Free speech for me but not for thee. ACLU busted!

Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 9 Jul, 2006 05:02 am
okie wrote:
So common sense, Walter, tells me that pregnancies are also of great interest to men, at least the but also the men have a legal right to have some say in the matter. Along with responsibilities should come some rights as well.

Thanks, okie. I neither doubted that nor did I address you with that question but was clearly quoting
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jul, 2006 08:13 am
Advocate wrote:
I gave an example earlier in which a woman would probably have a civil action against such an organization. If the latter falsely tells the woman it will help her get an abortion, but instead delays her to the extent that she cannot get legally get one, she would have a valid action against the organization.

The organization is not billing a service that 'helps her get an abortion'. It is billing itself as a an 'abortion counseling service'. Looking at it one way, that's a far sight more honest than a 'pro abortion' clinic billing itself as "Planned Parenthood". And that isn't a crime either.

If that was a 'crime', I wonder why so many in the pro-abortion crowd campaigned so hard to keep Planned Parenthood from being REQUIRED to advise women of all the alternatives to abortion and services available to her before they do an abortion or help her get an abortion?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jul, 2006 09:44 am
In my example, the organization defrauded the woman by leading her to believe that it would get her an abortion. That would be an actionable tort.
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Reply Sun 9 Jul, 2006 12:07 pm
Advocate wrote:
In my example, the organization defrauded the woman by leading her to believe that it would get her an abortion. That would be an actionable tort.

What they do inside the organization is one thing. The discussion, however, was on false advertising. If this organization was advertising 'get your abortion here' and then hoodwinking women into waiting too long, that's one thing. But offering 'abortion counseling' that is anti-abortion is not illegal.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jul, 2006 09:46 pm
kelticwizard wrote:
Saying that a practice is presently legal is NOT a logical answer to the question of whether a deceptive practice should be made illegal.

okie wrote:
Fraud is fraud. It has always been fraud. Deceptive advertising is deceptive advertising, whether its cars or abortion. Stealing was stealing 200 years ago. It still is.
So what are you saying here-that every single scam that can possibly occur is covered by existing laws-in fact was covered by the laws of 200 years ago? How absurd can you get?

By that "reasoning", I guess we should get rid of all the truth-in-lending laws we have passed in the past 30 years or so, since any possible lending fraud was covered already by the laws of 200 years ago.

okie wrote:
Keltic, you simply want to make more punitive laws to target anti-abortion centers and stifle them.
I want to prevent them from falsely advertising that they provide Abortion Services when they do not. When the legislatures passed the truth-in-lending laws, were they trying to get rid of banks? No. They just wanted the prospective borrower to know what they were getting into before they signed for the loan. Same principle here. These anti-choice centers should be barred from advertising under Abortion Services when they provide no such abortion services at all.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jul, 2006 10:02 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
The organization is not billing a service that 'helps her get an abortion'. It is billing itself as a an 'abortion counseling service'. Looking at it one way, that's a far sight more honest than a 'pro abortion' clinic billing itself as "Planned Parenthood".

There is nothing dishonest about Planned Parenthood. The organization is dedicated to preventing unwanted births through contraception and, as a last resort, through abortion. It also counsels women on health issues generally, and many chapters provide prenatal care as well.

The services they provide are listed on their website, and on brochures freely available at the Planned Parenhood clinic.

Can these anti-choice centers say the same? No. Because these anti-choice centers are trying to HIDE what they are doing. Planned Parenthood tells the woman what they do the minute she walks through the door..
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jul, 2006 10:26 pm
kelticwizard wrote:
I want to prevent them from falsely advertising that they provide Abortion Services when they do not. When the legislatures passed the truth-in-lending laws, were they trying to get rid of banks? No. They just wanted the prospective borrower to know what they were getting into before they signed for the loan. Same principle here. These anti-choice centers should be barred from advertising under Abortion Services when they provide no such abortion services at all.

