Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 02:50 pm
rex red wrote

"I probably have hundreds of scriptures nearly memorized.

Which is really a pity because I have nearly a thousand secular songs memorized.

I used to be booked when I would go out and play my guitar and sing as, "The man who knows a thousand songs."

I just showed up one night and the manager had that written on the marquee and, I probably do have over a thousand songs memorized.

I have songs memorized that I have never even tried to play before.

If I tried to play them I could make it through most of them on the fly.

I have the words to American Pie memorized, I used to have Mr. Tambourine man completely memorized (I can still get through it though). And the list goes on and on.

But now in the last eight to ten years I have turned my focus back into the word of God.

I still have to work some things out with God.

I cannot impart to you in words what God has shown me already.

But there is no end to learning, the Bible is not a finite book. The spirit leads to infinity."

While this is all very nice and even mildly interesting , it has nothing to do with my query. You and spendi have more in common than you know.
Does that even sink in?
I guess we know the answer to my question
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 03:08 pm
snood wrote:
And tag-teaming, too.

you think Set's on a team? you so don't get it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 03:34 pm
...well, neither am I. so we're even
0 Replies
real life
Reply Fri 21 Jul, 2006 12:12 am
Wilso wrote:
Your only dodge about the number of species which would have had to have been packed into that woefully inadequate hull is to claim that "new species" would have arisen through "interbreeding."

I love this. It came from a nut who's spent many an hour trying to disparage evolution. Seems it works when it's convenient!

That was great post BTW Set. I know it was a while ago, but dealing with these twits has worn very thin. There hasn't been a lot that's interested me on this board lately.,

Setanta tried to argue that the Biblical text demands that representatives of every 'species' were on board the ark.

That is a misunderstanding of the text. But if you'd like to try to defend what he could not, go ahead.

The word 'species' is a modern word, as is it's definition. It doesn't appear in Genesis and neither does any synonym.

To suppose that the writer of Genesis when he used the word 'kind' , actually meant what we mean when we use the word 'species', is an assumption without foundation or support.


Now it's always rather humorous when proponents of evolution try to claim that various 'species' (of bears, for instance) arising from a common ancestor (which was also a bear) constitutes 'proof' of evolution.

If bears producing bears is truly evolution, well then I am Charles Darwin.

The concept of a 'species' is quite arbitrary, as can be easily shown.

Various creatures are often separated in 'separate species' based on things like the overall size of the creature, length of the limbs, the size and shape of the head, characteristics of the teeth (or beak, as in birds), etc.

Well, we are told, they are obviously[/u] different species!

But then, every variety of domesticated dog is usually lumped into one 'species' , so then you have Great Dane and Chihuahua, English sheep dog and dachsund, Rottweiler and Toy Pekingese all usually classified as 'one species'.

Few can deny that where to draw the line is arbitrary.


Various 'species' arise based on genetic information that is already existent and are simply variations of the original, not because mutations can generate enough beneficial genetic information to produce whole new body plans, novel organs and chemical and physical processes etc.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Jul, 2006 07:06 am
real life wrote:
Setanta tried to argue that the Biblical text demands that representatives of every 'species' were on board the ark.

That is a misunderstanding of the text. But if you'd like to try to defend what he could not, go ahead.

The word 'species' is a modern word, as is it's definition. It doesn't appear in Genesis and neither does any synonym.

To suppose that the writer of Genesis when he used the word 'kind' , actually meant what we mean when we use the word 'species', is an assumption without foundation or support.


Now it's always rather humorous when proponents of evolution try to claim that various 'species' (of bears, for instance) arising from a common ancestor (which was also a bear) constitutes 'proof' of evolution.

If bears producing bears is truly evolution, well then I am Charles Darwin.

The concept of a 'species' is quite arbitrary, as can be easily shown.

Various creatures are often separated in 'separate species' based on things like the overall size of the creature, length of the limbs, the size and shape of the head, characteristics of the teeth (or beak, as in birds), etc.

Well, we are told, they are obviously[/u] different species!

But then, every variety of domesticated dog is usually lumped into one 'species' , so then you have Great Dane and Chihuahua, English sheep dog and dachsund, Rottweiler and Toy Pekingese all usually classified as 'one species'.

Few can deny that where to draw the line is arbitrary.


Various 'species' arise based on genetic information that is already existent and are simply variations of the original, not because mutations can generate enough beneficial genetic information to produce whole new body plans, novel organs and chemical and physical processes etc.

