Baldimo wrote:Advocate wrote:I guess that the next step for the right will be to burn witches at the stake.
Of course not, there is no such thing as witches. Talk about trying to push things to the extreme.

No witches Baldimo? Are you sure? The Bible says there are witches, right BernardR (Mporter)? These things really happened BernardR (mporter). Why?
Victims of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692
Every victim was an unfortunate tragedy of the Salem Witch Trials. Some were hanged, others died in prison while awaiting trial. One was even pressed to death. This page lists the victims, when they perished and how it happened.
Hanged on June 10
Bridget Bishop, Salem
Hanged on July 19
Sarah Good, Salem Village
Rebecca Nurse, Salem Village
Susannah Martin, Amesbury
Elizabeth How, Ipswich
Sarah Wilds, Topsfield
Hanged on August 19
George Burroughs, Wells, Maine
John Proctor, Salem Village
John Willard, Salem Village
George Jacobs, Sr., Salem Town
Martha Carrier, Andover
Pressed to death on September 19
Giles Corey, Salem Farms,
Hanged on September 22
Martha Corey, Salem Farms
Mary Eastey, Topsfield
Alice Parker, Salem Town
Ann Pudeater, Salem Town
Margaret Scott, Rowley
Wilmott Reed, Marblehead
Samuel Wardwell, Andover
Mary Parker, Andover
Other accused witches that were not hanged, but died in prison:
Sarah Osborne, Salem Village
Roger Toothaker, Billerica
Lyndia Dustin, Reading
Ann Foster, Andover
Thirteen others may have also died in prison, but sources conflict on the exact number.