I'm not talking about signing a loan, or signing anything. All we are talking about is free counseling services.

keltic, I get numerous calls by salesmen, and many will say right off, "I am not selling anything." At that point, I call them on that statement. Technically, they may not be selling anything right at that moment, but soon they intend to sell you something. Under your reasoning, should we throw those guys in jail for saying that? Should a law be enacted to cut out this misleading come-on?

By the way the top three services listed for Planned Parenthood have nothing to do with bringing a woman to parenthood, they are birth control, emergency contraception, and abortion. And I would be interested in knowing what portion of the time and expenditures of the organization are spent on those 3 items, but I am guessing it would be the vast majority. Those functions are obviously the primary purposes of the organization.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jul, 2006 11:24 pm
okie wrote:
I'm not talking about signing a loan, or signing anything. All we are talking about is free counseling services.
Free or not, a woman is in the process of making a decision that will affect her life greatly. She has the right to know the nature of the organization she is going to.

An organization that tries to get women to NOT get an abortion has no right to advertise itself under Abortion Services, since no abortion services are provided whatsoever.

okie wrote:
keltic, I get numerous calls by salesmen, and many will say right off, "I am not selling anything." At that point, I call them on that statement. Technically, they may not be selling anything right at that moment, but soon they intend to sell you something. Under your reasoning, should we throw those guys in jail for saying that? Should a law be enacted to cut out this misleading come-on?

If a bakery advertises free coffee and cake Saturday from 10 AM to noon, they obviously would like you to purchase some items there after you sampled their free items. Don't see how that makes them dishonest. I also don't see how any of this affects the fact that an anti-choice center filled with nothing but professionally trained anti-choice convincers is clearly being fraudulent when they advertise under Abortion Services, which they do not provide in any shape, size or form.

okie wrote:
By the way the top three services listed for Planned Parenthood have nothing to do with bringing a woman to parenthood, they are birth control, emergency contraception, and abortion.
They have everything to do with a woman becoming a parent when she plans to, and not becoming a parent when she chooses not to. The overwhelming percentage of women who use Planned Parenthood's services do become parents eventually, if they are not parents already. Planned Parenthood helps these women prevent the pregnancies they don't want, so that they can have children when they choose to have them.

Once again, the services Planned Parenthood provides are listed on their website, and on free brochures available as soon as the woman walks through the door. They make no attempt to disguise what they do at all. Can these anti-choice centers masquerading as providing Abortion Services say the same? NO. They are trying to hide to HIDE what they do. Planned Parenthood tells you what they do right from the first moment.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jul, 2006 11:27 pm
Okie- Keltic Wizard is no better than a totalitarian who wishes to expunge a group that has an opinion that is contrary to his. All through this thread, it has been stated again and again that providing counseling services to women who are considering an abortion IS NOT AGAINST THE LAW.



If Keltic Wizard feels so strongly about the issue, he not only should, he MUST head up a drive to adjudicate the matter in court.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 07:16 am
Foxfyre wrote:
What they do inside the organization is one thing. The discussion, however, was on false advertising.
This makes little sense. What happens once you enter the organization has everything to do with whether their advertising is false. If the advertising is constructed to give a false impression of what they do, it is false advertising.

Foxfyre wrote:
But offering 'abortion counseling' that is anti-abortion is not illegal.
It should be, since it implies they are counseling a woman on how to get an abortion, or perhaps how to deal with her emotions during the period she gets one. An organization that counsels women to NOT to get an abortion 100% of the time has no business advertising itself as an "abortion counseling" service. Their advertising is in complete contradiction to what they actually do.

Incidentally, it would not surprise me if there were not some state or local laws against this form of false advertising already on the books. This is a fairly new scam, and sometimes it takes state and local authorities time to figure out how to prosecute something new.

That is why I favor the bill presently before Congress which makes it a crime for an anti-choice center to advertise under headings which say "Abortion" or "Clinic", since they are not a clinic and they don't facilitate abortions in any way.

