The 15th is no good for me. I will be going to NY the next day.
that's okay.
Let's pick another.
It's just that I found out I will be working that day and there's not GUARRANTEE that I'll be off in time for our lunch.
*kicking the sand*
Onyxelle- After that, I am pretty free for the end of July, and all of August. I will be away for most of September. Since you have less latitude than I do, why don't you pick a date?'s time is somewhat restrained. Let's say 2nd wknd in sept...9/10
I'm good for the tenth...but not the ninth...
I am planning to be out west for most of September.
Is it possible to have an evening dinner in October?
I would not attempt to drive home at night from Orlando. The only possibility was if I stayed in a motel that evening.
Exactly, Phoenix. That is what I would like to do.
Well, I am pretty open in October.
Okay..october can work for me, any saturday afternoon/evening. Letty, you want to pick a date best for you?
Onyx, I really don't have a preferred time or place. Just let me know what y'all decide and if that suits Panz.
In general, I'm can be available any weekend, if I can get some advance warning.
How does everyone feel about Saturday Oct 14? 2:00 somewhere midway like we discussed?
Onyx, That's find with me, if I'm alive. <smile> I still don't want to drive there myself, so we will have to wait and see, honey.
I'm in...and I'll be driving Ms Daisy :wink:
Yeah! Who's bringing the camera?
I hope Hoke will, J_B, cause Miss Daisy don't know how to do pictures.
May I borrow your yellow sweater?