snood wrote:My cat used to get high, until he had a spiritual awakening. Now he just muses on the nature of reality, and licks himself....
Well...we're sorta back on topic with the "spiritual awakening" comment
...I have something to add on topic, and I want to be sure I say it in a way that is not misunderstood.
There is something going on in my life right now (I will not get into any details at all)...that has caused me to at least consider the possibility of a "previous existence or previous lifetime" memory being involved.
The "circumstance" to which I refer would be much easier for me to "understand' if it were the result of "memory of a previous existence"...and the fact that I have at least allowed the possibility of "previous existence memory" to enter into considerations when contemplating the situation...has surprised me mightily.
It is also quite possible that the "circumstance" is the result of a hidden memory from earlier in my (present) lifetime modifying itself to fit a specific set of new conditions.
And of course, it may be that I have simply taken leave of my senses or grown senile
both of which, I'm sure some of you will be happy to learn, are high on the list of my considerations of the issue.
I don't know which of these possibilities is "the reason"
or if it is something outside the references within my present considerations.
I have suspicions that I will never really get closer to an explanation that I am right now...which, unfortunately, is very far from anything even resembling an explanation. (That disappoints me, by the way.)
I don't mean to drag out or extend the mystery part of this post...but any hope of actually ruling in or out any of the possibilities requires things to happen that seem very, very, very, very, very remote right now.
But since this is a thread devoted to experiences of this sort...I decided at least to mention it...even if in this "in passing" fashion.