The anti-choice centers can still be open, they can still counsel women not to get abortions all they want to. They will just not be allowed to give the false impression that they are part of the abortion process in some way, when their only goal is to prevent the woman from getting an abortion.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 09:53 am
Offering counseling to a woman as to how an abortion may affect her is indeed abortion counseling. This is apparently the bottom line of this argument now. I say it is abortion counseling. Some counseling concerning abortion should provide the positives and negatives concerning whether to get an abortion or not. If such is not provided, abortion counseling is severely lacking and deficient. To prevent such counseling to a woman seeking an abortion would be a serious abridgement of rights.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 10:11 am
kelticwizard wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
What they do inside the organization is one thing. The discussion, however, was on false advertising.
This makes little sense. What happens once you enter the organization has everything to do with whether their advertising is false. If the advertising is constructed to give a false impression of what they do, it is false advertising.

Foxfyre wrote:
But offering 'abortion counseling' that is anti-abortion is not illegal.
It should be, since it implies they are counseling a woman on how to get an abortion, or perhaps how to deal with her emotions during the period she gets one. An organization that counsels women to NOT to get an abortion 100% of the time has no business advertising itself as an "abortion counseling" service. Their advertising is in complete contradiction to what they actually do.

Incidentally, it would not surprise me if there were not some state or local laws against this form of false advertising already on the books. This is a fairly new scam, and sometimes it takes state and local authorities time to figure out how to prosecute something new.

That is why I favor the bill presently before Congress which makes it a crime for an anti-choice center to advertise under headings which say "Abortion" or "Clinic", since they are not a clinic and they don't facilitate abortions in any way.

The anti-choice centers can still be open, they can still counsel women not to get abortions all they want to. They will just not be allowed to give the false impression that they are part of the abortion process in some way, when their only goal is to prevent the woman from getting an abortion.

Are you suggesting that Planned Parenthood actually puts in its promotional materials that its primary emphasis is in helping women get abortions and that Planned Parenthood derives the bulk of their funding because that is their emphasis? Do they put in their promotional material that they don't make it their policy to give equal time (or any time) to explaining the downside of abortion or explain the alternatives to it and resources that help women choose the alternatives?

If you believe they do, I have been trying to sell a nice matched set of bridges this week. Interested?

(And it isn't illegal that they don't.)
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 12:08 pm
Keltic, if I may, I suggest you move on. You have made your case, which is valid, so clear that a child should be able to understand. Okie and Bernie are merely quibbling, knowing that you are correct.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 12:42 pm

Thanks for the support. But I'm finding it very interesting watching the righties squirm around trying to justify an obvious deception. About how, with a straight face, try to maintain that it is deceptive for an organization which does it's best to prevent unplanned parenthood to call itself Planned Parenthood. About how they rail against moral relativism in other threads, but when it comes to these anti-choice centers' deceptions, they sound like Sgt. Bilko saying, "Okay, so it's deceptive. But hey, who's really totally honest out there anyway? What's the big fat deal about a little deception in the advertising?"
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 01:00 pm
okie wrote:
Offering counseling to a woman as to how an abortion may affect her is indeed abortion counseling. This is apparently the bottom line of this argument now. I say it is abortion counseling. Some counseling concerning abortion should provide the positives and negatives concerning whether to get an abortion or not.

Sorry, but an orgainization that will counsel 100% of the women who go there NOT to get an abortion is not providing "abortion counseling" by any sane definition of the term. For them to advertise as providing "abortion counseling" is a deception and should be made illegal. The bill before Congress, if passed, will do exactly that.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 01:15 pm
The Federal Trade Commission is all about stopping misleading advertising. However, I am not sure it would have jurisdiction in this noncommercial area.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 01:24 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

Are you suggesting that Planned Parenthood actually puts in its promotional materials that its primary emphasis is in helping women get abortions and that Planned Parenthood derives the bulk of their funding because that is their emphasis? Do they put in their promotional material that they don't make it their policy to give equal time (or any time) to explaining the downside of abortion or explain the alternatives to it and resources that help women choose the alternatives?

