Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 02:49 pm
BernardR wrote:
Well, maybe we have different antennas, Ican. My Great Uncle and Aunt were gassed and burned in the ovens at Dachau. Their daughter, who escaped, commented over and over in her later life, but they were so polite at first. I never thought they would do that to us.
Yes, our antennas are different. No one in my family, to the best of my knowledge, was murdered by any terrorist nation like Nazis Germany. My only response to your point evolves from my own intuition. I think the viewpoints of Old Europe et al are based on something other than an anti-jew bigotry. I think they are based fundamentally on the seemingly widely prevailing, albeit stupid, notion these days, that victims who ruthlessly defend themselves against their victimizers, cause their victimizers to victimize them and others all the more.

My intuition has been wrong before and could easily be wrong now.

Old Europe is obviously viciously opposed to Israel. I don't know what country he(she?) comes from but I know that you are aware that the Germans are unalterably opposed to any kind of Anti-Semitism. The French? Well, the French are the French--The country which has never worked through its national disgrace from the Dreyfus case.

I would expect any rational person from Europe who knew exactly what happened to the Jews in Europe during World War II, to give them a good deal of leeway in their efforts to re-establish their homeland.

I find it INCREDIBLE that people like Old Europe would ally themselves with the Islamo-fascist fringe.

If Old Europe( who, is, I think, not a Muslim) does not understand that there is a culture war going on between those who are Muslims and those who are not, there is no hope for him and people who think like him!!!

I agree with you that such is incredible absent some kind of an explanation. Again, I think the correct explanation is Old Europe et al cannot tolerate any who ruthlessly defend themselves against their victimizers.

The question my intuition next has to answer is why such intolerance? I think such intolerance is due mainly to the notion that those who ruthlessly defend themselves will eventually make it necessary for those suffering such intolerance to ruthlessly defend themselves as well, and that scares the hell out of them or intolerably discomforts them (e.g., "better the devil you know, than the devil you don't know").

OK, why should that scare the hell out of them? My intuition again, but this time based on some anecdotal evidence. I've frequently encountered in my lifetime people who are afraid to confront certain challenges, and who deeply resent those they think are either unafraid, or while afraid confront those challenges anyway. Also, I've encountered those who don't want to be bothered with challenges and are resentful of those who do.

Why is that? My intiuition has no answer. Crying or Very sad
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 03:00 pm
Set, all I see in your post is a lot of twisted logic and misinterpretation and misrepresentation of what I said. In any event, I will stand by all my previous statements.

I see you as an apologist for all Arab actions, but a severe critic of Israel's attempt to live at peace.

There is such a thing as to the victor goes the spoils. Israel, which was attacked in 1967, won the war and took over the West Bank and Gaza. You seem to have problems with this; thus, I assume that we should return Puerto Rico to Spain, and the Southwest to Mexico. Certainly, France and Poland should return the land seized from Germany (e.g., Alsace Lorraine).

Israel pulled out of Gaza and Lebanon. But the Arabs in Gaza didn't seek to go to work farming the land and building their economy. Instead, they built tunnels into Israel and rocketed it. But to you, it is all Israel's fault.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 03:03 pm
Foxfyre, this deserves to be repeated and repeated ... and repeated, because real truth these days, is a very hard sell.
Foxfyre wrote:

... the alternative and better way is for the anti-victory forces to change their mind, get behind the President and military, and give them a green light and Good Housekeeping stamp of approval to do whatever is necessary to win this war. They will no longer be required to pull their punches or be second guessed and criticized for whatever property or collateral damage is done and they (and the terrorists) will be reminded daily that the American people are 100% behind them and cheering them on to victory. If our allies followed suit, it would expedite victory and peace that much sooner.

Had we done that in the first place, I honestly believe this thing would have essentially been over within the first year, many thousands of lives would have been spared, and the only troops we would have there now would be advisory as Iraq finishes training a new army and policy force and putting their Constitution into effect. If that was our normal M.O. from the beginning, I think we would have gone in with overwhelming force as we did in Desert Storm and we would have gotten the job done.

