Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 02:52 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

You're the one who brought up the tenure issue, I didn't. The Jews can trace their presence in Israel back many many centures before Christian times. So can the Arabs. But on balance now, the Jews now living in Israel have been there longer than most Palestinians now living in Israel.

The Jews are far less discriminatory toward the law abiding Arabs in their midst than the Arabs are toward the law abiding Jews in theirs. But you don't see the Jews firebombing school busses or blowing up market places.

Doesn't that impress you at all?

To what tenure issue are you referring? My response was to your comment about who's been there longer.

On balance the Jews now living in Israel have been there about the same time as the Arabs there.

The contention about "the Jews being far less discriminatory toward the law abiding Arabs in their midst than the Arabs are toward the law abiding Jews in theirs" is also a red herring. That "the Jews being far less discriminatory toward the law abiding Arabs in their midst than the Arabs are toward the law abiding Jews in theirs" does not negate the fact that the state of Israel discriminates and oppresses the Arabs in Israel and Palestine. That I "don't see the Jews firebombing school busses or blowing up market places" also doesn't negate the fact that the state of Israel discriminates and oppresses the Arabs in Israel and Palestine. This is also a red herring. What you've impressed upon me is your propensity for red herrings to rationalize your position.

Also, Zionists extremists did bomb Arab market places, among other acts of terrorism, in Palestine during the British Mandate.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 03:02 pm
ican711nm wrote:

If the Arabs want to, they should be allowed to go back to Arabia where their ancestors came from before they conquered Palestine in 638 A.D.

This is a non-sequitur. There are Arabs in Arabia. Also, the Palestinian Arabs should be able to live in the lands where they're from, Palestine.
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Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 03:05 pm
xingu wrote:
Foxy wrote:
But you don't see the Jews firebombing school busses or blowing up market places.

Pretty dumb. I suggest you look at the destruction and death they did in Lebanon and Gaza. A lot of women and children were killed there but I'm sure you find some pathetic excuse for it.

Worse than pretty dumb. I suggest you say how the Jews could have defended themselves against Hezbollah rocket firing sites--deliberately built by Hezbollah in the midst of non-combatant men, women, and children--without blowing up both the rocket sites and non-combatant men, women, and children in the neighborhood.

During the British occupation they did resort to planting bombs the way terrorist do. Ever hear of the King David Hotel?

Yes, dumb/evil Jews did plant bombs in and blew up the King David Hotel.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 03:09 pm
ican wrote:

The question of who owns land in Palestine doesn't give anyone the right to discriminate and oppress anyone else under ethnocentric rationalizations, or otherwise. Yours is a red herring.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 03:10 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
ican711nm wrote:

If the Arabs want to, they should be allowed to go back to Arabia where their ancestors came from before they conquered Palestine in 638 A.D.

This is a non-sequitur. There are Arabs in Arabia. Also, the Palestinian Arabs should be able to live in the lands where they're from, Palestine.

I agree. It was not an argument that followed or was intended to follow from any other argument. I merely was making a personal recomendation that if the Arabs in Palestine want to, they should be allowed to go back to Arabia where their ancestors came from before they conquered Palestine in 638 A.D.
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Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 03:16 pm
ican711nm wrote:
InfraBlue wrote:
ican711nm wrote:

If the Arabs want to, they should be allowed to go back to Arabia where their ancestors came from before they conquered Palestine in 638 A.D.

This is a non-sequitur. There are Arabs in Arabia. Also, the Palestinian Arabs should be able to live in the lands where they're from, Palestine.

I agree. It was not an argument that followed or was intended to follow from any other argument. I merely was making a personal recomendation that if the Arabs in Palestine want to, they should be allowed to go back to Arabia where their ancestors came from before they conquered Palestine in 638 A.D.

I make the personal recommendation to you that you take your head out of your arse.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 03:19 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:

You're the one who brought up the tenure issue, I didn't. The Jews can trace their presence in Israel back many many centures before Christian times. So can the Arabs. But on balance now, the Jews now living in Israel have been there longer than most Palestinians now living in Israel.

The Jews are far less discriminatory toward the law abiding Arabs in their midst than the Arabs are toward the law abiding Jews in theirs. But you don't see the Jews firebombing school busses or blowing up market places.

Doesn't that impress you at all?

To what tenure issue are you referring? My response was to your comment about who's been there longer.

On balance the Jews now living in Israel have been there about the same time as the Arabs there.

