May, 2007 02:28 pm
George, I see you cannot refute my last statement. All you can do is give us more wild anti-Israel accusations.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 May, 2007 02:31 pm
georgeob1 wrote:
Do you suppose the fact that they are armed settlements, provocatively placed on illegally seized land, protected by the IDF, and inevitably connected to a pattern of restricted (to them) access roads that further limit Palestinian daily life and commerce, just might have something to do with it?

You resort to so many half truths and so much sophistry that I am truly amnazed that you can refer to others as liars.

Absent evidence to support this contention of yours, I think it a repetition of someone else's lying propaganda you choose to believe without question.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 May, 2007 02:31 pm
They were not wild and they are not accusations. They are facts.

You have yet to offer any specific rebuttal on anything. Quite remarkable that you can find the ability to accuse others of your own salient characteristic.

Very weak.
0 Replies

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