Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 07:04 am
As often as not, every time I have suggested that a loving mother and FATHER in the home are the very best situation for the welfare of children, I have been accused of virtually every conceivable ideological crime short of wearing white shoes after Labor Day.

There's no getting around it, however. Of course single moms and gay parents can and do a great job of parenting and many raise exemplary kids, but most can't accomplish what a whole family unit of Mom, Dad, and kids can accomplish.

If we are serious about improving the economic and educational welfare of children, we will support whatever encourages marriage, keeping marriages together, and what strengthens the traditional family.

This is the issue, for many, in light of possible pending legislation in Washington, and why the issue is probably not going to go away.

June 21, 2006
Social Conservatives Were Right, Again
By Dennis Byrne

The number of the tributes in the mainstream media to dads over the Father's Day weekend was stunning, something that no one would have believed a decade ago.

Even liberal columnists were praising fathers, their own included, when not long ago it was a matter of progressive conviction to either ignore or ridicule the importance of fathers.

Even black columnists recently have been uttering the unthinkable, that the absence of fathers in the lives of African-American children has had a devastating impact of the social, psychological, economic and moral well being of their families. God bless them for having the courage to stand against same charges of racism that rained down on lonely social conservatives who were making the same point years ago.

They were only reflecting the conclusions of scientific research of the type provided by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who found, for example, that first graders without fathers in the home had an IQ 7.5 percent lower than those with fathers. Moynihan's academic and liberal credentials didn't inoculate him from the rage of progressives overcome by ideology. He was taken to the woodshed by the liberal Nation magazine and the liberal National Council of Churches. President Johnson caved into liberal pressure and excluded the question of family stability and the Moynihan Report from a White House conference on poverty.

Instead, "quality integrated education" and equal rights dominated the discussion, and an opportune moment in history was missed to stem, if not reverse, the tide of fatherlessness that today is one of the main causes of poverty, despair and other "dysfunctions." Yet, progressives take no heat, and no apologies issue from them, for this unconscionable exclusion.

For years, anyone who dared discuss in public what social science was continuing to reaffirm--the centrality of fatherhood--were bashed for "blaming the victim," for denigrating "single mothers," and for conducting a host of other "mean-spirited" attacks on the poor and minorities.

Perhaps it reached its apex in the early 1990s, when Vice President Dan Quayle had the audacity to say that fatherlessness was a legitimate and serious problem. He said so in the context of a popular TV show, in which the star investigative reporter, Murphy Brown, played by Candice Bergen, decided to have a child on her own. No need for a father in such a "lifestyle choice." Brown was called "one of the most original, distinctive female characters on television." To attack a TV plot for its ludicrous message was the same as attacking women and feminism. And to be on the side of a dumbbell who didn't know how to spell potato.

Turns out that Quayle, in light of today's realities, was reasonable and prescient. In his famous Murphy Brown speech, Quayle said:

"Right now the failure of our families is hurting America deeply. When families fall, society falls. The anarchy and lack of structure in our inner cities are testament to how quickly civilization falls apart when the family foundation cracks. Children need love and discipline. A welfare check is not a husband. The state is not a father. It is from parents that children come to understand values and themselves as men and women, mothers and fathers.
"And for those concerned about children growing up in poverty, we should know this: marriage is probably the best anti-poverty program of them all. Among families headed by married couples today, there is a poverty rate of 5.7 percent. But 33.4 percent of families are headed by a single mother are in poverty today....

"It doesn't help matters when prime time TV has Murphy Brown--a character who supposedly epitomizes today's intelligent, highly paid, professional woman--mocking the importance of a father, by bearing a child alone, and calling it just another 'lifestyle choice.'"

If you read this weekend's tributes to fathers, you would have to conclude that fatherhood's importance has become a part of American mainstream values. Or at least fatherhood has recovered the esteem that Americans once held for it. Yet Quayle and social conservatives get little credit for their steadfastness in the face of public ridicule. From "progressives" come no acknowledgments that they were wrong.