By 'we" I mean the entire coalition. I think most of us are way more timid and reticient than we used to be, and that as much as anything is empowering the world's terrorists to step up their efforts to conquer us all. I think the reason Israel did not achieve complete victory is that world opinion didn't want it to. And that is unfortunate as it prevents true peace from being attained.

Thank you!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 03:37 pm
Setanta wrote:
[otherwise known as Setantary]
Ican't posts an article in which he enlarges and bold faces a passage about 400 rockets being launched in five days. That is not thousands of rockets ...

Ican't's quoted source wrote:
In the last five days Hezbollah has fired about 400 rockets into Israel, killing at least 16 civilians.


400 in 5 days = an average of 80 per day.

But, CNN reported day after day after day that Hezbollah shot well over a hundred rockets into Israel. However, for a moment let's stick with an average of 80 per day.

The Hezbollah rocket firings took place over more than 20 days.

20 x 80 = 1,600 (but not thousands).

20 x 100 = 2,000 (now that's thousands; i.e., two thousand)

Now, don't shoot at Israel and they won't shoot at you.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 04:05 pm
Advocate wrote:
Set, all I see in your post is a lot of twisted logic and misinterpretation and misrepresentation of what I said. In any event, I will stand by all my previous statements.

I quoted the post in which you stated that Israel was attacked in all of those wars--that is not a twisting of logic, it is a quote of what you wrote. If you wish to stand by your previous statements, then you will be standing by your contradictions of yoursel.f

I see you as an apologist for all Arab actions, but a severe critic of Israel's attempt to live at peace.

I have never apologized for Arab actions, and i can think of few comments so tragically ludicrous as the contention that the overall policies of Israel for the last 60 years were aimed at living in peace.

There is such a thing as to the victor goes the spoils. Israel, which was attacked in 1967, won the war and took over the West Bank and Gaza. You seem to have problems with this; thus, I assume that we should return Puerto Rico to Spain, and the Southwest to Mexico. Certainly, France and Poland should return the land seized from Germany (e.g., Alsace Lorraine).

There is also such a thing as the Geneva Conventions, to which Israel is a signatory. I'm not surprised to see you advocate a "to the victor belong the spoils" policy, although i'll admit that i hadn't thought any of the Israel-apologist posse would have that degree of honesty. I don't have a problem with anything but that Israel violates the solemn diplomatic undertakings to which she has agreed. If you think you can return Puerto Rico to Spain, and the Southwest to Mexico, have a shot at it. Keep in mind, none of the parties to those conflicts had signed solemn diplomatic engagements such as the Geneva Conventions. This is also true, of course, of France and Prussia in 1870 when Germany first took Alsace and Lorraine from France, and of Prussia, Russia and Austria in the three partitions of Poland by which that nation was made to disappear. I see you are eager to continue to demonstrate your ignorance of basic, simple historical facts.

Israel pulled out of Gaza and Lebanon. But the Arabs in Gaza didn't seek to go to work farming the land and building their economy. Instead, they built tunnels into Israel and rocketed it. But to you, it is all Israel's fault.

First of all, you are not in a position to state whom i consider to be at fault. In fact, i have made a point in these fora of pointing out that both sides are at fault. You demonstrate your ignorance once again in your remarks which seem to suggest that all Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are terrortists who have never pursued peaceful activities and have only dedicated themselves to attacking Israel. Rant on, though, i'm used to the combination of smug-self-righteousness and ignorance which fuels your screed.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 04:08 pm
One source I posted in this past week--can't remember the exact day--was from an Israeli source saying that 4000 rockets had landed in Israel during the course of the hostilities. Most went into open countryside but enough hit civilian areas to do a lot of damage and create much concern for personal safety.

Here's another account:

0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 04:09 pm
ican711nm wrote:
Setanta wrote:
[otherwise known as Setantary]
Ican't posts an article in which he enlarges and bold faces a passage about 400 rockets being launched in five days. That is not thousands of rockets ...

Ican't's quoted source wrote:
In the last five days Hezbollah has fired about 400 rockets into Israel, killing at least 16 civilians.


400 in 5 days = an average of 80 per day.

But, CNN reported day after day after day that Hezbollah shot well over a hundred rockets into Israel. However, for a moment let's stick with an average of 80 per day.

The Hezbollah rocket firings took place over more than 20 days.

