Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. believed in the use of phonetic spelling, and attempted to implement it when he was President. However, he did not issue any executive orders on the subject, as he apparently had the wisdom to recognize that he could not enforce it by fiat. His efforts to encourage phonetic spelling were a signal failure.
I suspect that there will always be people who attempt this, and that there will always be people who will deride them for it. It has happened before though, and was once successful.
Noah Webster decided that spelling should be "rationalized" for American children. Therefore, he changed "centre" to "center," and all of the "-our" words to "-or" (as in colour/color, honour/honor, humour/humor). Frequently, English and other English-speakers deride the Americans for this. However, they ignore that Noah Webster also changed "magick" to "magic" and "musick" to "music," and that all English-speakers now follow those spellings. There are other examples as well, but i disremember them.