Just as "progressives" were wrong when they insisted with infallible certitude that the use of traditional public health measures (such as contract tracing) against the spread of AIDS/HIV would actually spread it. Social conservatives warned years ago that absent those measures, the disease would spread and black women would be the greatest victims - a correct prediction.

Social conservatives warned of the coarsening of society by Hollywood and the media. Now, despite some hardliners in the ACLU and elsewhere, most of America grieves for the loss of innocence of its children and the worsening of subsequent personal and society pathologies.

Social conservatives need to be more mindful of their successes as they continue the current culture war battles: For their opposition to abortion and warnings about the dangers, including increased breast cancer, of the procedure for women. For their continued fight for the integrity of the family. For the fight against embryonic stem cells research, whose promise pales against the successes of adult stem cell procedures. And for the many other views for which they are ridiculed.

No more shying away. No more excuses about how "I'm a fiscal conservative, but a social moderate." No more fear of being identified with the "Christian right" or others who hold the same views for religious or moral reasons. All those reasons are good, but scientific, secular reasons for holding these same views are fact-based and sound. Social conservatives have every reason to be proud of what they have accomplished and confident of what they still will achieve.

Email [email protected] or post a comment at http://dennisbyrne.blogspot.com.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 1,506 • Replies: 34
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ebrown p
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 09:29 am
And were social conservatives right about a woman's role in society?

They predicted the end of society when women were given the right to vote... and when women entered the workforce (stealing jobs from men).
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 09:41 am
Oh puh-leze.

I can't believe they're trotting out that Murphy Brown bit again pretending that women other than fictional millionaire broadcasters chose to be single moms. I have known a lot of single moms and I can say with complete confidence that every single one of them would have loved to have had a man that stuck around.

Most of these women started out as married moms and only became single moms when the guy took a powder.

I do agree that media has an influence on people. As a parent it is my job to determine what is right for my child to see. I can't blame Hollywood for me not paying attention.

I think everyone agrees that a mom/dad/kid family is ideal. I think they always have and I think they always will whether they are liberal or conservative.

If you want to address the issue of fatherlessness you really need to find out why so many men of all persuasions and colors think it is okay to bail out on their kids.
0 Replies
ebrown p
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 09:45 am
I just thought about this article for a bit.... and I have decided that of all the offensive ridiculous things that you have posted, this is the most offensively ridiculous of them all.

Social conservatives opposed bills that allowed African Americans to get equal education including desegregation, including opening up top educational institutions for all Americans.

Social conservatives opposed the desegregation of public schools.

Social conservatives supported and fought to maintain anti-miscegenation laws which meant that interracial children couldn't have a two parent families.

Social conservatives opposed laws designed to end the practice of housing discrimiation, meaning that non-whites were restricted in where they could live (which also impacted education).

Conservatives have constantly supported policies that kept minority families from getting a good education, having equal housing or a fair chance in the job market.

And somehow conservatives want to argue that they are "right" because they oppose homosexuals?

Yeah Right!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 09:49 am
(1) Note that the article says nothing about gay parents, whom Foxfyre has intermingled with single moms in her introduction.

(2) I have visited America in the 80s. I've met liberals there. They all appreciated fathers in their families. As so often, the cheating isn't in representing your own views. It's in misrepresenting the views you disagree with.
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ebrown p
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 09:51 am

If you want to address the issue of fatherlessness you really need to find out why so many men of all persuasions and colors think it is okay to bail out on their kids.

This statement is unfair to half of the human race.

In any failed family there are two participants, and I don't understand why when a woman splits (with or without the kids) it is assumed 100% of the time to be completely the man's fault.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 09:56 am
I'm sorry, you're right. I don't blame fathers 100% of the time.

But the fact is that when a family does split it doesn't stop one from being a father to the kids. They have to participate and often they do not.

There are legal remedies to the shrew (and I know they exist) who "won't let" a father see their children.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 09:57 am
Dennis Byrne wrote:
Even liberal columnists were praising fathers, their own included, when not long ago it was a matter of progressive conviction to either ignore or ridicule the importance of fathers.

The easiest opponents are always those that one constructs out of straw.
0 Replies
ebrown p
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 10:08 am
boomerang wrote:
But the fact is that when a family does split it doesn't stop one from being a father to the kids. They have to participate and often they do not.

