farmerman wrote:Wanna scare the crap out of yourself? Read the section of "The Red Dragon" in the voice of HAnnibal Lecter. I dont think Blake was on drugs when he did that etching version of the beasts of Revelation
Red dragon = fiery serpent
Pretty clever on Hislop's part.
I read this book in my early twenties. Though I have gone back and read it again several times.
I like to keep it in a searchable database.
I wish I had the background on mythology that some of you do.
It makes me envious that some may get more out of this book than me.
My church growing up was mostly sterilized of most pagan ritual (except for the trinity). So I can't relate to this book in an experiential way.
But what blew my mind was the tying in of all pagan religions into one system.
I suddenly saw paganism clearly for what it was meant to be.
Something to control the masses while underneath a secret corruption prevailed. This should echo my secret societies thread. This system is the birth of secret societies.
To think they have done this same conversion of the first century Christ is rather troubling.
It makes one desire to leave behind all religion and adhere only to the written revelation of the Bible to find the true simplicity of the real Jesus message.