Thoughts on gun control

Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 07:13 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:
FreeDuck wrote:
Right. Mecca is a place.
A place.

It didn't send suicide bombers to the US,
that was Osama bin Laden -- a person
(who was not at Mecca when he sent them).
I would think the difference would be fairly obvious.

No. That 's foolish.
That 's like saying that Tokyo sent its representatives
to execute their ministrations on us on 12/7/41,
or that Moscow sent its spies.
Everyone knows what that means.

Right. But in this case the place in question is not the capital of a nation that attacked us. It is a religious holy place. Unless you believe that the religion of Islam attacked us that day (and maybe you do) then it is assinine to equate it with London or Berlin.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 07:23 pm
Lash wrote:
snood wrote:
That's what Lash thinks.

And we didn't even have to ask.

So fortunate.

It's a fact you have so kindly spewed all over the pages here.

Nobody has to use their imagination.

You seem proud of it. You make low racist attacks continually and make no apology.
Your twisting over "Tarbaby" speaks for itself.


It seems to me
that Snood has an absolute right
to think anything he wants to think
about racism or about anything else;
the same as anyone else.

No one has to be politically correct
and no one has to apologize for any of his opinions.

That 's what FREEDOM means.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 07:31 pm
FreeDuck wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
FreeDuck wrote:
Right. Mecca is a place.
A place.

It didn't send suicide bombers to the US,
that was Osama bin Laden -- a person
(who was not at Mecca when he sent them).
I would think the difference would be fairly obvious.

No. That 's foolish.
That 's like saying that Tokyo sent its representatives
to execute their ministrations on us on 12/7/41,
or that Moscow sent its spies.
Everyone knows what that means.

Right. But in this case the place in question is not the capital of a nation that attacked us. It is a religious holy place. Unless you believe that the religion of Islam attacked us that day (and maybe you do) then it is assinine to equate it with London or Berlin.

The logic of the situation
does not require that a capital city be involved.

Referring to Mecca that way is obviously symbolic,
not that Laden was IN Mecca when he sent Atta here.
No one claims that every living Moslem attacked us on 9/11,
just as a communist killed Kennedy
but that does not mean that each and every commie was in on it.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 07:41 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
FreeDuck wrote:
Fox, tell me, do you explain to freedom4free why he is wrong? Or do you accept that his views are fringe and beyond reason and ignore him. Do I need to engage gunga in a debate about how you can't ban a religion and still have western values? (We have had that discussion, btw.) Or how Islam and terrorists are not equal? He admits that, and still says it would be ok to ban the religion and force the religious conversion of muslims. Do I need to explain to him why American values prevent us from nuking mecca and medina? Or why exterminating the palestinians is not a viable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian crisis? Really, would you go that far?

You are trying desperately to minimize what he is saying but it's not working. Sadly, you're lowering yourself more than you're raising him. Really Fox, you should be ashamed. Before you say one more word in his defense I urge you to do a few searches on his posts for the words "nuke", "exterminate", and "slammite".

I told Freedom4Free exactly where he was wrong and why. And I had no problem at all ignoring him when it became apparent that he was trolling trying to stir up trouble.

I am not attempting to raise Gunga in any way shape or form. He's a big boy quite capable of defending himself. But neither am I willing to accept the tar brush you people want to paint on anybody who thinks differently than you do or who sees things from a different point of view. You people aren't ignoring Gunga. You are diverting any attempt at discussion of the topic with your less than charitable personal attacks on him. You have ignored every point I make and are now turning on me because I won't join you in your personal attacks.

It's like everybody should champion diversity as long as everybody thinks exactly like the Lefties think and uses only the words acceptable to the Lefties.

And the hypocrisy of that is pretty hard to overlook.

Personal attacks are the leftists' stock-in-trade.

Most of the time,
they 'd rather emote a below-the-belt
ad hominem denunciation
than to reason out what is allegedly rong
with their victim 's argument.

