Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 01:31 pm
Your series of half-witted sneers and goofy emoticons to no alter the fact that you are every bit as aggressive as you claim that i am, MOAN. In fact, i responded to Lash's post, and then put in a tongue in cheek post to Bill about Memorial Day, Victoria Day and Remembrance/Veteran's Day, and you responded to my post. I did not address a single post to you until you decided to jump in. Don't try to feed that feeble long-suffering christian martyr crap in here, because i did not comment on a single post of yours until you had commented on a post of mine.

What a liar you are.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 01:47 pm
Setanta Wrote:

Your series of half-witted sneers and goofy emoticons to no alter the fact that you are every bit as aggressive as you claim that i am, MOAN. In fact, i responded to Lash's post, and then put in a tongue in cheek post to Bill about Memorial Day, Victoria Day and Remembrance/Veteran's Day, and you responded to my post. I did not address a single post to you until you decided to jump in. Don't try to feed that feeble long-suffering christian martyr crap in here, because i did not comment on a single post of yours until you had commented on a post of mine.

What a liar you are.

Again with the disrespect? Hasn't Intrepid asked you not to call him Bill? Haven't I asked you not to call me MOAN? Everytime either of us uses any other word to refer to you except for Setanta you make sure we know how disgusting it is to you. A bit of a double standard there I'd say.

Honey, I am no feeble long-suffering Christian martyr. If you think that you are sadly mistaken. What I am is a woman with very strong beliefs who will not be intimidated by the likes of you and your ilk that want equity for society but have no problem discriminating against those that have a different belief system.

Everyone knows (expect, perhaps fanatics like MOAN who are totally wrapped up in Jeebus) that women do not wear white until after Memorial Day.

Sweetheart, anytime you use MOAN, when you have been asked kindly not to over and over and over again, but cannot find it within yourself to extend this courtesty, it's ad hominem crap. The above was the first time you referred to me in a post. I answered a post you posted about white after Memorial Day and it was a civil post.

So stick a sock in it, will you? Now, let's stop derailing Xingu's thread. We are both being disrespectful and I for one, don't like it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 02:07 pm
Hey Setanta - do you realize that you've found fault with everyone whose name has come up between you and I in this discussion but yourself? You insist on calling people out of their names, even when they specifically ask you to stop. How is that reasonable? You get personal first a lot of the time, Setanta - are you denying that? Do you honestly hold yourself without blame for any of the tone of these religion threads?

You say I'm subjective - alright, I admit I believe in God. I just don't accept that has colored my objectivity so badly that I am mistaking that you are responsible for a lot of the bile flinging around in here.

How in the hell do you reckon I'm "following you around"? I frequent the politics, news religion and philosophy forums - if you're there, you'll get posts from me. If I disagree with you, my posts will be directed at you. I am not "following" anyone. Give me a little credit, it won't kill ya.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 02:50 pm
real life wrote:
Lash wrote:
Sometimes I wonder if all of the "religious hierarchy" in the public sector aren't playing a group of people deliberately, because they are susceptible to believing almost anything. I doubt most of them are believers.

I had to give my outline of a persuasive speech to a class of the most conservative, sheltered people on the planet. It had to be something I cared about, so I vacillated between gay marriage and anti-Semitism. I really didn't want to be controversial, but I couldn't work up any interest in anything else.

I chose gay marriage, and they looked at me as if I'd murdered a child.

My points were unassailable. I was very patient and accepting of their arguments. Didn't feel aggressive at all.

Among their strongest points: God doesn't make mistakes. (So gay people choose to be gay.)

and God made man in his image, are you saying God's gay? It took everything I could do to keep a straight face. My professor and I were exchanging mock wide-eyed expressions.

Everyone in the class rejected my assertion that people are born homosexual....because if they accept that, it blows a big hole in their religion. I don't think it has to--but many of them do.

Same thing with the Big Bang theory. They fight information that threatens their religion. Almost as one unit. I've seen it up close. It's bizarre.

Are pedophiles just 'born that way' and 'cannot help who they are attracted to' ?

How 'bout adulterers? Are some just 'born that way' , and cannot change who or how many they desire and go after because it's genetic, and therefore not their choice, nor their responsibility?