I don't know about you, Foxfyre, but when I walk into a bar or restaurant and look at the menu, I don't ask the owner what percentage of his income comes from the tequila and what percentage comes from the Blue Plate Special. I just want to know if what they have is what I want and what it costs. If I order a beer, I don't want the bartender to try to talk me into a gin & tonic. Similarly, when I order the Friday Mac & Cheese dinner, I don't want the waitress to spend ten minutes giving "equal time" to the idea that I really should order the Veal Scallopini.

When a woman walks through the door of a Planned Parenthood, she picks up a brochure which tells her exactly what services are offered. Costs are available for the asking. I never heard of any other place in any other endeavor offer all that information you are talking about-I don't see why Planned Parenthood should.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 01:32 pm
kelticwizard wrote:

Thanks for the support. But I'm finding it very interesting watching the righties squirm around trying to justify an obvious deception. About how, with a straight face, try to maintain that it is deceptive for an organization which does it's best to prevent unplanned parenthood to call itself Planned Parenthood. About how they rail against moral relativism in other threads, but when it comes to these anti-choice centers' deceptions, they sound like Sgt. Bilko saying, "Okay, so it's deceptive. But hey, who's really totally honest out there anyway? What's the big fat deal about a little deception in the advertising?"

Of all people wishing to mention moral relativism, you pro-abortion people should at least recognize you have no ground to stand on. Killing the unborn is hardly a very sound place to make your stand against misleading advertising, of all things. I am simply pointing out that what is good for the goose ought to be good for the gander. According to you people, apparently killing an unborn child does not bother you, but someone that might tell a woman the downside of having an abortion really, really bothers you. You are hopeless.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 04:19 pm
okie wrote:

Of all people wishing to mention moral relativism, you pro-abortion people should at least recognize you have no ground to stand on. Killing the unborn is hardly a very sound place to make your stand against misleading advertising, of all things.
The Supreme Court has ruled that the woman has the right to terminate her pregnancy in the first six months. You may not like it, and you don't have to. But don't think that gives you the right to engage in deceptive advertising to advance your point. And when organizations advertise under Abortion Services, or call what they do "abortion counseling" when 100% of the women who go there will be told NOT to get an abortion, then they are engaged in deceit, and the scam should be made illegal. Just as we make the other scams which come to our attention illegal.

The fact that you agree with the message these centers give does not mean deceit is okay.

okie wrote:
I am simply pointing out that what is good for the goose ought to be good for the gander.....but someone that might tell a woman the downside of having an abortion really, really bothers you. You are hopeless.

Once again, you persist in the fiction that those who defend a woman's right to choose want to eliminate anyone who wants to tell the woman she shouldn't get the abortion she is legally entitled to. The only thing sought is to prevent you from engaging in deception in advancing your cause. The legislatures have passed many truth-in-lending laws in the past thirty years. Does that mean they want to do away with the banks? No. It only means they want the banks to be honest with their customers, so that borrower can know exactly what the lending rate is, how it is figured, and what it actually is going to cost compared to other institutions.

Same thing here. If the right wants to be honest, they would stop trying to sneak in under Abortion Services or Abortion Coounseling headings, change their name to something honest like The Holy Name Alternatives to Abortion Center, and plaster the walls of their center with posters telling women they shouldn't get their abortion and to offer their alternatives.

But they don't do that. They want to be sneaky and pretend they deliver something they have no intention to deliver. Planned Parenthood is open and upfront about what they deliver. Your side could learn a lot about honesty from Planned Parenthood. Instead you engage in these sneaky deceits and when caught, you invoke the Charlie Brown Defense: "Why Is Everybody Always Picking On Me?"
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Jul, 2006 02:51 am
Okie- Keltic Wizard is no better than a totalitarian who wishes to expunge a group that has an opinion that is contrary to his. All through this thread, it has been stated again and again that providing counseling services to women who are considering an abortion IS NOT AGAINST THE LAW.



If Keltic Wizard feels so strongly about the issue, he not only should, he MUST head up a drive to adjudicate the matter in court.

0 Replies

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