Cut & Run Liberals

Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 09:58 am
I want to be perfectly clear about this. We liberals really do want to cut and run.

I admit it. We are cut and run liberials, just as Karl Rove alleges. More than that, I am proud of it and encourage more Americans to join us.

We are liberal/progressives and, damn it, we want to cut and run:

We want to cut and run from the borrow and spend, borrow and spend economics of the GOP that have piled an additional $4 trillion in debt onto our children, grand children and great grand children.

We want to cut and run from the unholy alliance between the GOP and energy companies that have left us at the mercy of a bunch of medieval Islamic tribal leaders who run their own countries like feudal states and treat their own people -- especially their women -- worse than Americans treat farm animals.

We want to cut and run from a national health care system designed by and for giant health care and pharmaceutical interests, that enriches a few while leaving 45 million Americans without affordable health insurance.

We want to cut and run from a government which, over the past six years, has become not only increasingly closed to public scrutiny and accountability, but overtly hostile and suspicious of citizens who insist on either.

We want to cut an run from a style of governance that not only plays on fear and petty prejudices, but cultivates and exploits them for cheap political gain. The cynical, dishonest purposeful pitting of majority populations against minority groups on the grounds that they don't share "American values," and then later deny responsibility for the entirely predictable destructive consequences of those tactics.

We want to cut and run from policies that view science and scientists as adversaries whose findings must sometimes be suppressed, while embracing, even endorsing, religious dogmas that have no basis in fact whatsoever.

We want to cut and run from GOP economic polices that have handed the already wealthy a couple of trillion dollars in tax cuts while leaving working Americans payroll tax virtually untouched.

We want to cut and run from GOP economics that argue - with a straight face - that the minimum wage of $5.15 an hour should not be raised to a still unlivable $7.25 an hour because doing so would "hurt low wage workers."

We want to cut and run from policies that scoff at mandating substantially higher fuel millage standards, even as the fossil fuels run out and the effects of global warming become more apparent with each passing day.

We want to cut and run from policies that justify turning "the land of the free and home of the brave," into place where none of us can any longer feel sure that the government isn't listening to our private phone calls, reading our emails or isn't keeping an eye on us from a pole-mounted camera on the corner.

We want to cut and run from an administration that wraps inconvenient truths in the opaque blanket of national security while justifying selective disclosure of classified information for purely political reasons -- such as the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame, and the now discredited disclosures that Iraq had tried to buy uranium ore from Niger.

We want to cut and run from policies that allow religious extremists to determine what medical procedures or family planning medications women will be allowed access to.

We want to cut and run from policies that allow our government to decide which American citizens will be allowed to enter into legally recognized committed relationships, and which will be banned by law from doing so.

We want to cut and run from policies that encourage counseling and treatment for Americans suffering from alcohol addiction, but incarceration for those suffering drug addiction.

We want to cut and run from cynically selective policies that treat some dictators as friends of America and others as enemies requiring a deadly dose of regime change.

We want to cut and run from policies that are increasingly militarizing entirely domestic matters, such as internal terrorist threats, border control and domestic law enforcement, particularly the gathering of intelligence on political groups and movements.

We want to cut and run from policies that allow industries government is supposed to regulate for the public good, to write the very rules under which they will be regulated.

Do we want to cut and run from Iraq? I wish the hell we could. But that fat is already in the fire. Liberals understand we can't cut and run from Iraq. But whose fault is it that we're stuck there now? Not ours, that's for sure. We would like to see US troops leave Iraq as soon as possible -- but not in a way that would make matters worse for ordinary Iraqis than our invasion already has.

In the meantime we are not about to let the very neocons that got us into that mess shift the blame onto liberials who oppose the war. You guys started it and that dead chicken is hung around your necks, not ours. So, Karl, stop the blame-shifting and wear it like man.

But Karl is right when he calls us "cut and run liberals." As you can see the list of things we do want to cut and run from is a long one.