There are legal remedies to the shrew (and I know they exist) who "won't let" a father see their children.

In a fair world fathers would be given custody of the kids 50% of the time.

Then your sentence would read "But the fact is that when a family does split it doesn't stop one from being a parent to the kids. They have to participate and often they do not.

The fact is that most women, unless they either don't want custody or have serious problems, are given custody. I bet there would be just as man "deadbeat moms" as dads if more women were in the situation that fathers are now put in.

I am not excusing dads or moms who don't fulfil their responsibilities to the children they brought into the world.

But our society doesn't give fatherhood any respect in spite of the high demands.

All I am asking is that fathers are treated as equals to mothers.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 10:08 am
But it sure is encouraging that blacks are now recongizing the importance of fathers. All hail social conservatism for setting them straight!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 10:11 am
ebrown_p wrote:
In a fair world fathers would be given custody of the kids 50% of the time.

Only if fathers want custody of the kids as often as mothers do. And only if kids want to stay with their fathers as often as they want to stay with their mothers. Do you know any of this for a fact?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 10:24 am
I think the article could be read to mean that divorce should not be allowed while there are minor children, and that marriage should be required in the case of pregnancy out of wedlock.

You want a divorce? OK, give your kids up for adoption....

Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 10:30 am
I admit that I am basing my comments only upon what I have observed.

I have only known one father who actively fought for primary custody and he won - and that was 25 years ago.

I now know one father who is raising his kids becasue the mother didn't want to. She does pay child support.

My own father's first wife died in childbirth so he was a single father until he married my mom.

That is three.

I would say that I have known at least 50 single mothers. At least half of those received no alimony or child support because the "father" simply disappeared.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 10:34 am
boomerang wrote:
Oh puh-leze.

I can't believe they're trotting out that Murphy Brown bit again pretending that women other than fictional millionaire broadcasters chose to be single moms. I have known a lot of single moms and I can say with complete confidence that every single one of them would have loved to have had a man that stuck around.

Most of these women started out as married moms and only became single moms when the guy took a powder.

I do agree that media has an influence on people. As a parent it is my job to determine what is right for my child to see. I can't blame Hollywood for me not paying attention.

I think everyone agrees that a mom/dad/kid family is ideal. I think they always have and I think they always will whether they are liberal or conservative.

If you want to address the issue of fatherlessness you really need to find out why so many men of all persuasions and colors think it is okay to bail out on their kids.

I agree with you boomerang, most single moms (or in some cases single dads) would rather not be a single parent trying to raise their children on their own. Its hard to be a single parent which is why they need all the help they can get unless we want to go back to the days when women stayed with abusive husbands because the alternative was to starve.

I would imagine if a study were conducted they would find that very few women set out to have a child on their own with the intent to raise the child entirely on their own. Usually some kind of unforseen circumstances brought it about and also, support can come in the form of other supporting family members or close friends.

Thomas is right though, what does this have to do with gay marriages?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 10:38 am
If the father's that important, then two fathers would be better, right?
0 Replies
ebrown p
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 10:39 am
Social conservatives would prefer that kids remain in foster care (or orphanages).
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 10:51 am
I was just going to say the same thing e_brown!

The only thing I can think of that this has to do with gay marriage is the thought of a child having less than the "ideal" family is so heinous that it will destroy civilization.

Just out of curiosity I went to the website of the adoption agency that Mr. B and I are using and cruised the parent profiles. They have 50 families hoping to adopt. 27 of the families are man/woman. 23 of the families are gay or single.

Assuming our agency is typical that would leave roughly 50% of the kids in foster care instead of with a family.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 10:57 am
Wow! What a flurry of liberal activity!

Fox must have hit a sore spot.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 11:01 am
You're really tedious, McWhitey . . . you should work up some new material, your schtick is very stale . . .
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 11:04 am
Setanta wrote:
You're really tedious, McWhitey . . . you should work up some new material, your schtick is very stale . . .

As opposed to yours?

Go tell it to the mountain.
0 Replies

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