Not ever simple, eh?
I really like it that you can let all these feelings just be.
They are all very good and reasonable feelings to be having, and your tolerance for ambiguity in all this will let you help Mo with these feelings later.
Boomer, I know exactly how you feel, but for a totally different reason.
It would be nice to have everything orderly and civilised, that doesn't cause any anguish, guilt or upset.
But life would be really boring then, wouldn't it? Just think of all this as excitement, rather than stress.
It really is happening.
I should be really, really happy and I am really really happy and I'm also kind of sad.
I won!
And honest to god deep down I know that Mo won. The whole generational bullshit that is Mo's family has been interrupted.
He escaped!
Maybe I can find comfort in that.
I hope it doesn't sound like I have even a heart-beat of doubt about Mo and me and Mr. B being a family. We are a family. I just can't understand how anyone could ever let him go.
Of course your feelings are jumbled. Wasn't Mo's BioMom twanging on your heartstrings, playing the Unhappy Child Blues, before Mo was a twinkle in his daddy's eye?
Jumbled feelings and then the fiendish clarity of legal paperwork for contrast.
Make Mama Tiger your totem. All animals are equal, but Mo is more equal than all the others.
Hold your dominion.
I don't think them jumbled...I think them all utterly reasonable and utterly sane (not that I really think you were implying otherwise, Noddy!)
It does feel good to hear someone say that my jumbled feelings are reasonable and sane and jumbled.
Yes, Noddy, Mo's mom is a complicated issue for me, as you well know!
I've known her since she was 11 and I care about her a lot. I try not to. I try to be mad at her but I really can't. I try not to like her and I can't.
She never had a chance.
She breaks my heart a thousand ways and the number one way is that she is not bitter and she does not want anyone's pity.
"Jumble" is several steps up from "chaos".
Both are legitimate forms of confusion.
A lesser woman than Boomer would be floundering in chaos, but she is not. She is mighty and will prevail.
I can also hold your hand. If you need me. I know I need some hand holding myself. So maybe we can hold each others hands.
hand to both of you from here..
I have very short arms, but my legs are quite long. I will try to stretch one of them over the pond, in order to offer you a foot.
Keep an eye open for it out of your living room window.
One thing that I can pass on to you, Boomer, in order to avoid any unneccesary stress in the future.
I have just this minute dicovered this fact, by the way.
<AHEM> Never pick up a predominantly white, fluffy cat whilst wearing a brand new black sweatshirt.
Oh, Boomer! What a glorious day for you and Mr. B and little Mo!! You have all come such a long way and you all deserve the happiness that being a legal family can bring to you! You are an amazing woman to carry with you all those jumbled feelings with such grace and still being able to honour Mo's bio mom the generous and kind way you do.
In an ordinary world, in an ordinary town, a little boy is going to have an extraordinary life, and it's all because of you.
Hang in there.
I am not easily overwhelmed but you people....
Wow. Thank you.
From the bottom of my heart thank you.
CJane warned me to expect some wonderful things to happen right now. She was right. Everyone I know seems to be invested with some energy that is really helping me.
I spent the majority of my day sucking up all the courage I could find then I poured a glass of wine and started making phone calls.
Mo's mom, who is really key in making everything painless, is right there with us.
I'm taking her to sign papers and get them notorized then out to lunch this weekend.
I need to work out all of the logistics.
I found a Saturday notary who promised me with all of her heart and soul that she would not be out to lunch or in the bathroom or making us wait in line. I made reservations at the restraurant for between this time and that time and warned that they really really had to have me a table whenever I go there and promised that I would tip well for the favor.
The only hurdle that we might have faced is nearly jumped.
Once she signs we are on a steamroller; nothing can stop it.
I need to find a calm place to think for a bit.
How do you thank someone for granting a wish you didn't know that you had made?
BlessedAngle, I am rooting for you.
I know you don't have PM (private message) privileges yet but I'm going to send you one with an alternate way to respond.
boomerang wrote:I am not easily overwhelmed but you people....
Wow. Thank you.
From the bottom of my heart thank you.
CJane warned me to expect some wonderful things to happen right now. She was right. Everyone I know seems to be invested with some energy that is really helping me.
I spent the majority of my day sucking up all the courage I could find then I poured a glass of wine and started making phone calls.
Mo's mom, who is really key in making everything painless, is right there with us.
I'm taking her to sign papers and get them notorized then out to lunch this weekend.
I need to work out all of the logistics.
I found a Saturday notary who promised me with all of her heart and soul that she would not be out to lunch or in the bathroom or making us wait in line. I made reservations at the restraurant for between this time and that time and warned that they really really had to have me a table whenever I go there and promised that I would tip well for the favor.
The only hurdle that we might have faced is nearly jumped.
Once she signs we are on a steamroller; nothing can stop it.
I need to find a calm place to think for a bit.
How do you thank someone for granting a wish you didn't know that you had made?
Oh my.
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Boomers/Mo/Mo's mum))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Ah, Boo. I'm so happy and excited for you and Mr. Boomer and especially for Mo. This has been such a long time coming. Thank you for making us all a part of this wonderful experience.