We are cut and run liberals. And proud of it.
By Steve Pizzo

Bravo Steve.... I'm facing this one to my Congressmen even though I know that one of them probably can't read!
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 4,321 • Replies: 104
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 10:04 am
commondreams finally posted the articles for the day? You and advocate should stop trolling such places.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 10:07 am
Wrong again McG......... you are batting zero so far but then that's not unusual either is it. I notice that you don't dispute anything in Stephen's article.

News For Real

Karl Rove is right!
We are a bunch of cut and run liberals.
And proud of it.

Weekend edition at

Stephen Pizzo
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 10:10 am
oh, see what happens when you actually post a link to quoted material? people know where you are copying it from.
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 10:15 am
Maggs, how many congressmen do you have? I was only issued one.
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 10:16 am
For you McG.............

"Blind obedience to bad leadership is NOT patriotism."

For & about Liberals ..............

"...if by a liberal they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, their civil liberties.. if that is what they mean by a "liberal" then I am proud to be a liberal. ": John F. Kennedy
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 10:19 am
paull wrote:
Maggs, how many congressmen do you have? I was only issued one.

Where do you live? Timbuktu?

I have 3 Congressmen.... Two Senators and one Represenative.

They are all members of Congress.

So why no comments on the article? Are you just like McG, just trying to turn the truth away from an unpleasant truth?
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 10:28 am
Here's my comment on the article.

More BS from "no new idea liberals."

Instead of telling us what they are against, try telling me what they are FOR!
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 12:12 pm
Well of course talking points are important
"Cut and run"
"Lie and die"
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 12:47 pm
Let's be sure that every potential future enemy knows that they only have to hold out for a few years, and we'll cut and run, that a theat by us is not credible, because we don't have the resolve to make good on it.
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 01:01 pm
This "cut and run" talking point is getting old and tired. It's almost as if Karl Rove came up with the line and had it choreographed, mimeoed and fed to the boneheads that can't think outside the script in their hands. Not really any different that the "lie and die" dems. Shall we chat about immigration?
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 01:12 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
Let's be sure that every potential future enemy knows that they only have to hold out for a few years, and we'll cut and run, that a theat by us is not credible, because we don't have the resolve to make good on it.

nice to see you acknowledge that it's only a couple more years of you lie and die dickheads.....
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 10:43 pm
Cutting and Running with George and Karl
by Ron Schalow

Like too many Democrats, it strikes me they are ready to give the green
light to go to war, but when it gets tough and when it gets difficult, they
fall back on that party's old pattern of cutting and running. They may be
with you at the first shots, but they are not going to be there for the last
tough battles. -- Karl Rove

Rove wasn't just jawing when he labeled combat veterans John Kerry and John Murtha, and Democrats in general, as cowards -- he's been there, man!

It was less than five years ago that Karl and "The Decider" got spooked by terrorists 800 miles away and hit the pavement burning rubber like Thelma and Louise. Instead of engaging the enemy and defending the country during the 9/11 attacks, President Bush surrendered the cities of New York and Washington, D.C. to al Qaeda without a fight and retreated to a deep hole in the Corn Husker State. Karl "Braveheart" Rove cowered at his side hugging a 6 pack of Dove Bars -- he was sticky.

Of course, George appealed to a Higher Power than a 1966 Thunderbird to carry him to safety, away from the terrorist onslaught in Florida -- namely a Boeing 747-200B with soft lambskin seats and a 10-speed snow cone machine. Obviously in a rush, witnesses said the president was strutting so fast from the limo to the plane, his panties nearly burst into flames -- smoke from toasted silk and the fog of war filled the air. It was blinding. And Karl was running in a serpentine path towards the jet, his two blonde hairs waving wildly as he accelerated and slowed to stymie the snipers.

Bush had a good reason for going to Nebraska, though, explaining, "When the president is under threat, one thing for the good of the country is you want to remove the president from the immediate threat. There's nothing worse for a country having been attacked than a destabilized presidency. It would make matters a lot worse." I can think of worse. (So can I Ron.... like having bu$h for pRes)

So, according to the delusional, conceited and cowardly George Bush, who isn't familiar with the line of succession, the geography of the United
States, his oath or the concept of bravery -- if a few people have to die
while he looks for a comfortable place to hide, that's their problem. Good
ol' George and Karl -- cut and runners before it became a catch phrase.