20 x 80 = 1,600 (but not thousands).

20 x 100 = 2,000 (now that's thousands; i.e., two thousand)

Now, don't shoot at Israel and they won't shoot at you.

So one can assume that the Israelis undertook no massive military response for twenty days? I suggest the Lebanese would differ with you.

Of course, you have ignored the point i made in quoting you. That was that the article you quoted stated that 16 Israeli civilians were killed in a period in which 80 Lebanese civilians were killed. That both beggars ludicrous contentions about when "massive military" action were taken, and about Israelis as reluctantly responding to unprovoked attacks. Isreal has about 10,000 Lebanese in their prisons, and continues to occupy the Shebaa Farms--Israel undertakes solemn diplomatic engagements, and does not fulfill them.

Don't shoot at all your neighbors, lie, cheat and steal from them, and you won't breed terrotists who are willing to blow themselves up in your market places.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 04:20 pm
Advocate wrote:
I guess that Israel is not allowed to defend itself. In all the wars named, Israel was attacked first. Even in the 1956 conflict, there were a series of Egyptian actions against Israel preceding the latter's attack on the Suez Canal. (emphasis added)

Conventions permit the use of cluster bombs provided they are not used indiscriminately on civilians. They were used on Hez forces that, unfortunately, hide behind civilians in civilian areas. It is unfair to expect Israel to forgo the use of certain weapons due to the Hez actions.

Israel dropped leaflets before attacking heavily populated areas containing Hez forces. Thus, some apartment buildings housing Hez may have been destroyed after the civilians were warned away. Were the riders on the buses blown up by Hez given warnings? Ha!

All Lebanon has to do is sit down in peace with Israel, as did Jordan and Egypt, to work out differences. Guess why this is not happening.

This is the full text of the post by Advocate to which i referred. It is not either twisting what he wrote nor misrepresenting what he wrote to point out that he had written that "Israel was attacked first."

By the way, it is an outright lie that ". . . there were a series of Egyptian actions against Israel preceding the latter's attack on the Suez Canal." this both because Israel never attacked the Suez Canal, as i've already pointed out, but more so because even Israel never alleged that it has been attacked by the Egyptians. Israeli forces entered Gaza because of what were characterized as guerilla attacks by Palestinians, and Israel justified its invasion of Egyptian territory with a claim (never proven, but probably true) that the Egyptians were giving material support to Palestinian guerilla fighters. Now, once again, i'll take the charitable view, and suggest that Advocate is not willfully lying, but simply displaying once again his already well-demonstrated ignorance of history.

It does get tedious, though to be obliged to continually quote someone to point out to them precisely what they did write.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 06:36 pm
Advocate wrote:
Set, all I see in your post is a lot of twisted logic and misinterpretation and misrepresentation of what I said. In any event, I will stand by all my previous statements.

I see you as an apologist for all Arab actions, but a severe critic of Israel's attempt to live at peace.

There is such a thing as to the victor goes the spoils. Israel, which was attacked in 1967, won the war and took over the West Bank and Gaza. You seem to have problems with this; thus, I assume that we should return Puerto Rico to Spain, and the Southwest to Mexico. Certainly, France and Poland should return the land seized from Germany (e.g., Alsace Lorraine).

Israel pulled out of Gaza and Lebanon. But the Arabs in Gaza didn't seek to go to work farming the land and building their economy. Instead, they built tunnels into Israel and rocketed it. But to you, it is all Israel's fault.

I guess I'm merely reinforcing Setanta's comments, but, unless I am seriously mistaken, Israel was not "attacked in 1967" as Advocate claims. Instead Israel itself opened armed hostilities by preempting what they believed (probably accurately) was a coming coordinated attack by Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. Moreover in 1956 Israel, together with France andf the UK invaded Egypt, taking Siani and Suez - they would likely have held on to all the territory easy of the canal, had not President Eisenhower told them bluntly to get out.

