Hi snood.
Twice in my life I've been alone in a room and felt the distinct entrance, lingering and exit of a presence of overwhelming warmth, loving, and comfort. The presence was undeniable to me, and caused in me immediately a feeling of complete repose and assuredness that everything - everything would be alright.
Do you find it more likely that this was an internal experience, caused by something physical on a chemical level, or that it was supernatural magic?
I know which of the two I find more plausible anyhow.
But then again, the most plausible explanation to any given situation isn't always the correct one is it?
As for myself..I've seen, heard, and felt things in my life that I am sure would have made many people into believers of the supernatural. If I got into details some might think I were (more of) a kook..so I wont. Let's just say that to this day I have a really hard time rationalizing them.
Instead of a belief in the supernatural I developed an opinion about human knowledge, that can be best summed up in this quote by Dr. Albert Einstein
One thing I have learned in a long life: that all our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike and yet it is the most precious thing we have."
I strongly suspect there are technologies available to us that we do not yet comprehend. I also strongly suspect our perceived grasp of reality is somewhat more robust than our actual grasp on reality. I suppose this is as close as I come to superstition.