material girl wrote:I have never understood why guys do that!!
'You look pretty' and 'you think you look sh*t hot dont yuo' in practically the same breath!!
That isn't the moral of the story mg....
This man was perfectly fine, it was me.
He was an experienced adult, late 60's early 70's. He had no real interest in a 25 year old "girl" who was giving off the "I'm out of your league" vibes.
When I caught him glancing at me, I sure he was thinking "what a stuck up little snot"....his complimenting me was a combo of his just being pleasant while waiting for the john, and maybe a little to see if my attitude was really that bad.
I certainly verified his suspecion.
His comment was a wake up call to me, and I'm glad he did it.
Whether the pedestal that others think you're standing on is real, or imagined in the minds of others, it's not really a good place to be. Step down and join the fun.
When someone, male or female compliments me, I take it for what it is, a compliments....and my response...."Hey, thanks" is all that's needed.
You really can't go wrong with "Hey, thanks".
Maybe it's just me, but I absolutely don't cut the "beautiful" people any slack. Especially if that's all they have going for them. In fact attractive people have to prove to me pretty quick they aren't just a pretty face.