Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 04:08 pm
mysteryman wrote:
ehBeth wrote:
mm, read the article, not the stupid title (and I mean stupid, literally)

The bombs dropped on Lebanon were reportedly old, with a much higher failure rate of about 40%.

In the wasteland of southern Lebanon, children gather up metal to sell. It's easy to mistake one of the small cluster bomb-lets for scrap. One child survivor recalls the bomb that put him in a hospital bed, "...my cousin picked up the bomb. It was shaped like a ball. It was an explosion. My insides fell out.

I did read the article.
I was only responding to the stupidity of the title.

The editor should never have let that title pass.

Then write him. Don't waste peoples' time here.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 04:11 pm
blatham wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
ehBeth wrote:
mm, read the article, not the stupid title (and I mean stupid, literally)

The bombs dropped on Lebanon were reportedly old, with a much higher failure rate of about 40%.

In the wasteland of southern Lebanon, children gather up metal to sell. It's easy to mistake one of the small cluster bomb-lets for scrap. One child survivor recalls the bomb that put him in a hospital bed, "...my cousin picked up the bomb. It was shaped like a ball. It was an explosion. My insides fell out.

I did read the article.
I was only responding to the stupidity of the title.

The editor should never have let that title pass.

Then write him. Don't waste peoples' time here.

If you dont want your time "wasted",then I suggest you not read what others write.

You are choosing to have your time wasted,so dont blame me.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 04:12 pm
dyslexia wrote:
ehBeth wrote:
did you get a response from them yet?

Walter Hinteler wrote:
old europe wrote:
Possum wrote:
Really? I shall write to the Encyclopdia Brittanica forthwith!

We would be delighted if you could be so kind as to post a copy of your letter on this thread.

Thank you.

Just in case:

Britannica Customer Support
331 North La Salle Street
Chicago, IL 60610\

inserted by Dyslexia
Possum, we all await, with glee, your response. otherwise we will have to go by your lack of response as meaning you finally quit inane postings and go back to shoveling out the pig sty that you call your mind.


fon/fax: (800) 323-1229
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 04:13 pm
mysteryman wrote:
If you dont want your time "wasted",then I suggest you not read what others write.

It seems the new A2K is going to make that a delightful possibility.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 04:16 pm
Praissssse Jeesus
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Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 05:34 pm
BernardR wrote:
Well, if . . . Setanta can prove that my post from the edition of Encyclopedia Brittanica is incorrect or misstated I will apologise to him profusely. On the other hand, if he cannot , he must apologize to me . . .

It is tedious that you are now clogging the thread yet again with yet another brain-dead strawman effort. At no time did i address you, quote your remarks or respond to your remarks. Gunga speculated about the significance of Palestine being around for about a hundred years--so i pointed out that the placename Palestine has been in use for thousands of years. When he basically called that bullshit, i found an English-Greek concordance of Herodotus, The Histories, and posted very citation i could find in which Herodotus used the name Palestine--more than 2000 years ago.

At no time did i waste my time by quoting and responding to, or even eliptically referring to any post by the idiot Italgato/Massagato/Chiczaria/Mortkat/Bernard. Nothing obliges me to apologize to that peawit for anything. I made not one comment about Britannica and in the information therein.

Just because you are too stupid to distinguish one member from the other, is no good reason to keep ranting and clogging up the thread.


On the other hand, the entertainment value which Beth and Dys derive from this is wonderful.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 06:13 pm
Herodotus' comment is in error!

The Encyclopedia Brittanica clearly states:


"Though the Isrealite Tribes entered Palestine before the end of the Late Bronze Age, they did not become firmly established in thier new home until the early decades of the 12th century BC"

This is to show the Anti-Semites that the Isrealis do indeed have a claim on Palestine.

I am so sorry that your lack of scholarship and civility leads you to the useage of words such as "bullshit". One would think that someone who thinks of himself as a "sage" would have a better vocabulary!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 06:19 pm
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 06:28 pm
No post of mine referred to Possum's drivel.

I had no comment to make on the arrival of the "Israelites" in Palestine.

