N.Y. Times: 'Black Eye'
Snood, but isn't this always the way? It's like "they" lie in wait just waiting for one Black person to f--k up and then they use it to attack AA and all minorities. White people can f--k up from here to Sunday and it is never attributed to race. It makes me sick! I'm afraid we have a long way to go, but please don't let it make you so angry because that's just what they want; to upset a strong Black man. Don't let the a--holes get you down. This isn't the only double standard in the U.S., but it certainly is one of the most pervasive and one of the most hurtful.
................WELCOME SWEETCOMPLICATION!!!.........
Phoenix32890 wrote:Booman:
Quote:".............but there's nothing you can intellectually convey to me that will stop me from FEELING, a bit pissed at him. "
I certainly understand, respect and am sensitive to what you are saying. I just hope there comes a day, and soon, when a black person can screw up, and another black person can just think, "What a jerk", and not take it personally.
Well, if the fulfillment of that day is ONE Black screwing up, and ONE other black saying he's a jerk and not taking it personally, then that day has long been here.
HOLD IT...HOLD IT...HOLD IT!.......Time Out....
...I'm not losing any sleep over what this person did. It's just an irritation, brought on by years of conditioning. It's not even as deep as it was forty years ago when I, and others were out on the front lines, getting heads busted, and going to jail. You people who weren't out there, can't really know what its like, I don't care what color you are. I try as best as I can to be a fair man, towards everyone I encounter, but if you haven't been there, if you haven't walked in my shoes, you CAN...NOT... tell me how I should......FEEL..... lol
" I've been on the mountaintop, I've seen the promised land..." much more powerful than "....let freedom ring, boo." The first time I read that speech, I was just as struck as the children of Israel must have been within arms length of the land of milk and honey.
The Serpent and the Rainbow...ever read that?
N.Y.Times: Black Eye
Booman wrote:HOLD IT...HOLD IT...HOLD IT!.......Time Out....
you CAN...NOT... tell me how I should......FEEL..... lol
Booman, don't let the rabble get you down! No one should tell anyone how s/he should FEEL. Also, I read pain into "lol". God bless you for what you did for the U.S. in the '60s and you just go ahead and feel however you darn well feel! I do personally understand, I think, some of what you feel because I get so sick and tired of being told I feel too deeply or am too intense, etc.
Thanks Sweet Cee,
...The lol, was to temper myself. I just didn't want anyone to mistake my firm statement for anger. It's about understanding, I communicate out of compassion.
...P.S.This thing works both ways doesn't it? :wink: