This post
I have Roman ancestry. I have always loved my Italian ancestry. I'm not offended but this post is not very nessessary. Still not mad. Thank you. . .
Re: This post
iwillwin wrote:I have Roman ancestry. I have always loved my Italian ancestry. I'm not offended but this post is not very nessessary. Still not mad. Thank you. . .

You don't have much of a sense of humor, though. It wouldn't surprise me if Slappy Doo Hoo, who started this thread, has Sicilian ancestry. No one takes a silly headline like "I Hate Italians" seriously. If he had meant it, he would have been bounced off the site by the mods. Ethnic slurs happen to be strictly against the TOS. But one can usually tell when a poster slike Slappy means it as a joke.
Chinese-Italian? Very interesting combination...good hair and lots of brain activity.
Re: Hello
iwillwin wrote:I am James Benson. I am of Roman descent. I have always been proud of my Italian. And honestly who gives a **** about who wins the world cup? Its just a game.

If you had half a brain, that was the point of the thread. What are you, nine years old? Go pop in a Spongebob DVD before mommy and daddy catch you on the computer again.
That's very cruel of you, Slappy. I am Italian myself - I am almost sure that my great great great great grandfather, who was in the Austrian army, passed through Italy during the uprisings of early 1800s. He must have, because my aunt has a unibrow. All of us Italians care deeply for soccer, you should know that, and there do I. It is part of our culture. I have no idea what's it about, but I am still very offended by what you said.
Dag, you're such a phony. If you were a real guido, you would call it "football."
I want chicken parm.
I hate Ball Park franks. They plump when you cook 'em? Fvck that.
I hate everybody, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation. I'm an equal opportunity bigot.
I always suspected that Slappy was French.
patiodog wrote:I hate Ball Park franks. They plump when you cook 'em? **** that.
That's because they're full of filler!
(hi to a2k to derestone...)
Re: RE: I hate "Italians"
dearestone wrote:Nice one. . .

Was it?
Re: I hate "Italians"!
Hello. I am Peter Jaques. I am half French. I actually watched France play Italy in the World Cup and I thought that both teams were really acting up. I wasn't even rooting for my country which is France and I didn't root for Italy either due to their actions in the last Soccer Game in the World Cup. So you know. :wink:
RE: I hate "Italians"
ok first i would like to say that im 6.04% italian n ive ben italian 4 16 years so u bitchz need 2 juz stop wen u r about 2 bitch about thiz stuf ok kuz mi grand parentz r bot uv ruts frum rome n u hav a problum wit du italianz luvin our countri den back the **** off.
6.04%.....I want a blood test!
Prove it buddy.
Seem more Irish to me.
Robots for grandparents would about explain it, eh?