The stunning 1967 victory was - in my view - Israel's moment of truth. They could have created a Palestinian state in most of the West Bank and begun a process of mutual economic development which might have changed the political trajectory of the region. Instead they pursued a policy of ambiguity, aceeding on the one hand to to the ambittions of Zionist zealots who wanted to use settlements in the West Bank to drive out the inhabitasnts and restore their fantasy of a greater Israel (which never really existed). and on the other to gestures in a "Peace Process" which did bring an end to hostilities with Egypt and Jordan, but which merely inflamed the Palestinian issue among the occupied populations in the West Bank and Gaza.

I wish no harm for Israel, but I am not at all convinced that there can any longer be a peace in that region if it is governed by avowedly sectarian states - Jewish or Moslem.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 06:56 pm
Damn good post, George.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 07:03 pm
Setanta wrote:
ican711nm wrote:

400 in 5 days = an average of 80 per day.

But, CNN reported day after day after day that Hezbollah shot well over a hundred rockets into Israel. However, for a moment let's stick with an average of 80 per day.

The Hezbollah rocket firings took place over more than 20 days.

20 x 80 = 1,600 (but not thousands).

20 x 100 = 2,000 (now that's thousands; i.e., two thousand)

Now, don't shoot at Israel and they won't shoot at you.

So one can assume that the Israelis undertook no massive military response for twenty days? I suggest the Lebanese would differ with you.

No one can rationally assume or infer that based on anything I posted.

Of course, you have ignored the point i made in quoting you.
Of course, I ignored it. It had nothing to do with my post wherein I was estimating how many rockets Hesbollah fired at Israel.

Don't shoot at all your neighbors, lie, cheat and steal from them, and you won't breed terrotists who are willing to blow themselves up in your market places. Rolling Eyes

No! Read carefully!

Don't shoot at your neighbors and they won't shoot at you.

Don't threaten to exterminate your neighbors and they won't threaten to exterminate you.

Don't put you rockets amidst non-cobatants and non-cobatants won't become casualties when you shoot your rockets at your neighbors.

It's really a quite simple set of tradeoffs.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 09:58 pm
Setanta wrote:

...Don't shoot at all your neighbors, lie, cheat and steal from them, and you won't breed terrotists who are willing to blow themselves up in your market places.

You're basically claiming that people do that kind of **** for causes. That's wrong. There are too many counterexamples of people with reasons to dislike Americans who never do that sort of thing. If nothing else, you'd figure Slick KKKlintler just gave Serbs a hell of a lot of reasons to think they had cause for blowing themselves up in crowded places in NY or London or flying airplanes into buildings in NATO countries but, funny thing, you just don't read about that, or about Germans or Japanese doing suicide bombing **** for revenge for WWII or Indians trying to blow up parliament for revenge for British colonial rule or....

You see, nobody does that kind of **** for any sort of a cause: people do that kind of **** because they're f***ed-up people. In some cases people do **** like that because they're BORN f***ed-up, like Charles Manson or Jeffrey Dahmer. In other cases, people do **** like that because they've been caught up in a phony and vile religion and culturial meliue which preaches hatred, violence, self pity, and demonization of outsiders.

One thing I notice about de-mokkker-rats and libs: a Christian sect only has to think about doing the tiniest fraction of the kind of **** slammites do, and the libs will come down on them like a ton of bricks, and any concerns about innocent bystanders or women or kids getting torched in the process will go straight out the window:


I mean, maybe what we need is to put Janet Reno in charge of some sort of thing or make her into some sort of a slammite relations "tsar" or something like that. They could tell her that slammites all abuse children, I mean, it's not like they'd be lying...

0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 04:24 am
gungasnake wrote:

You see, nobody does that kind of **** for any sort of a cause: people do that kind of **** because they're f***ed-up people.....

For anybody with any doubts on that one, consider the following news item:


IRA's top bombers teach Muslim extremists how to kill our boys
(The Express On Sunday Via Thomson Dialog NewsEdge ^ | [August 21, 2006] | n.k.

Posted on 08/26/2006 3:11:23 AM PDT by vimto

IT IS the axis of evil most feared by the security services - veteran, cool-headed Irish terrorists teaming up with Islamic extremists.

Now, in the wake of the failed bid to blow up 10 transatlantic aircraft, the Sunday Express has pieced together the links between the two groups that signal a new era of terror.

There is also a further potent mix to the pot - former special forces' soldiers-turned-mercenaries from Britain and the US who are willing to sell their deadly expertise to the highest bidder.

