snood wrote:
You really do know that there are Democrats who own guns, shoot guns and know about guns, right? You know that, right?
Problem is that demokkkrats (demokkkrat leaders) don't have any sort of a natural constituency which they could win elections with anymore and they don't represent anybody capable of really supporting a national party either in terms of votes or money, and so we see them being mainly supported by govt. workers unions and the trial lawyers' guild, trying to raise money in every country on Earth except this one in which they presumably live, trying to import third world voting blocks for themselves, and trying to cobble a faux majority together out offifty little oddball groups whose interests, most of the time, conflict.
ONE of those little groups is the anti-gun lunatics, and so to the dem leaders it doesn't really matter that many dems own guns, they will try to do the anti-gun thing anywhere they think they can get away with it.