I did not at any time contend that any part of Herodotus comments on the arrival of the "Israelites" in Palestine.

I did not use the term bullshit--it was introduced by Possum's a$$hole buddy Gunga.

I have never contended that i am a sage, and do not think of myself as a sage.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 06:40 pm
That's not a nice word either. Is the posting of a scatalogical term a violation of the TOS?
But, despite any protestations from the learned Setanta, I must, I really must comment on his one word reply-

I reference Cyrano De Bergerac by Edmond Rostand.

In the first act of that wonderful play, Cyrano warns those in the audience that they are not to "find this feature of my countenance a theme for comedy"

Then. "Valvert" an aristocratic fop who thinks he can best Cyrano answers-

"Ah...your nose...your nose is rather large"

Cyrano answers-"Rather" and then says--

IS THAT ALL? You are too simple. Why you might have said a good many things! Mon Dieu, why waste your opportunity...

For example, thus-

Aggressive- I, sir, if that nose were mine, I'd have it amputated on the spot
Pedantic--Does not Aristophanes mention a mythologic monster called Hippocamelephantocamelos"? Surely, we have here the original
Eloquent- When it blows, the typhoon howls and the skies darken--When it bleeds- The Red Sea.

These, my dear sir, are things you might have said had you some tinge of letters, or of wit, to color your discourse. But wit--not so--You never had an atom, and of letters, you need but three to write you down--An Ass!

Putz? Is that all? No wit? No letters?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 06:55 pm
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 07:32 pm
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.


NOUN: 1. Slang A fool; an idiot. 2. Vulgar Slang A penis.
INTRANSITIVE VERB: Inflected forms: putzed, putz·ing, putz·es
Slang To behave in an idle manner; putter.
ETYMOLOGY: Yiddish pots, penis, fool.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 09:16 pm
Setanta's use of the perjorative putz is Setanta's current way of blatantly confessing he is unable to provide a rational rebuttal.

Be kind to the poor feller. Crying or Very sad
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 09:29 pm
A rational rebuttal to possum? Why is that even desireable?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 10:17 pm
--Ican wrote:------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Setanta's use of the perjorative putz is Setanta's current way of blatantly confessing he is unable to provide a rational rebuttal.

Be kind to the poor feller.


Yes, Ican, when I first began to read posts on A2K, I was under the impression that Setanta was learned and erudite. Then, after further examination and interaction, I discovered he was a fraud. Mr. Setanta writes long screeds about one thing and another and rarely gives evidence to buttress his statements.

Ican, I think he is still smarting from the last time I cleaned his clock.

That is why he resorts to the puerile tactic of name calling!!

as you commented--

be kind to the poor feller
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 06:00 am
Amnesty: Israeli military action massively destroyed Lebanon's infrastructure

The human rights group said initial evidence, including the pattern and scope of the Israeli attacks, number of civilian casualties, widespread damage and statements by Israeli officials "indicate that such destruction was deliberate and part of a military strategy, rather than 'collateral damage.'"

Amnesty International, whose delegates monitored the fighting in both Israel and Lebanon, said Israel violated international laws banning direct attacks on civilians and barring indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks.

"The scale of the destruction was just extraordinary," said Amnesty researcher Donatella Rovera, who visited Lebanon during the war and co-authored the report.

"There is clear evidence of disproportionate and indiscriminate attacks."

The group urged the United Nations to look into whether both combatants, Israel and Hezbollah, broke international law.

Amnesty International said it would address Hezbollah's attacks on Israel separately.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 06:21 am
ican711nm wrote:
Setanta's use of the perjorative putz is Setanta's current way of blatantly confessing he is unable to provide a rational rebuttal.

Be kind to the poor feller.

For all the jackasses out there who might be as dimwitted as Bernard--i have nothing to rebut. I never addressed Bernard's comments to either confirm or deny them. Gunga claimed the placename Palestine was a hundred years old. I said it had been used for thousands of years. Gunga said bullshit, so i provided citations of Herodotus' The Histories which repeatedly mention Palestine, and which were written more than two thousand years ago.