What about those that are into killing for sexual gratification? Are they 'born that way' too?

Should we just accept that anybody who gets sexual gratification in any manner has a sacred human right to pursue sexual gratification 'their way' ?

I will discuss this with you after you return to the other threads on the same subject and answer the questions you avoided there.

Duplicates of previous questions or diversions you've made won't be considered.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 03:01 pm
MOAN, don't call me Honey--you mealy-mouthed hypocrit. I ignored you in this thread until you came on in your typical, snotty and aggressive manner. Then you wanted to piss and moan that the big bad Satanta came after you with ad hominems. As usual, you can't open your mouth without lying.

As you sow, so shall you reap, Honey.


Snood, i intend to ignore your petty challenges from now on. I had the courtesy to respond to you in private messages, but that isn't good enough for you, and you won't let up. I don't allege that you follow me around now, but you and Bill once did for quite a while. I've done with your drivel--which is self-serving, and which examines my faults without acknowledging any faults of your own.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 03:04 pm
By the way MOAN, don't give me orders like "put a sock in it," you hypocritical tramp. Blow it out your ass, Honey.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 03:08 pm
Re: Bible vs. Science
xingu wrote:
I would like to see a discussion of science and the Bible.

Biblicist defend the Bible claiming it's the word of God and inerrant. The Bible's description of certain events on earth, the description of the earth and cosmos show that the authors were very ignorant of science and the structure of our universe.

Some of the things I would like to see discussed, but not held strictly to, are;

Noah's Flood: a myth much like the myths of King Arthur and Robin Hood.

The shape of the earth: the Bible says it's flat. I disagree. The world is not flat. How can anyone believe the Bible is the word of God if he can't get the shape of the world correct?

The sun standing still for 24 hours.
Then Joshua spoke to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel: Sun, stand still over Gibeon; and Moon, in the Valley of Aijalon. So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the people had revenge upon their enemies. Is this not written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and did not hastened to go down for about a whole day. And there has been no day like that, before it or after it, that the Lord heeded a voice of a man; for the Lord fought for Israel
(Joshua 10:12-14).
How is this possible? Some Biblicist, at one time, claimed that NASA found the "missing day" that proved the Bible was correct. This has subsequently been shown to be a fraud created by certain Biblicist in an effort to prove the inerrancy of the Bible.

The geocentric universe.
The are numerous passages in the Bible that picture the earth to be the immobile center of the universe. This is another very serious error telling us that God could not possibly be the author of the Bible.

If there are other issues of science vs. Bible I have not mentioned feel free to bring them up. A few things off the top of my head;

Virgin birth
Full body resurrection
OK, easy ones first. The bible doesn't say the earth is flat. "It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth. . ." (Isaiah 40:22)

The bible doesn't support the idea of the geocentric universe. Galileo risked his behind to establish that.

What exactly were you about to say about stars?

While you are certainly entitled to disbelieve the idea of resurrection, what would you expect to see if one were brought back to life?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 03:12 pm
xingu wrote:
Lash wrote:
Everyone in the class rejected my assertion that people are born homosexual....because if they accept that, it blows a big hole in their religion. I don't think it has to--but many of them do.

Good point Lash.

I'm not anti-Christian, but I have experienced the following:

Christians I know are ALL irate re Dan Brown's fictional claim that Jesus was married. I asked why. They respond as a Christian I should know why. I ask if anything in the Bible says that He didn't, or He shouldn't.....Well, no. Not one person could give me any reason--even using the Bible as their document--as to why it is wrong to allow someone to believe Jesus may have been married.

They are willing to hate people and condemn them to hell based on assumption.

I don't mind them using the Bible as their evidence, as long as they don't use it for mine.

The "God doesn't make mistakes" reason for homosexuality having no biological basis must mean that God is deaf, dumb, has one foot shorter than the other, retarded and mentally ill. That was the stupidest thing I think I've ever heard.

Believe for yourself--just keep it off of everyone else.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 03:15 pm
Setanta Wrote:

MOAN, don't call me Honey--you mealy-mouthed hypocrit. I ignored you in this thread until you came on in your typical, snotty and aggressive manner. Then you wanted to piss and moan that the big bad Satanta came after you with ad hominems. As usual, you can't open your mouth without lying.

