McGentrix wrote:From the quote:
"And now our coalition is engaged in securing and reconstructing that country"
I don't see that has changed. Are you suggesting otherwise?
We have failed to secure Iraq, all we did was scatter the enemy into hiding and they have been fighting us ever since. Look at how many people have died since then on both sides. Major combat has not been over since he uttered those stupid words.
As for the reconstuction:
U.S. Has End in Sight on Iraq Rebuilding
Even if he had been sucessful, I would have still been against the war for the simple reason that we were never in any direct danger from Iraq, but everything since then has only proved all the anti Iraq war people right. So we got Saddam Hussien, there are a lot of other "evil" dictators in the world. We are not the world's police, judge and jurry and I wish we would refrain from acting like it.