The Possum is so goddamned stupid, that he can't tell one member from another, and can't follow the thread of the conversation. So he became convinced--and fanatically so, because his volume control is broken--that i was referring to his dull-witted post, even though there was absolutely nothing in what i had written to confirm that.

Even someone as slow as you are Ican't, should be able to go back and see that Possum's rant is all the product of a paranoid fantasy. At no time did i quote his posts, refer to their content, nor confirm or deny the contentions therein.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 06:23 am
As for Italgato/Massagato/Chiczaria/Mortkat/Bernard's last venture into fantasy land . . . Putz.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 06:38 am
Setanta wrote:
Palestine has been known as Palestine for thousands of years. This page at historyworld-dot-com gives a good overview. References to "Alley Oop," Adam and Eve and Noah show us the depth of historical sophistication with which we are dealing here. Bedouins, commonly referred to as Arabs, have been living in that region for thousands of years. They didn't come in looking for work. If the land were "uninhabited," from whom is one alleging the Zionists "bought" land? In fact, after the Second World War, the region began to fill with European Jews who just took the land, and then demanded that any Palestinian who objected prove their title to the land in writing--which, of course, after centuries of occupation since time out of mind, they could not do. This was in fact the basis upon which Palestinian land and water rights were seized beginning in 1948.

Of course, with shills like Gunga around, the Israelis never have to fear fot the vigor of their propaganda machine in the United States.

I then wrote the following:

Setanta wrote:
Herodotus first mentions "Palaistine" in The Histories, written in the fifthe century before the current era.

Bernard was whining on while this was going on, and i ignored him, and did not respond to nor refer to a single post with which he had blemished this thread. Gunga responded as followed:

gungasnake wrote:
Setanta wrote:
Palestine has been known as Palestine for thousands of years. ....

MOOooooooooo plop, plop, plop.......


Bernard has, in typical fashion gotten hysterical about my use of the term bullshit, when i had only referred to Gunga's tasteless introduction of it into the thread--but i'm not surprised, because Possum can't distinguish one member from another, and can't follow the thread of the conversation.

In response to Gunga's "bullshit" post, i posted the following:

Setanta wrote:
Herodotus, in Book I, 105, of [i]The Histories[/i] wrote:
Thence they went on to invade Egypt; and when they were in Syria which is called Palestine, Psammetichos king of Egypt met them; and by gifts and entreaties he turned them from their purpose, so that they should not advance any further: and as they retreated, when they came to the city of Ascalon in Syria, most of the Scythians passed through without doing any damage, but a few of them who had stayed behind plundered the temple of Aphrodite Urania.

Source, in a Greek and English concordance, at Sacred Texts dot com.

The Big Bird responded to Gunga's post as follows:

timberlandko wrote:
Bullshit yourself, Gunga - while never was there a state or nation by that name, the overall region has been known as "The Palestine" or more simply, "Palestine" or cognates or particular linguistic equivalents thereof for millenia. Look up the etymology of the word "purple" and explore that word's relationship to the word /placename "Canaan".

Subsequently, i posted six or seven more citations of Herodotus, all showing the antiquity of the placename Palestine. At no time did i address the propaganda that Gunga and Possum are peddling in this thread about the relationship of the Israelis to the Palestinians--i only addressed Gunga's historical ignorance.

In a post subsequent to that, Walter responded to both Possum and Gunga--but Possum can't distinguish between members, so he has been hysterically attacking me ever since. At not time did i address his contentions or quote his posts. I only talk to the likes of Possum, or his near-twin Ican't, when they lie about me.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 06:47 am
The Song of Putz

A thousand thousand stinging cuts
broken lips, blackened nuts
degradations, uppercuts
"No surcease, boys, I'll have no 'but's"
take no mercy, no shortcuts
pleasure next to pain abuts
and purpose, sired by shame in gluts
nail me, elevate my crux."

We few, we Heroes, yes, call us nuts
you sing the sirens' Song of Putz
0 Replies

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