When thay can 't handle the message,
thay try to silence the messenger.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 08:06 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
FreeDuck wrote:
Fox, tell me, do you explain to freedom4free why he is wrong? Or do you accept that his views are fringe and beyond reason and ignore him. Do I need to engage gunga in a debate about how you can't ban a religion and still have western values? (We have had that discussion, btw.) Or how Islam and terrorists are not equal? He admits that, and still says it would be ok to ban the religion and force the religious conversion of muslims. Do I need to explain to him why American values prevent us from nuking mecca and medina? Or why exterminating the palestinians is not a viable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian crisis? Really, would you go that far?

You are trying desperately to minimize what he is saying but it's not working. Sadly, you're lowering yourself more than you're raising him. Really Fox, you should be ashamed. Before you say one more word in his defense I urge you to do a few searches on his posts for the words "nuke", "exterminate", and "slammite".

I told Freedom4Free exactly where he was wrong and why. And I had no problem at all ignoring him when it became apparent that he was trolling trying to stir up trouble.

I am not attempting to raise Gunga in any way shape or form. He's a big boy quite capable of defending himself. But neither am I willing to accept the tar brush you people want to paint on anybody who thinks differently than you do or who sees things from a different point of view. You people aren't ignoring Gunga. You are diverting any attempt at discussion of the topic with your less than charitable personal attacks on him. You have ignored every point I make and are now turning on me because I won't join you in your personal attacks.

It's like everybody should champion diversity as long as everybody thinks exactly like the Lefties think and uses only the words acceptable to the Lefties.

And the hypocrisy of that is pretty hard to overlook.

Who else but you is championing a diversity that includes constant paranoid and completely generalised attacks upon a significant segment of the human race?

I condemn it in anti Jewish bigots like F4F, in the ravings of fundamentalist Islamists and christians, in neo nazis and in the rantings of Gunga.

Given that Gunga is possibly the worst and most consistently posting of a fair stable of anti Islamic fanatics he rightly attracts attention when people can bear to be bothered.

Defend him if you will (I have no idea what "raise" means) but you will be called when you attempt to cry 'intolerance!' and "meanies!" when people slam him for his outrageous bigotry.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 08:09 pm
gungasnake wrote:
FreeDuck wrote:
Right. Mecca is a place.....

You know, I seem to have fallen into a trap here somehow or other.

I mean, somebody hands me a key to the botton to nuke Mecca right now, and I would not push it.

Here's what I HAVE said here in the past: One, that the pentagon actually has gone through the scenarios for wiping Mecca and that there are people in the pentagon who want to do it and

Two, that nuking Mecca was about the only other (than what he actually did) way George W. Bush could have proceeded after 9/11 and likely what I'd have done at the time in W.'s place.

W has taken the high road and it's absolutely sickening to listen to the grief he catches for it from leftists.

So...you'd nuke Mecca because some Muslims attacked the US?

Hmmmmmm......therefore you would support nuking Washington by the Iraqis because the US attacked them?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 08:18 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:
old europe wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
msolga wrote:
You know, I'd hate to live in a society where I felt fearful enough
to believe that I had to own a gun, just in case.
That I had to own one to feel safe.

That 's like saying
that I 'd hate to live in a society
where I felt fearful enuf that I HAD to
own a spare tire just in case to feel SAFE from flat tires,
or saying
that I 'd hate to live in a society
where I felt fearful enuf that I HAD to
have fire insurance on my house, just in case
even tho there had been no fires in the neighborhood.

And it has something to do with
the likeliness of homicides,
flat tires and fires

Tho I have gone for years without the problem manifesting,
I have found that flat tires are not unlikely enuf.

Failing to plan
is planning to fail.
The life u save may be your own.


This is just silly. Do you carry anti venom in case you get bitten by a venomous snake? Do you fear attacks by killer bees? Do you consider not driving under overpasses in case somebody drops a boulder on your car? Do you have somebody taste your food in case it has been poisoned? Are you afraid of doorknobs in public places? Do you avoid public washrooms? Do you wear a bullet proof vest? Do you only drive in the daytime so you won't have to park in dark places? Just how prepared are you?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 08:24 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Lash wrote:
snood wrote:
That's what Lash thinks.

And we didn't even have to ask.

So fortunate.

It's a fact you have so kindly spewed all over the pages here.

