So Howard Dean is "just an idiot", and Coulter is a shrewd businesswoman, according to you.
Using your reasoning, whether the person is in public office (and how high an office matters, because you mentioned heading a party) should affect the algorithm we use to measure how stupid someone is, or how comparatively stupid are the things they say.
Well, I happen to think Coulter is just a sick, sick woman who happens to live in a country she can get payed in to peddle her slime, but...
if Howard Dean is "just an idiot", then your boy shrub must be a few IQ points below the most clueless simpleton to ever walk on two legs.
And we're so familiar with his asinine quotes that I won't even bother the forum with them again (although I can be persuaded, since he keeps coming up with fresh ones all the time).
Ticomaya- Snood is obviously completely unaware that President Bush attended and graduated from Yale University and Harvard Business School.
Of course, Snood would immediately say, I am sure, that President Bush got into those schools because of political influence. He must have also graduated because of political influence. Anybody( certainly not Snood) who knows anything about the Harvard MBA degree knows that no one, no one, can graduate from that school without at least a modicum of smarts since NO ONE can sit in those classes without interacting in the case methods which are always an integral part of the curriculum.
I am sure, Ticomaya, that Snood does not know that Bill Bradley,former Senator who ran for President, and a Rhodes Scholar had a SAT verbal score which was 81 ( EIGHTYONE) points lower than George W. Bush's Verbal Score--Bradley--485---Bush---566.
Of course, Snood would probably claim that the fix was in and that Bush somehow cheated on his SAT. He would give no evidence but he might very well say that.
I am sure that you know, Ticomaya, that credibility is one of the most important things in the world to Harvard and Yale. That is why Ted Kennedy, the "conscience" of the Senate was unceremoniously expelled from Harvard for cheating on a Spanish test.
If political influence can be applied to gain entrance to a University like Harvard or Yale and if political influence can be applied to keep a student in one of those schools if the student is, as some would say, far below the average intelligence level, then it is obvious that Joe Kennedy, who was one of the most influential persons on the East Coast and was also very affluent, could have kept his son in Harvard.
Harvard would have none of it!!!
If you were someone I thought worth a thoughtful reply bernardmassagotto/whoeverthefrikyou are, I would mention something about credibility being a big part of being a medical doctor and having a successful medical practice like Dean did.
But you ain't - that's the reason I haven't said anything to you for your last hundred or so posts, and won't reply to you again anytime soon.
Ticomaya wrote:snood wrote:So Howard Dean is "just an idiot", and Coulter is a shrewd businesswoman, according to you.
funny, shrewd businesswoman.
Here, we can find the similarity between Coulter and Moore. Though he's managed superior achievements in Tico's two criteria.
blatham wrote:Ticomaya wrote:snood wrote:So Howard Dean is "just an idiot", and Coulter is a shrewd businesswoman, according to you.
funny, shrewd businesswoman.
Here, we can find the similarity between Coulter and Moore. Though he's managed superior achievements in Tico's two criteria.
Replace "funny" with "hypocritical" and I can go along with you on this one, blatham.
Ticomaya wrote:blatham wrote:Ticomaya wrote:snood wrote:So Howard Dean is "just an idiot", and Coulter is a shrewd businesswoman, according to you.
funny, shrewd businesswoman.
Here, we can find the similarity between Coulter and Moore. Though he's managed superior achievements in Tico's two criteria.
Replace "funny" with "hypocritical" and I can go along with you on this one, blatham.
Tico, sometimes you just sound like "Right - GOOD. Left - BAD. UGH!"
Snood -- Several years ago, before answering machines and caller ID, we were plagued by (a) prank caller(s). At that time, one had to file a formal complaint with the phone co., which then monitored your line before installing a 'trap' in the hope of catching the miscreant and prosecuting the person. The phone company representative told me that the same people make these calls over and over and that many of them became clever enough to figure how much time would elapse between the beginning of their annoying and the installation of the trap and would cease making calls to that line in time to avoid detection.
Now, I am not going off on a tangent. There was a woman who called my house for years. My son and my ex-husband would argue with her. I did at first, but, then I adopted the technique of just listening (she usually did not speak but would hold the line for up to 10 minutes), which actually discouraged her. She would reach a point of boredom, sigh loudly, then hang up.
I realized that she was a masochist.
I tell you this story because you just became angry with a certain poster, whose long series of nom d'emails is known to abuzz and a2k veterans because he never changes his style and always cites the same tired and rather dubious authorities.
I can not blame you for being angry. He's obnoxious and tries to anger people.
That is the crux of the matter. He tries to anger people. I suspect that he and my female caller have something in common: they both enjoy abuse. Let's face it, most of the centrists to the leftists here have, at some time, lost it with him and told him off. That is what keeps him coming back: he relishes abuse.
snood wrote:Ticomaya wrote:blatham wrote:Ticomaya wrote:snood wrote:So Howard Dean is "just an idiot", and Coulter is a shrewd businesswoman, according to you.
funny, shrewd businesswoman.
Here, we can find the similarity between Coulter and Moore. Though he's managed superior achievements in Tico's two criteria.
