FreeDuck wrote:ican711nm wrote:Failure to even try cost thousands of Lebanese their lives. Failure to even try cost them their innocence. Failure to even try cost them their civilian status.
Luckily, I think you are one of only a handful of people who believe this.
Freeduck, it is long past time for you to have come to understand that truth is not established by majority vote.
the people of any country are morally responsible for getting their government to
stop any group in their midst from deliberately killing non-killers in another country. Failure to even try to stop such a group will probably cost thousands their lives. Failure to even try to stop such a group will probably cost thousands their innocence. Failure to even try will probably cost thousands their civilian status.
The same kind of failure to try to stop a group in their midst that was deliberately killing non-killers in another country, cost thousands of lives in Dresden, Hamburg, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. Failure to even try cost thousands their innocence. Failure to even try cost thousands their civilian status.
Whether you agree or not,
all people are individually responsible for the decisions they make, the actions they take, and the consequences of both. Not deciding and not acting relieves no one of the consequences of either, when the result of that indecision and inaction is the deliberate killing of non-killers by others.