To return to the topic of the thread:
Hezbollah has threatened for several months to topple the Lebanese government, which is seen (justifiably) as a U.S.-backed government. Syria only finally withdrew from the Lebanon last year, during what is now known as "the Cedar Revolution," widely seen both in the Muslim world, as well as in Europe, as a CIA-backed "coup" against government backers of Syria.
A major demonstration was launched yesterday:
Report from The Guardian (UK) on the Hezbollah-lead movement to topple the government.
A similar report from the Kuwait News Agency.
There are more than one thousand stories available online about this Hezbollah push to topple the government--the government so far has refused to cave-in to any of the Hezbollah demands.
The constitution of the Lebanon calls for proportional representation in the Parliament. Hezbollah has the problem that although they claim to represent Lebanese Shi'ites (and then, only the Twelver Shi'ites, but not the Sevener Shi'ites), they have never been able to get more than fractionally over 10% of the vote--most Shi'ites, Twelver or Sevener, vote for other parties. The Syrian Social Nationalist Party has been unexpectedly strong in parliamentary elections, and has provided an umbrella party for Sunnis and Shi'ites who are unwilling to vote for Hezbollah.
However, even those who won't vote for Hezbollah include many Muslims (and a handful of Christians, although never a significant number) support close contacts with Syria. Hezbollah simply does not have the political clout to topple the government on their own authority, so they have taken the politically astute move of attempting to create a pro-Syrian coalition which will topple the U.S.-supported government, undoubtedly in the hope of eventually taking control of the government.
This is a crucial devolopment, and will determine whether or not Hezbollah can one day actually govern the Lebanon.
I am amused that those here who are unbending supporters of Israel, and who claim that any criticism of Israel constitutes anti-Israel and anti-semitic sentiment, have seemingly failed to notice this development. Hezbollah has never controlled the Lebanon, despite the drivel which Fox, Ican't and McG post--however, they are now making a very creditable drive to achieve just that.