My cousin's dad is in the hospital, becuase he got badly hurt in an accident. My cousin's there, and her husband is away in the US. So, I have been assigned with my cousin's two daughter. One is 1.5 years old and the other is 5.
As you know, I have no children of my own and therefore, no experience with handling children. The 5-year old goes to school. All logistics such as picking her up from school, food, etc - I have arranged. The 1.5 year old is looked after at home all day (while I'm at office) by another auntie (a relative). She seems to be doing just fine

Everything has been sailing quite smoothly till now (just 2 days up and 5 more to go). The only problem is:
The 5 year old constantly wants to buy something. She goes, "I want that" and "I want this" - it's neverending. She has a LOT of toys, clothes and everything she could ever want. She never plays with anything. She just wants to BUY. I don't mind the money spent, if only she would be happy with what we bought.We buy soemthing, and in a trice, she wants something else. And sometimes, she wants things in the middle of the night.
I was wondering if this was because she is separated from her mother....she is anxious and missing her, but this seems to be her regular beahviour. Is it normal for children to behave so? I don't know how to handle her.