DrewDad wrote:I'm gonna hang with Chai, Green Witch, and Jespah.
There is a time and a place for every behavior, and every game. Some games are appropriate for the home or neighborhood, some are appropriate for school.[snip]
None of this has squashed her creativity; she still plays at being a nice monster that hugs people.
Every social situation has its appropriate/socially acceptable behaviors.
The time and place phrase really bounced around my head as I started reading this last night, and it was a head-nod when I read DrewDad's post.
I get a sense that Mo is developing a sense of 'time and place' appropriateness. boomer, you posted about him helping your neighbours in their garden - he knew how to behave with them.
The boomer family triad has an additional factor, I think, in the 'time and place' equation - and that is Mo's social promiscuity [I think that's what you called it]. He needs to know that people [outside of the immediate boomer circle] will like him for who he is, not for how he's so well able to adjust to what he knows other people will like.
A really tough balance to maintain. How to be not too different, and not too eager to modify to be pleasing.
Mo's going through the regular kid stuff - with a good extra layer of mom-needs-to-be-awareness to help him through it.
Will Mo have the opportunity to be in any daycamp activities this summer?