...Recently, the highly Respected, New York Times suffered probably the greatest embarrassment in their long history. They had to expose one of their own reporters, for gross negligence, fabrication, and plagiarism. He had rather unusually paired traits of ambition, and laziness.
...Now the strangest part of this revelation to me was that, his in competence, and chicanery, had been quite noticable for years, to co-workers and superiors. The only result of this, was that he was rapidly rising in the company.
....My first and continued thought is that he was given many passes, because he was Black, and I resent that!
...Now hold up there liberals, before you get your dander up! I am not only African-american, but also a card carrying 60's liberal. I would just like, well meaning liberals, and fair minded people, of all labels to realize this: It is true that most of us are grateful for affirmative action. However, as much as we are pleased by a credit to our race, we are just as much offended by an embarrassment to our race.
...And that's my