Ticomaya wrote:Lightwizard wrote:You're stating you used the word denouement? Come on -- your now down to bottom-of-the-barrel, carping, petty ranting.
No, I certainly did NOT use the word. And that, frankly, was the only clue in your post that your comment must NOT be directed towards me ... unless you were smoking some shrooms at the time. Then I had to search a bit to find exactly what and whom you were talking about. And instead of your pathetic little attempt at deflection here, you ought to just
mea culpa and admit your post was less than clear. But the chances of that happening are slim to none, it appears.
Smoking some shrooms?
Good god, man, what have you been smoking?
And is this thread still about Ann Coulter? It seems to have fallen far off the beaten path regarding Ann Coulter's idiocy, stupidity, and trailer trash bigotry.
Anyway, here's some more on Ann Coulter: