Ah, JL, now I know you can't be serious. How can you blame a man for the way people interpreted his work? Without their work, ho knows where society had stood now? Saying they are 'to blame' is saying that without them things would be better.
I am not sure if you are asking me where I got the sig line. If so, I'm not quite sure. I stumbled across it somewhere on the WWW, and it appealed to me on different layers, so I used it.

As for Descartes, no, not necessarily. But, I must add, I don't exclude the possibility either. The messahge in itself, however, was not what I had in mind when I mentioned Descartes. I was referring more to the way said message was constructed.
When I asked that question, I wanted to impress that if Descartes was a spiritual person in the sense that he tried to consider the mind body duality problems with rational argumentation (leaving aside whether he succeeded in this or not)... If he can be considered spiritual, then so can I.