WhoodaThunk wrote:Cycloptichorn wrote:I had already read, of course, the newsweek link.
Then you know this quote from that article takes most of the wind out of your sails:
" LIMBAUGH ARRESTED was the immediate headline on the wires and on TV,
but the word "arrest" was misleading. In fact, Limbaugh had pleaded not guilty, and his lawyer had worked out a deal that would cause the single charge to be dropped after 18 months as long as Limbaugh stayed out of trouble and continued to see a doctor who has helped him with an addiction to painkillers."
Rush Limbaugh was indeed arrested. The word "arrest" simply means being taken into police custody. An arrest (taking the accused into police custody) is a critical and necessary stage of a criminal proceeding. An arrest commences the prosecutorial/adjudicative stage of the criminal proceeding. It marks the date for calculations with respect to applicable statutes of limitation and constitutional and statutory speedy trial requirements.
When the NewsWeek story suggests that the word "arrest" is misleading, it does so because NewsWeek apparently assumes that the American people are so ignorant and uninformed that they can't possibly understand what an ordinary word means when they read it. NewsWeek wrongfully assumes that the American people will read the word "arrest" and wrongfully assume that police authorities went out and hunted the suspect down, cornered him somewhere, slapped handcuffs on him, and dragged him to jail.
Well, NewsWeek made the proverbial ass out of itself when it underestimated the intelligence of the American people and assumed that the readers of headlines are too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "arrest." Most of us (meaning, those of us who have a few working brain cells and do not live in insane asylums with spit drooling down our chins) understand that an arrest can be effectuated either by the police going out, locating the accused, and placing the accused into police custody--OR by the accused voluntarily surrendering himself into police custody.
Look at the case of Kobe Bryant. When Kobe was accused of rape, a criminal complaint was filed, an arrest warrant was issued, and the Eagle County Colorado law enforcement authorities allowed Kobe to surrender himself to police custody. After the arrest warrant was issued, Kobe Bryant returned to Colorado from Los Angeles to surrender himself on July 4, 2003, and was released on a $25,000 bond. Only a moron would argue that Kobe Bryant was not arrested on charges of rape.
The same holds true for Limbaugh's case. Nevertheless, Limbaugh himself assumes that the American people are stupid and easily duped:
Quote:After returning to his office on Friday, he recalled turning on the TV: "There's this news, 'Rush Limbaugh arrested on drug fraud!' I said, 'Where in the world did this come from?'"
He told his audience, "When you hear the word arrested, you think cops show up with a paddy wagon with shackles and leg irons and handcuffs and take me resisting out the door.
"None of that happened."
LINK to NewsMax.com story: Rush Limbaugh: Press Reports Bogus, Drug Case Closed.
Limbaugh assumes that he knows what you're thinking and assumes that you're stupid. He assumes that you are so stupid that you will ignorantly assume that the cops showed up with the paddy wagon; placed him in all kinds of iron restraints; and dragged him kicking and screaming out the door. Limbaugh built a strawman so he could tear it down and then announces to the morons of the country: "Your stupid, ignorant assumptions and thoughts [that I assume you have because I truly believe you're stupid and ignorant and easily manipulated and duped by my diversionary and distracting straw man tactics] are NOT TRUE--None of that happened."
Rush Limbaugh is pandering to the stupid.
Rush was indeed arrested. It doesn't matter that he voluntarily surrendered himself into police custody rather than having himself involuntarily dragged into police custody, he was still ARRESTED. But, if you fall into that category of stupid people whom Limbaugh enjoys manipulating, duping, and pandering to--have at it. However, most of us won't be joining you.