Nobody has to use their imagination.

You seem proud of it. You make low racist attacks continually and make no apology.
Your twisting over "Tarbaby" speaks for itself.


It seems to me
that Snood has an absolute right
to think anything he wants to think
about racism or about anything else;
the same as anyone else.

No one has to be politically correct
and no one has to apologize for any of his opinions.

That 's what FREEDOM means.

I agree.

The KKK is free to say what they want to--as are the neo-Nazis--as is snood.

As, of course, I am free to comment on that, and you are free to comment on that...

and so on

and so on

Very Happy

Great country, eh?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 09:07 pm
Intrepid wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
old europe wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
msolga wrote:
You know, I'd hate to live in a society where I felt fearful enough
to believe that I had to own a gun, just in case.
That I had to own one to feel safe.

That 's like saying
that I 'd hate to live in a society
where I felt fearful enuf that I HAD to
own a spare tire just in case to feel SAFE from flat tires,
or saying
that I 'd hate to live in a society
where I felt fearful enuf that I HAD to
have fire insurance on my house, just in case
even tho there had been no fires in the neighborhood.

And it has something to do with
the likeliness of homicides,
flat tires and fires

Tho I have gone for years without the problem manifesting,
I have found that flat tires are not unlikely enuf.

Failing to plan
is planning to fail.
The life u save may be your own.



This is just silly.

Your emotions subvert
your powers of rational analysis.


Do you carry anti venom in case you get bitten by a venomous snake?

No venomous snakes in my area


Do you fear attacks by killer bees?

I do not fear them;
( but I actually WAS attacked by bees,
nesting in one of my cars )


Do you consider not driving under overpasses
in case somebody drops a boulder on your car?

No; but some kid DID hit my car
from an overpass in the Bronx.


Do you have somebody taste your food in case it has been poisoned?

No, but I have been poisoned a few times
over the last several decades; nothing serious.


Are you afraid of doorknobs in public places?



Do you avoid public washrooms?



Do you wear a bullet proof vest?

NO; too bulky.


Do you only drive in the daytime
so you won't have to park in dark places?

No; I am not afraid of the dark.


Just how prepared are you?

Probably better than u.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 09:10 pm
Lash wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Lash wrote:
snood wrote:
That's what Lash thinks.

And we didn't even have to ask.

So fortunate.

It's a fact you have so kindly spewed all over the pages here.

Nobody has to use their imagination.

You seem proud of it. You make low racist attacks continually and make no apology.
Your twisting over "Tarbaby" speaks for itself.


It seems to me
that Snood has an absolute right
to think anything he wants to think
about racism or about anything else;
the same as anyone else.

No one has to be politically correct
and no one has to apologize for any of his opinions.

That 's what FREEDOM means.

I agree.

The KKK is free to say what they want to--as are the neo-Nazis--as is snood.

As, of course, I am free to comment on that, and you are free to comment on that...

and so on

and so on

Very Happy

Great country, eh?

that 's life in the Land of the Free
and the Home of the Brave.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 09:39 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Lash wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Lash wrote:
snood wrote:
That's what Lash thinks.

And we didn't even have to ask.

So fortunate.

It's a fact you have so kindly spewed all over the pages here.

Nobody has to use their imagination.

You seem proud of it. You make low racist attacks continually and make no apology.
Your twisting over "Tarbaby" speaks for itself.


It seems to me
that Snood has an absolute right
to think anything he wants to think
about racism or about anything else;
the same as anyone else.

No one has to be politically correct
and no one has to apologize for any of his opinions.

That 's what FREEDOM means.

I agree.

The KKK is free to say what they want to--as are the neo-Nazis--as is snood.

As, of course, I am free to comment on that, and you are free to comment on that...

and so on

and so on

Very Happy

Great country, eh?

that 's life in the Land of the Free
and the Home of the Brave.

Yes! It...IS... Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 09:43 pm
Oh nooooo.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 09:46 pm

Leave'em alone, 'trepid. They're communing.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 10:09 pm
Good'un, snood - you get a touché[/] for that Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 02:15 am
Why is every ******* bastard shouting?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 02:54 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:
msolga wrote:
You know, I'd hate to live in a society where I felt fearful enough
to believe that I had to own a gun, just in case.
That I had to own one to feel safe.

