Okay, Mapleleaf, let me go through your list.
Mapleleaf wrote:*industrious, exact, masters of machines.
I'd say it's mostly true, and it maybe one reason why German businesspeople have found it hard to develop attitudes that are helpful in the service industry.
Mapleleaf wrote:*responsible for much of WWI and the EurAsia part of WWII.
True, except that Germany was "only" responsible for the European part of World War II. The Japanese are the ones responsible for the Asian part.
Mapleleaf wrote:*Their economy tends to hold up Europe.
Walter would know how true this was before the Iron Curtain fell. Since then, after a brief Reunification boom, Germany has rather dragged the European economy down.
Mapleleaf wrote:*a war-like people.
True from about 1910 to 1945. Not true before and after.
Mapleleaf wrote:*blond hair and blue eyes.
That was the Nazi ideal, but it is definitely far from true. Note how hard it is to find a blond haired man even among the top Nazis -- I couldn't think of any from the top of my head.
Mapleleaf wrote:*During the Cold War years, a split between the West and East work culture. Eastern Germans lost their industrious spirit under Communism.
Everyone looses their industrious spirit under Communism. The interesting observation was that productivity in West Germany was the highest in Western Europe, and productivity in East Germany was the highest in Eastern Europe. This indicates there was something about Germans that persisted under the different economic systems.
Mapleleaf wrote:*great composers.
That was true in the 18th and 19th century. I'm not sure it was true in the 20th.
Mapleleaf wrote:*the arts
are held in high esteem, and are probably more highly subsidized in Germany than anywhere else in the free world. This is certainly good for artists -- whether it is good for art is another question. My impression is that American artists, while poorer, tend to be more creative.
Mapleleaf wrote:*the importance of the Black Forest.
Practically nil outside the Black Forest itself. It's mostly a wicked scheme to attract American tourists to the Black Forest.
Mapleleaf wrote:*a love of nature
Who doesn't love nature? However, the Green movement got into parliament in Germany earlier than elsewhere in Europe
Mapleleaf wrote:*builders
Neither more nor less true than for any European country.
-- Thomas