nimh wrote:What about a request aterwards to take a picture offline when it turns out it upsets you, is that unreasonable too, McTag, Joe, Thomas?
No, it's not unreasonable -- and nobody has yet presented a credible case where somebody received such a request and ignored or denied it.
nimh wrote:I havent understood so far if that were the case here, it seems the moderator had to be asked to delete the post instead
Please refer to the posts in question: (1)
Osso asked Walter to have the moderators remove the picture, thereby citing Walter, and re-posting the picture in the process. (2) The moderators then removed it and its citations "due to member request". (
Here is where the original used to be. See?) The moderators didn't say which member that was; Osso never claimed that
she had to escalate it to the moderators. In fact, we have every reason to trust Walter's account that the moderators removed the link on
his request.
nimh wrote: - in any case, in general, Diane also talked about "those who refuse to .. to take the time to make deletions". That seems as valid a point to be bothered by as any, to me.
It would be valid if the underlying facts were true, but they were not. People didn't do things Diane (plausibly) wanted them to do, but for all the facts she came up with, nobody ever
refused to do them. I have no idea why she had to talk about people
refusing to do things when they simply didn't do them.
Sorry if I sound aggravated, but this is beginning to remind me of those political threads we all love. Everybody's paranoia about the other side is feeding on everybody else's paranoia, and nobody seems to care about the facts underlying the accusations anymore.
It could be so simple: If you're interested in avoiding unwanted posting of pictures and you're a motive, speek up to the photographer. If you're interested in avoiding unwanted posting and you're a photographer, ask your prospective motives. If you do neither of these, you were asking for trouble and have no valid complaint that you got what you asked for.