That 's like saying
that I 'd hate to live in a society
where I felt fearful enuf that I HAD to
own a spare tire just in case to feel SAFE from flat tires,
or saying
that I 'd hate to live in a society
where I felt fearful enuf that I HAD to
have fire insurance on my house, just in case
even tho there had been no fires in the neighborhood.

Defensively arming oneself
has to do with good judgment,
not with any emotions.


I'd hate to be wondering if someone who looked a bit furtive
in the street might just have a concealed weapon on them.

Since I first armed myself
with a 2" small framed .38 revolver,
at the age of 8,
I have never looked " furtive ".


I don't think I could live with that sort of constant fear

MY only fear is of liberal leftists
at election time.


& mistrust.
I'm so grateful I don't have to.

If u go around promiscuously TRUSTING people,
then u r a fool and deserve what thay whom u trust
will infllict upon u.

Well, call me strange OSD, but, yes, I do live in a community including many, many Muslims.
They don't carry guns & either do I.
Oddly enough it feels quite peaceful in these parts.
We just all go about our business politely.

... but I do always have a spare tyre in my car, plus fire insurance,just in case! Most folk do. But it's rather different to arming myself with a concealed weapon, on the odd chance that some crazed person might start shooting first. The thing is, because none of us expect it, it almost never happens! Certainly never in my personal experience.
Perhaps it has something to do with a very different mindset to you & the snake person? We are simply not that frightened or paranoid & we expect life to be more "normal" than that. Strangely enough that's just about how every single day is! You should try this approach yourself. It'd do wonders for your anxiety! :wink:

0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 07:49 am
msolga writes
Well, call me strange OSD, but, yes, I do live in a community including many, many Muslims.
They don't carry guns & either do I.
Oddly enough it feels quite peaceful in these parts.
We just all go about our business politely.

... but I do always have a spare tyre in my car, plus fire insurance,just in case! Most folk do. But it's rather different to arming myself with a concealed weapon, on the odd chance that some crazed person might start shooting first. The thing is, because none of us expect it, it almost never happens! Certainly never in my personal experience.
Perhaps it has something to do with a very different mindset to you & the snake person? We are simply not that frightened or paranoid & we expect life to be more "normal" than that. Strangely enough that's just about how every single

I grew up in a time in America when we didn't lock doors unless we were going away on a trip somewhere, but all the neighbors knew where they could get a key to our house. We always knew where the car keys were because they were in the ignition. We kids could run wild and free throughout the neighborhood just so we were back within the parent's range of sight by dark and nobody feared that we would be snatched or molested. And it never occurred to anybody to take a weapon to school and school was one of the safest places on earth. You could leave a $1 bill in the mailbox for the postman's Christmas present, and it would be there when the postman came.

It is a different reality now. I fear none of my neighbors including the Muslim ones, but people who do not share our values are out there. So we do lock our houses and cars when we leave them unattended or sometimes for safety purposes when we are in them. Most places I go in my daily activities I feel safe and don't worry and in some neighborhoods I do not feel safe at all times. I've not had to face down a gunman intent on killing me, but you know it only takes once. The vast majority of school children will never experience a school massacre, but again, it only takes once. Sometimes I long for the old days when we didn't have to worry about it. But we all have to live with the present realities don't we?

So the debate is not whether we all should feel it necessary to carry guns everywhere we go and the vast majority of us don't.

The debate is whether we should have the right to be prepared for that uncommon but very deadly incident where we need a gun to defend ourselves or others and how best to prepare for that.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 08:00 am
Foxfyre wrote:
It is a different reality now. I fear none of my neighbors including the Muslim ones, but people who do not share our values are out there. So we do lock our houses and cars when we leave them unattended or sometimes for safety purposes when we are in them.

I've been in an Albuquerque area - not so posh, I admit, multi-culti some might say - where houses still are open and cars left unlocked. (This only for msolga to give her a different view.)

Foxfyre wrote:
So the debate is not whether we all should feel it necessary to carry guns everywhere we go and the vast majority of us don't.