So you're saying that the variety of animals and plants we have today evolved from a much smaller batch which were on the ark. Is that right?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Jul, 2006 07:28 am
real life wrote:
Setanta tried to argue that the Biblical text demands that representatives of every 'species' were on board the ark.

That is a misunderstanding of the text. But if you'd like to try to defend what he could not, go ahead.

No, i did not "try" to argue any such thing. It's pretty pathetic that you are obliged to resort to lies to prop up you feeble argument. I pointed out that the text itself states that there were to be seven pairs of every "clean" beast, and two of every "unclean beast." It is the idiocy of the biblical literalists which puts them in the position of defending against a charge that there were insufficient room on the "Ark" for all the various forms of life which now exist. To claim there were far fewer than are now known, and including all "beasts" which are only found fossilized, you need to invoke supernatural intervention, or acknowledge the evolutionary process. Either way, you're in trouble scientifically, which is the point of the thread.

The word 'species' is a modern word, as is it's definition. It doesn't appear in Genesis and neither does any synonym.

This is quaint--the lack of precision on the part of the many authors of this silly story is simply more evidence of their ignorance, and their failure to understand the scope of the absurdity of their claims.

To suppose that the writer of Genesis when he used the word 'kind' , actually meant what we mean when we use the word 'species', is an assumption without foundation or support.

I have never made any such claim or assumption. Again we see that you must lie about what others have written, and twist it to offer an objection--which objection is not even cogent. I have consistently referred to Genesis Chapter Seven, verses two and three, which use the words beast and fowl. What i have pointed out is that either old Noah took aboard every species which now exists, or evolution occurred in the interim. If you opt for evolution, not only do you abandon you creation and biblical literalist position, you opt for a timeline far older than your young earth creationist position allows. The only answer you've ever had for this was that "interbreeding" may have taken place since that time. FM has dealt effectively with that hogwash in the "Evolution? How?" thread.

As usual, you cherry-pick certain points, distort or lie outright about what others have written. You want to take this issue, and this issue alone, because you are incapable of dealing with the cumulative absurdity of the description of the vessel, the improbability of building it with only eight geezers (four of them female) available. You have claimed that Noah could have had help--without dealing with the obvious issue that any help he had would have not accepted being left behind in the flood waters. So, even though you make snotty and false claims about what i assume without foundation, you are making the same sort of claims without foundation which you falsely ascribe to me. You ignore the absurdity of the description of the vessel itself. You ignore that scripture says that he was to lade the fodder for the beast and for himself and his family. You ignore that these eight geezers had to keep this hilariously improbable vessel afloat and safe in heavy seas (don't try to feed me anything about scripture on that--cover the entire planet with water and you'll have the heaviest seas any human ever saw--remember, we're comparing the biblical horsie poop to science). You ignore that they have the care of the beasts while doing so; you ignore the monumental problem of the manure produced.

Primarily, though, you ignore the horseshit contention that these fairy tale characters lived for more than 500 years before the event occured. All of the objections about eight people managing such a project are simply magnified enormously by the contention that people that old would have accomplished it.

Once again, you can't make this work without divine intervention, and you are therefore out of the range of science, and therefore fail the test implicit in the theme of this thread--to wit, is the bible scientifically founded, or is it not.


As for the rest of your sophomoric drivel on the nature of "species," even if your boy Noah only took onboard one representative of every genus, he'd have foundered. Even if one, implausibly, assumed he could have packed every genus into the "Ark," along with their food (as scripture clearly states he was told to do), you still ignore all the problems associated with eight geezers managing the project, let alone the height of absurdity--that Noah lived to such a great age.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Jul, 2006 07:33 am
I thought RL established his beliefs as to the Creation of everything at one time. Earlier , he had been arguing that species existed but usually didnt leave fossils. Now hes trying to do a 180 and say that , since species is an arbitrary term (and it is) everything has been derived from a more convenient group of "kinds" which then transformed into modern "kinds" by some process.
I wonder what that process might have been?

As much as you try RL, you cant have it each of a hundred ways. Thats why science theories endeavor to rationally enclose all the facts and evidence into a single theory in which none of the existing evidence refutes.

Yours, on the other hand, is a monthly changling that morphs your hypotheses in the hopes that noone is paying attention to what you said in May.