Replace "funny" with "hypocritical" and I can go along with you on this one, blatham.
Tico, sometimes you just sound like "Right - GOOD. Left - BAD. UGH!"
I'm cut deeply by that, snood. You know your approval is all I yearn for.
Ticomaya wrote:blatham wrote:Ticomaya wrote:snood wrote:So Howard Dean is "just an idiot", and Coulter is a shrewd businesswoman, according to you.
funny, shrewd businesswoman.
Here, we can find the similarity between Coulter and Moore. Though he's managed superior achievements in Tico's two criteria.
Replace "funny" with "hypocritical" and I can go along with you on this one, blatham.
Oh yeah...gotta love the integrity and hah hah status of serial plagiarists.
Ticomaya wrote:snood wrote:Ticomaya wrote:blatham wrote:Ticomaya wrote:snood wrote:So Howard Dean is "just an idiot", and Coulter is a shrewd businesswoman, according to you.
funny, shrewd businesswoman.
Here, we can find the similarity between Coulter and Moore. Though he's managed superior achievements in Tico's two criteria.
Replace "funny" with "hypocritical" and I can go along with you on this one, blatham.
Tico, sometimes you just sound like "Right - GOOD. Left - BAD. UGH!"
I'm cut deeply by that, snood. You know your approval is all I yearn for. am I by your rapier sarcasm, sir.
NOT. Hey, if you don't care how transparent is your partisanship, and how empty your criticism if only of the opposing side, then more power to ye.
I started this mini-exchange by remarking that Michael Moore does hateful things like Ann coulter. You're evidently not capable of that kind of flexibility in your thought. Left - BAD!!!!!
snood wrote:.... Hey, if you don't care how transparent is your partisanship, and how empty your criticism if only of the opposing side, then more power to ye.
I started this mini-exchange by remarking that Michael Moore does hateful things like Ann coulter. You're evidently not capable of that kind of flexibility in your thought. Left - BAD!!!!!
Flexibility in thought"? Let's not go overboard here. All you did was admit that Moore does the "same damn thing" as Rush/Coulter/Malkin. Admirable? Sure ... and refreshing considering the level of hypocrisy one usually gets from the left-leaning posters on this site. But all you did was state the obvious. Hell, I'm ready to admit as much ... does that mean I'm displaying "flexibility in thought"? Your partisanship is as transparent as any who post at this site, so you oughtn't preach to me about such matters. Perhaps you despise Moore as well as those other 3 -- which you didn't say, BTW -- but even if that's the case I don't find that to be a display of an amazing "flexibility of thought," such as you are boasting about. It should be taken as a given that one likes what one likes. You may very well despise Rush/Coulter/Malkin
AND Moore. I, on the other hand, enjoy reading Ann Coulter's columns, and conversely don't care to read anything Michael ("
I never saw a Twinkie I didn't like") Moore.
I have an open mind about leftist pundits, and if I run across one I enjoy reading or listening to, I promise I'll let you know.
Ticomaya wrote:snood wrote:.... Hey, if you don't care how transparent is your partisanship, and how empty your criticism if only of the opposing side, then more power to ye.
I started this mini-exchange by remarking that Michael Moore does hateful things like Ann coulter. You're evidently not capable of that kind of flexibility in your thought. Left - BAD!!!!!
Flexibility in thought"? Let's not go overboard here. All you did was admit that Moore does the "same damn thing" as Rush/Coulter/Malkin. Admirable? Sure ... and refreshing considering the level of hypocrisy one usually gets from the left-leaning posters on this site. But all you did was state the obvious. Hell, I'm ready to admit as much ... does that mean I'm displaying "flexibility in thought"? Your partisanship is as transparent as any who post at this site, so you oughtn't preach to me about such matters. Perhaps you despise Moore as well as those other 3 -- which you didn't say, BTW -- but even if that's the case I don't find that to be a display of an amazing "flexibility of thought," such as you are boasting about. It should be taken as a given that one likes what one likes. You may very well despise Rush/Coulter/Malkin
AND Moore. I, on the other hand, enjoy reading Ann Coulter's columns, and conversely don't care to read anything Michael ("
I never saw a Twinkie I didn't like") Moore.
I have an open mind about leftist pundits, and if I run across one I enjoy reading or listening to, I promise I'll let you know.
Oh, don't put yourself out.
Yeah, "flexibility of thought" may have been a bit effusive. Both sides need to realize more often that both sides have good and bad in them.
Oh, I forgot to mention I don't care for Bill O'Reilly either.
... but I like Olbermann even less.
Ticomaya wrote:Oh, I forgot to mention I don't care for Bill O'Reilly either.
... but I like Olbermann even less.
Well, Paul Begala makes my skin crawl, but I like Tucker Carlson even less.
Joe Pyne was my favorite.
Joe to Frank Zappa "I see you have long hair, you must be a girl"
Frank to Joe "I see you have a wooden leg, you must be a table"
slight correction ( checked wikipedia)
"So I guess your long hair makes you a woman." Zappa responded with "So I guess your wooden leg makes you a table."