The contention about "the Jews being far less discriminatory toward the law abiding Arabs in their midst than the Arabs are toward the law abiding Jews in theirs" is also a red herring. That "the Jews being far less discriminatory toward the law abiding Arabs in their midst than the Arabs are toward the law abiding Jews in theirs" does not negate the fact that the state of Israel discriminates and oppresses the Arabs in Israel and Palestine. That I "don't see the Jews firebombing school busses or blowing up market places" also doesn't negate the fact that the state of Israel discriminates and oppresses the Arabs in Israel and Palestine. This is also a red herring. What you've impressed upon me is your propensity for red herrings to rationalize your position.

Also, Zionists extremists did bomb Arab market places, among other acts of terrorism, in Palestine during the British Mandate.

Good post, InfraBlue.

When the Israelis stop treating the Palestinians as Untermenschen, we can begin to make progress.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 03:24 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
ican wrote:

The question of who owns land in Palestine doesn't give anyone the right to discriminate and oppress anyone else under ethnocentric rationalizations, or otherwise. Yours is a red herring.

I agree except for your allegation, "red herring".

The point of the chronology was that no one except its present occupants owns land in Palestine. Therefore claims by the Arabs that they have a superior claim to lands Israel presently occupies, are false.

By the way, I would go further and say that no one has the right to "discriminate and oppress" anyone under any rationalizations, except a valid self-defense rationalization.

I say we all should "discriminate and oppress" into jail all those who have repeatedly threatened to kill and/or have repeatedly killed some of those we love.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 03:29 pm
McTag wrote:

When the Israelis stop treating the Palestinians as Untermenschen, we can begin to make progress.

That will happen when the Arabs stop repeatedly threatening to kill and killing Israelies.

Using your word, that will happen when the Arabs stop behaving like "Untermenschen".
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 03:41 pm
ican711nm wrote:
xingu wrote:
Foxy wrote:
But you don't see the Jews firebombing school busses or blowing up market places.

Pretty dumb. I suggest you look at the destruction and death they did in Lebanon and Gaza. A lot of women and children were killed there but I'm sure you find some pathetic excuse for it.

Worse than pretty dumb. I suggest you say how the Jews could have defended themselves against Hezbollah rocket firing sites--deliberately built by Hezbollah in the midst of non-combatant men, women, and children--without blowing up both the rocket sites and non-combatant men, women, and children in the neighborhood.

During the British occupation they did resort to planting bombs the way terrorist do. Ever hear of the King David Hotel?

Yes, dumb/evil Jews did plant bombs in and blew up the King David Hotel.

And, of course, no non-combatant women or children were killed by the Jews when they bombed apartment buildings. Nice to see it's only a one way street for you.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 04:01 pm
BTW, what's with all these cluster bombs dropped by Israel that's killing children?

Decade to clear cluster bombs
01/09/2006 21:35 - (SA)

Geneva - Clearing unexploded cluster bombs used by Israel in Lebanon during the month-long war, many of them US-manufactured, could take 10 years, a British-based demining group said on Friday.

"We will be clearing unexploded cluster munitions from the rubble of the villages of southern Lebanon for another decade," said Simon Conway, director of LandMine Action. "That is the grim reality," he told reporters in Geneva.

Before the recent war between Israel and Hizbollah guerrillas in the south, demining teams were still clearing unexploded cluster munitions from Israel's 1978 and 1982 incursions into Lebanon, according to the advocacy group which is campaigning for an international ban on their use.

Such weapons continue to kill and maim civilians, especially children, for years after a conflict, it said.

The United Nations estimates that 100 000 cluster bomblets that failed to explode lie in Lebanon, with most landing during the final 72 hours of the war, which ended in an August 14 ceasefire.

UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Jan Egeland has called Israel "completely immoral" for using them in residential areas.

Greater than Kosovo, Cambodia

"My understanding from the people I have spoken to in southern Lebanon is that the scale of cluster munition contamination is much greater than was seen in Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq," said Conway, a former deminer in post-conflict zones including Kosovo, Afghanistan and Cambodia.

Israel denies using the weapons illegally and accuses Hizbollah of firing rockets into Israel from civilian areas.

Three types of artillery-delivered cluster bombs were used by Israel in Lebanon - two US-made (M42 and M77) and one Israeli (M85), each with roughly the same failure rate of 40%, he said.

So far, the United Nations has found 400 strike sites where cluster bombs - "a lot of them US-manufactured" - were used, said David Shearer, UN humanitarian coordinator in Lebanon.

UN demining teams, who have destroyed 2 900 sub-munitions so far, predict it would take 12 to 15 months to clean up the cluster bombs.

"Currently one person per day is being killed and three people per day are being injured by ordnance of all types," Shearer told reporters.