Please be consistent
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Jul, 2006 08:56 pm
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Jul, 2006 05:10 am
Pauligirl wrote:
. . . How much space for the whale tanks and shark tanks?. . . P
Yeah! How could they have survived with all that water?

0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Jul, 2006 05:28 am
neologist wrote:
Pauligirl wrote:
. . . How much space for the whale tanks and shark tanks?. . . P
Yeah! How could they have survived with all that water?


...walked into that one, Pauligirl...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Jul, 2006 06:19 am
I think Pauligirl assumed a common level of knowledge herein. This is dangerous and often results in the lesser informed "ganging up" with what they feel is an important although incorrect piece of data.

Marine fish and mammals are adapted to that environment. By rapidly changing salinities (OH, lets say by a flood of fresh water) we could have a billion tons of floating dead fish and mamals whose circulatory systems are adapted for marine living. Whales have often swum up brackish bays and into tidal rivers . Many times safely and many times theyve actually suffocated by bloating. Belugas and Narwhals are actually well adapted to changes in salinity, however many of the toothed whales and larger baleen whales are not
Evolution has produced some really neat specific adaptations to many environments that , if the animals living therein are rapidly exposed to another environment, they respond by dying or evolving.

Since we dont see a 6000BC fossil layer of marine fish or mammals or echinoderms,that showed that a bunch of animals died in "all that water",( I wont bore you with wheres the physical evidence?) we can only conclude that this story is on mighty shaky grounds of credibility to begin with.

Most of us knew the specificity that PAuligirl was trying to accomplish in sizing the ark, we just love it when you guys, trip into your own holes. So this ark woul require many fish tanks and increased space to handle the salt loving animals also. (Ill bet Noah had no idea about marine excretory systems anyway)
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Jul, 2006 06:37 am
The word 'species' is a modern word, as is it's definition. It doesn't appear in Genesis and neither does any synonym.
, neither do "Nuclear fission" or 'stick shifft transmissions". BY being a "modern" word weve attempte , by systematics to define and categorize the different lifeforms. Thus even further cementing down the fact that the BIble is NOT , nor was it meant to be an authoritative text of science and engineering.
You and other creationists take obscure phrases and try to state that, from their internal meaning (to you alone) "see the Bible said "kinds", therefore macroevolution doesnt work"
When all you have is little snippets that you interpret as prescient support of your unchanging doctrine, and science gradually walks away freom you as discoveries mount, dont ya just feel a little stupid trying to pull out the same arguments over and over and try to make them stick?

I see the Bible as a charming book of moral lessons with a screenplay that early on, tries to provide legends of how things started up, and how sin was dealt with, and it contained a "Building superintendent" who was wrathful and generally out of control. No different than the legends of the Lakota or the Australian Aboriginal people, or even the Greeks, except weve had the good fortune to write the legends down so scholars could argue in perpetuity what the phrases actually meanto the true believers.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Jul, 2006 06:52 am
I would think that an additional 30,000 feet of water (it had to cover Mt. Everest) would dilute the oceans so the fish tanks is a good point.

Here's a Christians explanation of the Flood.

I have always believed Noah's ark story, and so I'd like to bring up a few
points with you to see if you've heard them before, or what you may have to say:

First, (and this helps your point of view) many believe that Noah was in the ark for
40 days and 40 nights, but that's just how long it actually rained. Apparently
they floated around for something like 139 days AFTER the rain stopped.
I don't remember exactly, and maybe it's not stated clearly in the Bible.
Just thought you'd want to know. Smile

About the Flood: We can't say that Mt. Everest existed before the flood.
With all the continents moving around, many people believe that there was once
one single continent. This may have been the case during Noah's time.
For one who believes in Christ, when he was crucified there was a lot of
earthquakes, darkness, destruction, etc. Mt. Everest could very well have been
created at this time, due to certain earth movements, etc. It's just speculation,
but the volume of water could have been much, much smaller than what
you've calculated.

The Animals: Well, if we think there may have been a chance that only one
continent existed during Noah's time, then most of your animal issues may
not apply. Also, throwing evolution into the picture: Many of the "specialized"
diets of the animals may not have been very specialized yet. I think you may
be using facts about current animals and their needs to explain ideas about
Noah's time.

