Wed 13 Nov, 2002 04:37 pm
New shabeen, goys & birls, make yerselves ta home . . .
Well, this is a lot nicer than the Queen's Feet.
(Psst . . . she doan wash 'em, ya know?)
Off to a flyin' start, eh, boyo ?
Thank goddess and just in time. I needs lots of something and fast. Hmm, I will try my usual for now, beer and a bump, you know how I like it.
Hmmmm ... I just noticed I've progressed from "Just Hatched" to "Newbie" ... When did that happen? Iguess I must really be enjoyng myself. Never felt a thing!
I know t'e feelin' lad, here, all of a sudden like, i'm ent'usiastic, and doan have a clue how it happened . . .
Well, an' sure I'll not be after lettin' it put me off my drink. Top it up, here, will ya Barkeep ... and would ye be havin' one w' me?\
"Tis me Barthday and all, ye ken ... sure and 'tis th' gospel as I stand before ye.
Oh, happy day!
Joanne and timber are here, there's a promise of a party, the barkeep is a friend of mine, and it's warmer in here than outside.
Tea and vodka tonight please, and a handful of lemon wedges.
Comin' right up, lil' lady, and fer the wee doggies?

Have you got any of that good, chemical-free jerky that Bailey always loved so much? Cleo's never had any, and she's been such a good girl lately. They'll just sit over there in the booth and be as good as good little dogs can be, provided no big dog makes faces at them.
I'll have champagne please................what do ya mean you don't have any? Well then, how 'bout a smoke?
Smokes we got, but that coconut totin' gal and her lady friends drank up all the bubbly last night . . . them smokes, now, was it tobacco ye was after, er maybe . . .
I don't smoke cigarettes and cigars are nice, but what else do ya have?
Hmmmmm, a cigar might be nice with this tea+. But it's too cold to go outside to smoke, brrrrrrrrrrr.
The Queen doesn't mind if we smoke inside, does she?
Welllllllllllllllllll . . . . we do have a little somethin' else . . . fer the right ladies . . .
It's been my personal rule for years. Lola. I was once a three pack a day cigarette smoker - and in spite of that I only allowed myself to smoke at work and outside. I can't imagine how much I would have tried to inhale without that limiting factor. I still want to smoke, so I have to think of things to make it inconvenient and annoying - going outside in a cold rain is one of those things.
OK, ehBeth, here we are out in the dark, cold rain. I've brought my tea and a couple of cigars.....