Thu 18 May, 2006 09:06 pm
Alright folks. Whaddaya think?
Gold-digger or true but troubled ex-spouse?
McCartney's Split
I think they're both nitwits. If he married her without a prenup, he deserves to get taken to the cleaners for his negligent stupidity, if nothing else.
He should never have left her with a leg to stand on...
Who cares? I don't know these people personally.
I'd like for her to be a gold-digger and clean the boy out.
Then maybe he'd start talking about something other than animal-rights blahblahblah.
All he needs is enough cash to live. He's had a good life. I wouldn't feel bad if he went broke.
I recall reading how his older children were not in favor of this marriage and wonder, if that was the case, how messy this must be now. Does anyone know British law? Can she walk away with half?
No, she won't get half.
The Judge will look at each case individually and make a judgement as to how long they have been married, how much of the estate was in existence before the marriage, how much has been accrued since, how many sproglings have been hatched as a result of the relationship, and the age/s of that/those sproglings.
For instance, a one year marriage with no kids will result in a small payout in comparison to a ten year marriage with four young kids.
It will probably be messy, and the lawyers will probably make a killing, but McC will no doubt come in with a very generous offer, in order to get it over with quickly. He will insist on a confidentiality clause and she will disappear into the country and live a quiet life.
I don't think she's a gold digger. When they first met, he chased her all over the place until she said yes. I'm not saying that the money wasn't a temptation for her, but I don't think that she set her sights on him, quite the reverse.
Since the marriage, however, her forthright and assertive nature has gradually emerged. If it was anyone else, she would be classed as a modern, independent woman who decided that enough was enough.
If that woman was married to a guy who had £100K, nobody would bat an eyelid if she claimed £10K of that. Quite the reverse.....they would be screaming that she should claim for half his stash.
So if McC offers her 10%, he'll be doing OK if she accepts. That would give her an estimated £50 - £80 million........but it still leaves him with nine times that amount. He could live on that, I reckon.
Paul married a fabulously rich Linda Eastman, heiress to the Eastman-Kodak film producers. So he knows a thing or two about ladder climbing.
I, surprising to me, have no immediate opinion. Just checking in...
Mornin' Osso.
I don't really care who gets what, as both will end up with more moolah than I could ever dream of accumulating.
As far as the Eastman connection is concerned. At the time, it was said that Paul was attracted to her partly because money wasn't a factor, in her attraction towards him. He must have mellowed in his old age, as he refused to go down the prenup route with Heather.
Well, gee, even me, the least able human on earth re money and monies, can follow all this.....
or can I?
Someone clue me in, eh?
I'll just quickly speak up that it is possible not to marry for moeny.
My family was in despond for years after I entered my teens, and I got used to a bit of money and none at all as a routine.
Still, I had this idea one could accumulate money, if one had a regular job, which my dad did, but only off and on and then mostly off.
Well, not to go on and on, but it never occurred to me to marry for money.
Which is rather too bad.
I really can't see how people CAN marry for money, and be at peace with themselves.
OK, the Ferrari and the swimming pool may compensate in some way, but .........dunno. All a bit sordid, really.
I have no clue who Paul is, and who Heather is.
Marriage is complex. I have no idea if either of them are part villians.
Also, that is not my business.
Funny that the story seems to be huge in UK and the States.
I have not heard a thing about it in Germany.
I think it's always sad, when relationships fail, but that wasn't the question, was it?
I would have never married someone I did not love just for money. Everything else being equal (and in reality, it never is) if I cared a lot for two guys, one being rich, and one being poor, I would go for the rich one. It's a no-brainer.
Ellpus, did the British press hound them as they say? I'm certain that they were in the media often, they are celebrities after all, but was it an incessant thing?
To all of you critical of this thread, I suggest that you move on and not bother yourselves with it. A simple enough thing to do. Let us gossipmongers do our thing, as ugly and disgusting as it may be.
I should clarify that I know who Paul and Heather are as famous people - I don't know though how they act with each other in their real lives, and that's what I was saying was none of my business. Didn't mean to imply that the thread was out of line, though on rereading I can see why you could take it that way, eoe.
eoe wrote:Ellpus, did the British press hound them as they say? I'm certain that they were in the media often, they are celebrities after all, but was it an incessant thing?..............
I didn't really notice them in the press more than other celebrity couples.
The thing that did seem to come across though, was that the Press seemed to have a downer on her, and tended to portray her as both a gold digger and as trying to use her new found fame to push her various causes.
Whenever I've seen her on TV interviews, she's always come across as quite an ordinary woman, certainly not pushy.
Imagine one of the women on A2K suddenly marrying one of the most famous people in the world, then having the press basically make up stories about how she was manipulative, and making sure that a good few photos were taken on a regular basis.
I don't really blame her for wanting out.
Please excuse me if that didn't really flow. I've just got in from a 250 mile round trip, and my brain is not quite in synch with my typing fingers.
And it's a shame but the media is relentless when it comes to trashing someone. Some people can handle it, others can't, but surely she knew what she was in for marrying one of the most famous men of the 20th century?
I was rooting for them and saddened (to a degree of course) that they didn't make it.