joefromchicago wrote:
I have yet to see anything to convince me that the Democrats have a clear platform with workable solutions. Lots of rhetoric and posturing, to be sure, but not a lot of substance. Of course, in that respect they differ little from the Republicans, except that the GOP is obsessed with homosexuals as well.
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The problem w/the democrats platform and workable solutions is that nobody can prove they are workable until action is taken. Until then, whatever they say is mere rhetoric. I could link you to the agenda at the Democratic Party web page, but the substance can't be shown until there is a change in who's in power...

I'd have to say I disagree w/your statement that the repubs differ little from the democrats... Their platform seems to be based upon imperialism, and keeping the power in the hands of their bunch of haves and have-mores.
Time for a 3rd party again? Perhaps... But even more important, I would say it's time for every citizen to vote. What was the voter turnout last election? Not very great, if remember correctly... But setting up a 3rd party byte by byte,
can you imagine the possibility for hackers?