Fri 8 Nov, 2002 06:04 am
Welcome to all of the members of the Raven's Realm! We're glad to have you with us! If you've signed up for the Realmers User Group, please check after 48 hours to be sure you've been added (it will be listed as a current membership rather than a pending one).
So, grab a chair and set a spell...
Thank you for the welcome Able2Know.
Hi...I'm a Realmer that liked to disappear alot. Now I'm here. I love procrastination! So, checking in, saying hello, and testing the new avatar!
Welcome, Lorna. We haven't met, but I hope to be seeing you around these parts!
Hi Lorna! Hope to see ya around. ;-)
It's the disappearing Lorna!
Welcome, welcome, welcome!!
Lorna and her avatar have disappeared again!

Should be the 'No Parking' sign...let's see if it shows up...
Lorna's here - don't park in her spot!
Thanks for the welcome Jespah. Great place this is :-D
ehBeth wrote:Lorna's here - don't park in her spot!'s more about me not liking to sit and do nothing than anything else...if you wanted to talk about parking spaces, that would be a whole other thread!
Anyway, enough about me...
Happy to be a realmer
Happy to be here at A2K
Are there discussions
among realmers only?
Gotta watch out for the no parking signs
A Great Big Helllloooooo to everyone