Cupcake, look, you called me MOAN after I have repeatedly asked you not to; therefore, an ad hominem. So, I will call you every sweetie name I can come up with. Don't set some standard unless you are willing to respect it yourself. Deal with it.

I am not a mealy-mouthed hypocrite. I happen to be a very loud and self-professed hypocrite thank you very much. Anytime I accuse someone else of something and I have sin in my life, I'm being a hypocrite. I can admit it. Everyone in this world is a hypocrite at one time or another. But mealy-mouthed? Shocked No way, angel face! Laughing

And I'm not peeing and moaning, darling. I'm just not going to put up with your nasty attitude anymore. You like to act like the big bad wolf but I'm not some stupid sheep. So, grow up. Stop this crap and let's get back on topic.

As you sow, so shall you reap, Honey.

Works both ways babycakes!


Are you wanting to discuss whether Noah's Ark is literal, figurative, etc., according to what we know of science today? If you are, if you can give me a little bit more direction of what you are talking about, I'd like to discuss it with you.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 03:19 pm
Well, Doh! It looks like the round earth quote has been thoroughly discussed. Leave it to me to skip a half dozen or so pages of slick rhetoric. I'm still right, of course.
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Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 03:22 pm
I'm not going to put up with your puerile nastiness either tramp, so you can expect this to continue for just as long as you want to keep it up. Liar.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 03:22 pm
Setanta wrote:
MOAN, don't call me Honey--you mealy-mouthed hypocrit. I ignored you in this thread until you came on in your typical, snotty and aggressive manner. Then you wanted to piss and moan that the big bad Satanta came after you with ad hominems. As usual, you can't open your mouth without lying.

As you sow, so shall you reap, Honey.


Snood, i intend to ignore your petty challenges from now on. I had the courtesy to respond to you in private messages, but that isn't good enough for you, and you won't let up. I don't allege that you follow me around now, but you and Bill once did for quite a while. I've done with your drivel--which is self-serving, and which examines my faults without acknowledging any faults of your own.

that's just untrue, Setanta. I've acknowledged my faults several times, and have no problem doing so. I have used a warped version of your name, called you an old man and made cracks about old age directed at you. I've called you names like pompous and arrogant and bloviator. I have devoted long posts to shooting you down, although admiting that doesn't make me feel real proud right now. I can't remember you ever directing you own laser-like perception and razor wit at your own shortcomings as a member of this community. You use your brilliance as a sledgehammer to try to demoralize people, Setanta. The only reason why I keep trying to communicate with you and not with any of the others I bump heads with is because I just see so much good stuff that could come out of a mutual effort at alliance here.

I won't kiss your ass, and I will continue not to walk on eggshells for your benefit, but I won't continue to to try for anything beyond the surface. Setanta, if you can't simply say that you have contributed as much as anyone else to the negativity and contentiousness here and not just point fingers, you will have earned some disrespect.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 03:22 pm
If you children can't play nicely, I won't let you out for recess!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 03:26 pm
Aw recess shmecess. It's too hot to go out and play anyway, and the teacher wears bloomers, so nyah!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 03:27 pm
You'd better watch yerself, Neo . . . i'll pee in your cold drink while you ain't lookin' . . .
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 03:29 pm

I was reading in another thread (I think it was another one) where I believe Chumly (might not be right) had posted something about the verse you quoted. I can't remember where it was. But it seemed that it is at least not clear to Chumly about the Bible following the world is round concept.

Maybe Chumly will see this and come and explain it.

Nice to see you, Neo!

By the way, Setanta, I have reported you for the "tramp" remarks. I would never have guessed you would sink that low. I guess I gave you too much credit.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 03:30 pm
That's it! I'm getting the ruler!
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 03:31 pm
Anyway, he started it! Laughing
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Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 03:33 pm
The problem lies in the perception of flat circles vs. round circles, I think.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 03:33 pm
Another lie from MOAN--i did not comment on a single post of MOAN's in this thread until she had commented on a post of mine.
0 Replies

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