Some 100 deminers - from Sweden, Britain and New Zealand - will be deployed by the end of the week, according to the UN official, who expected the UN force in south Lebanon to be more involved as troop levels rise.

Like Foxy said, Americans are wimps. We don't kill enough women and children. Maybe we can learn something from Israel.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 04:21 pm
xingu wrote:

And, of course, no non-combatant women or children were killed by the Jews when they bombed apartment buildings. Nice to see it's only a one way street for you.

I don't know whether the Jews actually bombed apartment buildings and I suspect neither do you.

But let's assume they did. Why do you think the Israelies did that?

Do you think they did that because they hated non-combatant Lebanese men, women, and children and wanted to exterminate them?

Do you think they did that because they screwed up by thinking the buildings were Hezbollah rocket sites?

Do you think they did that because they hit Hezbollah rocket sites right next door?

Do you think they did that because they screwed up by missing Hezbollah rocket sites next door?

Do you think they did that in retaliation for the Israeli non-combatant men, women, and children hezbollah killed with its rockets?

Do you think they did that because they intended to demolish and then buy the bombed building sites on the cheap for future business investments?

Do you think they did that because .................
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Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 04:40 pm
Maybe the exploding cluster bombs in future years will remind the Lebanese to stay the hell out of Israel.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 05:12 pm
Advocate wrote:
Maybe the exploding cluster bombs in future years will remind the Lebanese to stay the hell out of Israel.

Then again exploding cluster bombs may give Hezbollah more support.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 05:24 pm
Advocate, why are you so virulently pro-Israel? Can't you see what you are supporting?

0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 05:34 pm
Charles Krauthammer (WashPost):



"We did not think, even 1 percent, that the capture would lead to a war at this time and of this magnitude. You ask me, if I had known on July 11 . . . that the operation would lead to such a war, would I do it? I say no, absolutely not."

-- Hasan Nasrallah,

Hezbollah leader, Aug. 27

So much for the "strategic and historic victory" Nasrallah had claimed less than two weeks earlier. What real victor declares that, had he known, he would not have started the war that ended in triumph?

Nasrallah's admission, vastly underplayed in the West, makes clear what the Lebanese already knew. Hezbollah may have won the propaganda war, but on the ground it lost. Badly.

True, under the inept and indecisive leadership of Ehud Olmert, Israel did miss the opportunity to militarily destroy Hezbollah and make it a non-factor in Israel's security, Lebanon's politics and Iran's foreign policy. Nonetheless, Hezbollah was seriously hurt. It lost hundreds of its best fighters. A deeply entrenched infrastructure on Israel's border is in ruins. The great hero has had to go so deep into hiding that Nasrallah has been called "the underground mullah."

Most important, Hezbollah's political gains within Lebanon during the war have proved illusory. As the dust settles, the Lebanese are furious at Hezbollah for provoking a war that brought them nothing but devastation -- and then crowing about victory amid the ruins.

The Western media were once again taken in by the mystique of the "Arab street." The mob came out to cheer Hezbollah for raining rockets on Israel -- surprise! -- and the Arab governments that had initially criticized Hezbollah went conveniently silent. Now that the mob has gone home, Hezbollah is under renewed attack -- in newspapers in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait...

0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 05:39 pm
Advocate wrote:
Maybe the exploding cluster bombs in future years will remind the Lebanese to stay the hell out of Israel.

Two things I notice:

One, if Israel had shown the same incompetence at protecting its own civilians that Lebanon did, there would be tens of thousands of Israeli casualties instead of the several dozen there are.

Two, if Israel had fought this war under the same rules the stinking hezbullies use, there would be a million or more leb casualties.

Israelis refused to use technologies available to them to avoid harming lebanese civilians, and a hundred or more Israelis are now dead on account of it.

The only safe assumption lebs have is that they have indeed gotten away with something, and that they have just seen the last time between now and the day of judgement that Israel will ever let its own people die to save any of their sorry asses.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 05:42 pm
xingu wrote:

UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Jan Egeland has called Israel "completely immoral" for using them in residential areas.....

The UN, you say?

You mean Kofi Annan and his merry crew??

0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 05:47 pm
More from Krauthammer:


...The Lebanese know that Israel bombed easy-to-repair airport runways when it could have destroyed the new airport terminal and set Lebanon back 10 years. The Lebanese know that Israel attacked the Hezbollah TV towers when it could have pulverized Beirut's power grid, a billion-dollar reconstruction. The Lebanese know that the next time, Israel's leadership will hardly be as hesitant and restrained. Hezbollah dares not risk that next time....
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 05:48 pm
Krauthammer is an idiot, and Tomzz is little better.

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