Ron Schalow

Ron Schalow is the author of Bull$#*! Artist -- The 9/11 Leadership Myth.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 08:10 pm
I don't know that liberals want to cut and run as much as they want to establish an opposing position to the war.

If a Democrat is elected president in 2008 there is one thing of which we can be certain, he or she will not precipitously pull the troops out of Iraq (Yes, they will still be there in 2008).

No Adminstration of either party has veered from the governing precept of American foreign policy over the last 60 years: The overwhelming strategic importance of oil.

For the longest time, the policy common to both parties was the preservation of the flow of oil from the region through the support of despotic strongmen who, it was thought, would keep the region stable and the oil pumped.

Jimmy Carter, that reborn human rights champion of the Left, was a huge pal of the Shah of Iran. Visiting the Shah was the favorite foreign junket of both Jimmy and Rosalyn.

As we all know the Shah was such a good guy that his iron-fisted rule led to the birth of radical Islam as an actual power in the region.

They all did it, Republicans and Democrats alike. The only reason to single out Carter is because of his current smug self-righteousness.

The first Bush was so married to the strategy that he betrayed the Shia and left Saddam in power after whooping his ass for invading Kuwait.

Now we actually have a new policy involving the direct overthrow of one of the most brutal of the Middle East's oil tyrants, and pressuring the other despots to begin a process of liberalization, and the very same people who were constantly criticizing America's support for these dictators in the past, are screaming bloody murder of a change in plans.

I'm sure that folks like Al Gore and Robert Kennedy Jr, can probably articulate some sort of NEw Age solution that involves leaving the A-rabs to the tender mercies of their homegrown strongmen and reinvesting all of the money spent in the region on alternative fuel sources. Go cold turkey on our oil addiction! After all, American can all benefit from having less stuff.

Of course no Democrat elected to the office of president is going to follow such an approach. They're going to stick with oil. Not because the oil companies have bought them off, because there is nothing even remotely close to being an alternative for oil and without oil, our economy will utterly tank. No one is going to willing preside over the next Great Depression.

If and when a Democratic president comes to the White House in 2008, he or she is not about to abandon Iraq to chaos and thereby seriously threaten not only the supply of Iraqi oil, but the supply of the region's oil. Not to mention the likelihood of it becoming another Afghanistan where terrorists are trained and plots are hatched and the next 9/11 is a result.

There will be no cut and running. The folks who really think that's the right thing to do are never going to run the government and the people who have a chance of running the government will never do it.
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Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 08:31 pm
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Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 10:54 pm
George, Nazi Karl, Rummy and Tricky Dick Cheney CUT and RUN in a REAL war.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 11:25 pm
talk72000 wrote:
George, Nazi Karl, Rummy and Tricky Dick Cheney CUT and RUN in a REAL war.

Yeah man! Let's go kick their rightie butts!

Right On!

Say Truth to The Power!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 11:46 pm
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
Let's be sure that every potential future enemy knows that they only have to hold out for a few years, and we'll cut and run, that a theat by us is not credible, because we don't have the resolve to make good on it.

nice to see you acknowledge that it's only a couple more years of you lie and die dickheads.....

You misunderstand what I said. I mean they will know that in any future conflict, if they can survive a few years, we'll lose our guts and go home.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 11:54 pm
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:
Yeah man! Let's go kick their rightie butts!

Right On!

Say Truth to The Power!

Gotta admit... 5 deferments for Cheney certainly doesn't look good. He sends our boys to war but didn't answer the call(s) himself.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Jun, 2006 12:39 am
JustanObserver wrote:
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:
Yeah man! Let's go kick their rightie butts!

Right On!

Say Truth to The Power!

Gotta admit... 5 deferments for Cheney certainly doesn't look good. He sends our boys to war but didn't answer the call(s) himself.

If the war was justified, then he should have sent them regardless of anything to do with past. If it wasn't justified, then he shouldn't have sent them regardless of anything to do with his past. His past doesn't enter into it. Sending people who have joined the army to war isn't an automatically immoral act.
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