I can't really explain about the inbreeding in Noah's family since it's never
been explained anywhere that I know of. If one believes in Adam and Eve
(and the fact that Noah's ark was only a few generations past Adam and Eve)
then obviously the people were a little different then then they are now.
Adam lived over 700 years, Methuzela (how do you spell his name??) lived
over 900 years... Even Noah took more than 120 years to build the ark.
Given these ideas and the idea that perhaps the people had more pure
genes (what does that mean??) Anyway, there must have been something
different that allowed brothers and sisters to have offspring that did not
show problems like today.

I don't believe that Dinosaurs were drowned in the flood. The dinosaurs
do have me puzzled, though.


Poor guy can't get it straight. Doesn't know what to do about the dinosures, maybe one continent and human biology was different in those days so that explains why they lived so long. And I thought is was because of some extinct vegetables they ate in those days, or that's what Rex says. Oh well, being ignorant is Bliss I suppose.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Jul, 2006 08:46 am
farmerman wrote:
The word 'species' is a modern word, as is it's definition. It doesn't appear in Genesis and neither does any synonym.
, neither do "Nuclear fission" or 'stick shifft transmissions". BY being a "modern" word weve attempte , by systematics to define and categorize the different lifeforms. Thus even further cementing down the fact that the BIble is NOT , nor was it meant to be an authoritative text of science and engineering.
You and other creationists take obscure phrases and try to state that, from their internal meaning (to you alone) "see the Bible said "kinds", therefore macroevolution doesnt work"
When all you have is little snippets that you interpret as prescient support of your unchanging doctrine, and science gradually walks away freom you as discoveries mount, dont ya just feel a little stupid trying to pull out the same arguments over and over and try to make them stick?

I see the Bible as a charming book of moral lessons with a screenplay that early on, tries to provide legends of how things started up, and how sin was dealt with, and it contained a "Building superintendent" who was wrathful and generally out of control. No different than the legends of the Lakota or the Australian Aboriginal people, or even the Greeks, except weve had the good fortune to write the legends down so scholars could argue in perpetuity what the phrases actually meanto the true believers.
How large would the bible have to be to satisfy your need for a scientifically accurate guidebook of life?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 22 Jul, 2006 09:56 am
neologist wrote:
farmerman wrote:
The word 'species' is a modern word, as is it's definition. It doesn't appear in Genesis and neither does any synonym.
, neither do "Nuclear fission" or 'stick shifft transmissions". BY being a "modern" word weve attempte , by systematics to define and categorize the different lifeforms. Thus even further cementing down the fact that the BIble is NOT , nor was it meant to be an authoritative text of science and engineering.
You and other creationists take obscure phrases and try to state that, from their internal meaning (to you alone) "see the Bible said "kinds", therefore macroevolution doesnt work"
When all you have is little snippets that you interpret as prescient support of your unchanging doctrine, and science gradually walks away freom you as discoveries mount, dont ya just feel a little stupid trying to pull out the same arguments over and over and try to make them stick?

I see the Bible as a charming book of moral lessons with a screenplay that early on, tries to provide legends of how things started up, and how sin was dealt with, and it contained a "Building superintendent" who was wrathful and generally out of control. No different than the legends of the Lakota or the Australian Aboriginal people, or even the Greeks, except weve had the good fortune to write the legends down so scholars could argue in perpetuity what the phrases actually meanto the true believers.
How large would the bible have to be to satisfy your need for a scientifically accurate guidebook of life?

How large would Alice in Wonderland have to be for you to consider it a scientifically accurate guidebook of life????
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Jul, 2006 10:10 am
Laughing Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Jul, 2006 10:22 am
Actually, there's quite a bit of science to be found in Alice; Carroll's framework for the story is mathematical and the progression follows Euclidian logic.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 22 Jul, 2006 10:25 am
timberlandko wrote:
Actually, there's quite a bit of science to be found in Alice; Carroll's framework for the story is mathematical and the progression follows Euclidian logic.

So how large would it have to be for you to consider it a scientifically accurate guidebook of life????

By the way...the Bible contains lots of truth!

But I would sooner use Alice for a guidebook of life.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Jul, 2006 11:12 am
Frank Apisa wrote:

How large would Alice in Wonderland have to be for you to consider it a scientifically accurate guidebook of life????
I suppose it would first have to claim to be a guidebook of life.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Jul, 2006 11:21 am
timberlandko wrote:
Actually, there's quite a bit of science to be found in Alice; Carroll's framework for the story is mathematical and the progression follows Euclidian logic.
Carroll was an accomplished mathematician who enjoyed photographing naked little girls. 'Course, he could have something to teach us. What might that be?
0 Replies

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