The debate is whether we should have the right to be prepared for that uncommon but very deadly incident where we need a gun to defend ourselves or others and how best to prepare for that.

I agree that the debate was narrowed down to those topics, but actually Craven as the creator of this thread didn't say so.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 08:03 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
It is a different reality now. I fear none of my neighbors including the Muslim ones, but people who do not share our values are out there. So we do lock our houses and cars when we leave them unattended or sometimes for safety purposes when we are in them.
I've been in an Albuquerque area - not so posh, I admit, multi-culti some might say - where houses still are open and cars left unlocked. (This only for msolga to give her a different view.)

Foxfyre wrote:
So the debate is not whether we all should feel it necessary to carry guns everywhere we go and the vast majority of us don't.

The debate is whether we should have the right to be prepared for that uncommon but very deadly incident where we need a gun to defend ourselves or others and how best to prepare for that.

I agree that the debate was narrowed down to those topics, but actually Craven as the creator of this thread didn't say so.

Well overall you're right. Craven presented a much broader perspective to the issue in his statements of his own convictions/preferences/opinions/thoughts etc. on the matter. But in this part of the thread the discussion has been focusing more on the self protection angle and/or the right to self defense and/or the need for self defense which is one component of the whole.

Hopefully we'll hash this out and move on to other points too.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 09:02 pm
msolga wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
msolga wrote:
You know, I'd hate to live in a society where I felt fearful enough
to believe that I had to own a gun, just in case.
That I had to own one to feel safe.

That 's like saying
that I 'd hate to live in a society
where I felt fearful enuf that I HAD to
own a spare tire just in case to feel SAFE from flat tires,
or saying
that I 'd hate to live in a society
where I felt fearful enuf that I HAD to
have fire insurance on my house, just in case
even tho there had been no fires in the neighborhood.

Defensively arming oneself
has to do with good judgment,
not with any emotions.


I'd hate to be wondering if someone who looked a bit furtive
in the street might just have a concealed weapon on them.

Since I first armed myself
with a 2" small framed .38 revolver,
at the age of 8,
I have never looked " furtive ".


I don't think I could live with that sort of constant fear

MY only fear is of liberal leftists
at election time.


& mistrust.
I'm so grateful I don't have to.

If u go around promiscuously TRUSTING people,
then u r a fool and deserve what thay whom u trust
will infllict upon u.

Well, call me strange OSD, but, yes, I do live in a community including many, many Muslims.
They don't carry guns & either do I.
Oddly enough it feels quite peaceful in these parts.
We just all go about our business politely.

... but I do always have a spare tyre in my car, plus fire insurance,just in case! Most folk do. But it's rather different to arming myself with a concealed weapon, on the odd chance
that some crazed person
might start shooting first

The thing is, because none of us expect it, it almost never happens!
Certainly never in my personal experience.
Perhaps it has something to do with a very different mindset to you & the snake person? We are simply not that frightened or paranoid & we expect life to be more "normal" than that. Strangely enough that's just about how every single day is! You should try this approach yourself. It'd do wonders for your anxiety! :wink:


1 ) OK: Lemme get this straight, Msolga.
U believe that predatory criminals,
in your part of the world,
select their prey
judging by what their victims EXPECT ??
Is THAT what u believe ??

2 ) I armed myself with a revolver,
as an anti-robbery defense,
rather than a defense from mentally unstable
assailants, altho it wud work for either.

U falsely imply that there is some distinction
in logic between anticipating the possibility of flat tires
and preparing to deal with flat tires
and anticipating the possibility of violent crime
preparing to deal with violent depredations;
there is not. If u persist in alleging this,
then please justify this alleged distinction in LOGIC.
I don 't believe that u can.

3 ) Your allegation of anxiety in my mind
is without foundation in fact ( neither as to tires nor as to crime );
this is a figment of your imagination and your wishful thinking.

My preparations are based upon rational analysis,
not upon any emotions
( e.g. the fear that u insist on attributing to me ).

Your personal denunciations against me
make it sound as if I were afraid of being
bitten by a dinosaur or a dragon.
0 Replies

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