I am Alsatian. My grandfathers grandmother came from Alsace. I am 6.25% Alsatian. I rooted for France in the World Cup.
Your criticism of Italian Americans cheering for the country of their ancestry seems like a case of sour grapes. The Irish make complete fools of themselves each Saint Patrick's day...could you image if Ireland was ever good at anything...oh my god...we would never hear the end of it.
Admit it, you aspire to be all things Italian. You could drive a Ferrari in your Gucci and Ferragamo clothes on your way to South Philly or Brooklyn for a fine meal of the world's most loved cuisine along with a glass of Italian red wine. Then off to an art exhibit to learn about the paintings, sculptures and music delivered to the rest of the world by the Italian people at a time when Ireland couldn't grow a potato. Now that I think of it, I guess I understand the sour grapes.
Does this count as the weirdest thread, or what?
It is absolutely the funniest bit of fluff I've read in a long time. It's like watching a fight in a school yard. An elementary school yard! Like in The Sandlot (have you seen that movie?) Where the two kids are facing off and calling each other crap face and fart sniffer and the final and ultimate insult is YOU PLAY BALL LIKE A GIRL!

but I bet I know now why all the "I hate..." threads were created!
Re: RE: I hate "Italians"
Brancato wrote:ok first i would like to say that im 6.04% italian n ive ben italian 4 16 years so u bitchz need 2 juz stop wen u r about 2 bitch about thiz stuf ok kuz mi grand parentz r bot uv ruts frum rome n u hav a problum wit du italianz luvin our countri den back the **** off.
funniest post of the day...
whatevaman wrote:Admit it, you aspire to be all things Italian. You could drive a Ferrari in your Gucci and Ferragamo clothes on your way to South Philly or Brooklyn for a fine meal of the world's most loved cuisine along with a glass of Italian red wine. Then off to an art exhibit to learn about the paintings, sculptures and music delivered to the rest of the world by the Italian people at a time when Ireland couldn't grow a potato. Now that I think of it, I guess I understand the sour grapes.
Can't I drive a Ferrari in my Gucci outfit to an Italian restaurant and then to an exhibit of Italian art as, say, a Slovak? Didn't know there were ethnicity tests for ferraris and outfits and restaurants these days.
Hey Italy played New Zealand today in the rugby world cup tournament and ....lost by about 70 points.
But they tried their hardest. NZ are tournament favourites.
Ha, if I remember correctly from the last world cup, the Italians were such cry babies, constantly fell to the ground and screamed foul. How can
they possibly survive a rugby game?
dagmaraka wrote:whatevaman wrote:Admit it, you aspire to be all things Italian. You could drive a Ferrari in your Gucci and Ferragamo clothes on your way to South Philly or Brooklyn for a fine meal of the world's most loved cuisine along with a glass of Italian red wine. Then off to an art exhibit to learn about the paintings, sculptures and music delivered to the rest of the world by the Italian people at a time when Ireland couldn't grow a potato. Now that I think of it, I guess I understand the sour grapes.
Can't I drive a Ferrari in my Gucci outfit to an Italian restaurant and then to an exhibit of Italian art as, say, a Slovak? Didn't know there were ethnicity tests for ferraris and outfits and restaurants these days.
Seriously. I still walk through the city with too much hair gel and cologne, wearing a wife beater, whistling at women while grabbing my junk, then go home and smack the sh!t out of my girlfriend. Even though I do these things, I still don't really aspire to be Italian, even though it may seem so.
CalamityJane wrote:Ha, if I remember correctly from the last world cup, the Italians were such cry babies, constantly fell to the ground and screamed foul.
Uhm.... I guess we look at different sport channels....
Did you really go out of your way to sign up for the site, create "Italian Pride" for a name, just to tell me "your gay"?
Good for you.
Listen, poster boy for birth control, go pick up an English book, and learn the difference between "your" and "you're."
IP - non mi piace chi fa il finocchio col culo degli altri!
Ohhhh, now I have tingles up my spine...there's something so sexy about a French ear speaking Italian!
Ok, you can say: ear, ear!!
You can be slovak in italy, as italy is made of various hordes running through at different times. Italy is us.
Go ahead, dispute me....
I can't understand or translate all of Francis' post, but I figure we'd agree.
That may be a mistake..
Francis understands italian more than I do, plus he's a a guy.
I think he apprehends me as a woman who would like to know stuff,,
and also figure he is being polite, yet again...
Ah well, whatever he propels me re phrases, I'd like to discuss in person.
Oh, look, the french poo poo is exploding.
Surely this is not my business.
slovak? did anyone say slovak?
heh, we're so extrabred (is that even a word? as in, opposite of inbred) i wouldn't even know where to begin looking for heritage. possibly Kelts. But then it was Slavs, Marcomans, Avars, Huns, Tatars, Turks...you name it, they've been here.... Still, your average Slovak and your average Italian would probably agree they are rather distinct. I never gave two hoots, but I'm a rather bad patriot.