The Sunday Express has learned:

Continuity IRA terrorists have visited Iran and Syria to sell bomb-making secrets to Hezbollah and Al Qaeda.

Roadside bombs used to kill British troops in Iraq are thought to have been created with the help of Irish bombers.

British students are being recruited for Iran-backed terror camps in South Africa.

Renegade former British special forces' soldiers are being lured by Islamic terror groups to pass on their secrets at terror training camps.

Terror groups are establishing camps in Britain, similar to the ones used by the IRA in the Irish Republic.

A former special forces soldier, now a mercenary, told the Sunday Express: "The Islamic terrorists are well financed and expanding their operations but they lack the professionalism and skills of groups like the IRA.

"They are beginning to realise that and so they are willing to pay for the expertise. That is why they are turning towards experienced and battle-hardened Irish terrorists, who have been made redundant by the peace process.

"There are an awful lot of Irish bombmakers looking for work, cash in hand and no questions asked.

"The roadside bombs turning up in Iraq have mercury-tilt mechanisms and laser triggers - the methods used by Irish terrorists in Northern Ireland at the height of the Troubles. The next logical step is that they will work with Islamic extremist terror cells here.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 04:52 am
Besides giving me a great laught to combine "any doubts" and "news" together with an article in The Express (and here especially the Sunday Express), - did you really question, gunga, connections between the various terroristic groups?

IRA, ETA etc are wellknown to have contacts to islamic terrorists - since a couple of years.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 08:16 am
I am not sure what the Waco tragedy has to do with the thread at hand, but, clearly there were mistakes possiblie wrong doings and even cover ups made from the government end of that whole horrible event. However, the fire itself was caused from the Davidians.

Find law has titles with brief paragraphs about the event, I tried to click on the links but they must be archived or something.

Fire at Waco complex probably was set inside deliberately, expert testifies (Post-Dispatch 7/12/00) An expert testified Wednesday that the high heat and speed of the fire at the Branch Davidian complex suggested that the fire had been set intentionally by people inside the buildings. The expert was James G. Quintiere, a professor of fire protection engineering at the University of Maryland. He said three or four fires started within two minutes, just after noon April 19, 1993.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 08:23 am
Do you dispute the main point I was making, i.e. that these people are doing what they do primarily because they're ****ed-up and that any sort of a cause involved is no better than a secondary consideration?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 08:24 am
Does anybody seriously believe the Clinton administration couldn't find any number of 'expert' witnesses to testify that they didn't cause the tragedy at the Branch Davidian? Are you seriously suggesting there is no possibility that using tanks to ram holes in the building had something to do with that?

The fact is, those experts with no dog in the fight say there is no way to know for sure how the fire started. The testimony of those who were in the building has been rock solid that none of them set it.

The issue itself has no bearing whatsoever on the current situation in the Middle East other than to illustrate how govenrment can be more than willing to offer facts that can be quite different from what actually happened.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 08:25 am
revel wrote:
I am not sure what the Waco tragedy has to do with the thread at hand, but, clearly there were mistakes possiblie wrong doings and even cover ups made from the government end of that whole horrible event. However, the fire itself was caused from the Davidians. .


One, that's never been obvious to me and, two, the people who tried to run out of the building were being shot at and ran back into it and died.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 08:28 am
Foxfyre wrote:
Does anybody seriously believe the Clinton administration couldn't find any number of 'expert' witnesses to testify that they didn't cause the tragedy at the Branch Davidian? Are you seriously suggesting there is no possibility that using tanks to ram holes in the building had something to do with that?

The fact is, those experts with no dog in the fight say there is no way to know for sure how the fire started. The testimony of those who were in the building has been rock solid that none of them set it.

The issue itself has no bearing whatsoever on the current situation in the Middle East other than to illustrate how govenrment can be more than willing to offer facts that can be quite different from what actually happened. And Gunga is quite right that there is often no rational explanation for why groups like the Branch Davidians exist or why a government will choose the methods that it uses.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 08:29 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Besides giving me a great laught.....

When the slammites put Germany under sharia law, you aint gonna be laughing. Then that smiling face we see in the avatar is going to look more like this:

0 Replies

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