nobody is banning oreos. nobody was even planning to. they got the word out about the trans fat and now the ball is with the regulatory agencies. it remains to be seen whether they strike it back in some sensible manner, or drop it and hide it in the bushes.
New Haven, do you like green soap? I gotta coupla bars for you here somewhere ...
Hide Oreos in the bushes?
Heeven wrote:New Haven, do you like green soap? I gotta coupla bars for you here somewhere ...
Is that Irish Spring? I got a bunch, 'cause they had a sale 3 years ago.
I'll mush up some of that fatty-stuff into it too. There might be some oreo crumbs mixed in too. Not to worry, handy as a scrubbing agent!
New Haven wrote:I love Oreos! Good or bad. Today, no Oreos...what next? Will the animal rights people tell us that Dove soap is an insult to Doves? Will Dove soap be put off the shelves? What will we use in place of Dove?

I think 'Dove' soap will be renamed 'Peace' soap....ya think? Also, it is obvious that nobody is banning Oreos. Also, asparagus is delicious with grilled Emu steaks and a little Beurre Rouge, and when the locally grown product is availible, as it is now, it is not too expensive.
Wow, I even have a recipe:
hmm, well according to Cav's avatar sign, emu is not what's on your regular menu!
bigdice: Stop smelling your urine! :wink:
Dove, Peace, it's a metaphor dammit! Also, my avatar is supposed to be ironic, but I don't get much call for emu

. And bigdice, yes, please stop smelling your pee
Well that last post of mine sounds like me, but it's so much more colorful and well-spoken. Must've been Dagmaraka.....
All I wanted was a cookie...
ha! Son, are you on drugs?
I still feel the need to argue that the ends don't necessarily justify the means. Even Tipper didn't use frivolity to make her point....and she got what she wanted in the end.
frivolity? if they filed a suit against a corner ma and pa store, i'd be all outraged and up in arms against the lawyer. But Nabisco..., somehow I don't feel one bit of sympathy towards Nabisco as a victim. I don't see any other realistic way of getting the message out on such a scale as they did. No harm done, hopefully things will move along a bit and some regulations passed.
dagmaraka- I agree with you, to a point. I AM glad that the word has gotten out, but I would not want to see any more regulations. If Nabisco has any business sense, they would see the writing on the wall, and change their formula, before too many parents decide that Oreos are lousy for their kids, and stop buying them.
I'm writing to Nabisco to request they change the name Oreo to Death Biscuits. You know, with a skull all crumbled up on the front, and maybe some clogged arteries spraying chocolate off the side, with white creamy puss coming out the eye sockets, and ... and ...
Oh man, that's COOL! They'd sell twice as many and nobody could sue them for anything. So what if it's bad for you? People LOVE self-destructive sugar smack! "Badness" sells when people are already feeling nasty.
Many foods are about self-expression, not nutrition.
Ahem... Nevertheless apart from that consideration, Nabisco is so substantial they are basically a social movement. To compell change requires an equal but opposite social movement. Without a matching social engineering budget, something the magnitude of a fake lawsuit with widespread publicity is required to force their hand. What other process could truly effect positive change?
But the corollary: Does Nabisco now have a basis for suing the lawyer?? If it was a calculated publicity stunt to defame Oreo, then liability and damages are in order!
Death Biscuits - I like it.
The point is, these companies spend generations getting people hooked on these harmful products. They should have to pay a penalty for it.
I love OReos and I really love Nabisco.